Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Huxy

    [CONTEST] "Scorpious" Messor I-class Super Star Dreadnought

    [/SIZE] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dreadnaught capable of unleashing the true power of the darkside Image Source: [Source] | [Source] | [Source] | Canon Link: Dark Reaper | Mass Shadow Generator | Mega-ion Cannon Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source...
  2. Onrai

    The Demiurge [CONTEST]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a superweapon-equipped SSD for the Sith Empire. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sith Empire Affiliation: Sith...
  3. Darth Bellum

    Factory Denied  [CONTEST] Ultima - Heaven on High

    U L T I M A " You may accept this fate or defy it, but you cannot deny it " [hr] | Intent | To submit a devastating superweapon for the TSE/ORC rivalry conflict contest. | Image Source | Source | Canon Link | N/A | Restricted Missions | N/A | Primary Source | Dark Reaper / Shield Gate /...
  4. L

    DEVASTATION: Codex Contest

    On August 24th the TSE and ORC will begin a campaign being facilitated with the approval of Staff in an effort to test a new opportunity for “Micro” Events based around existing Faction Rivalries. For this campaign, The Sith Empire will be deploying a Planet Killing Superweapon and unleashing...
  5. L

    DEVASTATION: Factory Contest

    On August 24th the TSE and ORC will begin a campaign being facilitated with the approval of Staff in an effort to test a new opportunity for “Micro” Events based around existing Faction Rivalries. For this campaign, the Sith Empire will be deploying a Planet Killing Superweapon and unleashing...
  6. Kuzo

    Codex Contest: The Netherworld - Winners

    Before the winners are announced I would like to say a few things. This contest was incredibly difficult to judge. Both Codex and Board staff took a lot of time and a lot of thought to come up with the following winners. To say that things were incredibly close would be an understatement. The...
  7. Kyyrk

    Approved Location  [Netherworld] Pilgrim's Rest OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a safe haven in the midst of the Netherworld, serving as a jumping point for further ventures into the Netherworld Image Credit: X X X X X X X X Canon: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Landmark Name: Pilgrim's Rest...
  8. Kuzo

    Codex Contest: The Netherworld

    "An old friend has learned the path to immortality. One who has returned from the Netherworld of the Force." -Yoda The Netherworld of the Force, also known as the Mist-Beyond, was the place Force Sensitive souls went after their physical bodies died. Darksiders, Lightsiders, and those between...
  9. Kuzo

    1st Biannual Timeline Contest

    The community spoke and here is our answer. We will be pushing the official Chaos year from 851 to 856 with an addition to the Timeline. Since the Incursion there has not been a staff run event to focus a new update on, but there have been significant player generated events that have caused...
  10. Tefka

    Forum IContest

    FORUM ICONTEST 2019 Let's outsource some talent. Here's the frame: The following forums need icons: Looking For Group: Pre-Codex: Pre-Factory...
  11. Cassus Akovin

    Art for unique items! :P

    It would appear that my very long time signature (in fact, the very signature that inspired the creation of this character in the first place!), has been broken! Hopefully it's only temporary and it will return in due time, but just in case it isn't! EDIT: Nvm, my Signature is fine, I just...
  12. Valiens Nantaris

    April 2018 Rank Bar Contest

    RANK TITLE CONTEST It’s that time of year again when we throw open the doors to the creative and ambitious among us. Let’s get some cool new rank titles and remake some old ones! Rank Title PSD: http://www.mediafire...DRankLayout.psd Castellar Font...
  13. Ashin Varanin

    Codex Contest VI - Results

    Winners Contaissa by [member="Orin Valk"] ( [member="Zeradias Mant"] ) - Grand Prize The Hydian Bastion by [member="Emilia Ravel"] - Second The Sunken City of Gravlex Med by [member="Irajah Ven"] - Third The Factory Cities of Kol Huro by [member="Darth Carnifex"] - Fourth Scores were fairly...
  14. Ashin Varanin

    Codex Contest Update

    Hi folks. Welcome back to Codex Contest VI: Their Finest Hour. Many of the volunteer judges have gotten me their scores, we're well on our way to having a slate of winners, and I'd like to take a minute to update you. Final Contestants List The Sunken City of Gravlex Med Vatsu The Factory...
  15. Ashin Varanin

    Codex Contest VI: Their Finest Hour

    Our past Codex contests (I, II, III, IV, V) have been, if I do say so myself, a lot of fun. With that in mind, we want to introduce... Codex Location Contest VI Their Finest Hour: Cities in Wartime ELIGIBILITY This contest is open to anyone. Any Codex Judges, Staff members, or community...
  16. Ashin Varanin

    Winners - Dead Planet Contest

    My thanks to our five volunteer judges: [member="Bryce Bantam"], [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"], @Valessa Brentioch, [member="Arisa Yune"], and [member="Mira Rekali"]. There were over twenty entries to the Dead Planet Contest, and they had to pick three winners. That meant passing on subs whose...
  17. Quietus

    The Great Hyperlane Contest

    THE GREAT HYPERLANE CONTEST Explorers, wanderers, starnauts, and seekers of the unknown - it's time to fly your colors and make your mark on CHAOS history. We've seen faction colors come and go and the gleam of new planets as our people trek across the stars. We've asked you here today to make...
  18. Quietus

    The Dead Planet Contest

    The Dead Planet Contest Destroying a planet is taboo. Submitting a planet that's already destroyed is something else entirely. To enter the Dead Planet Contest, use the Planet or Location templates to create the remnants of a planet. Maybe it's a post-apocalyptic wasteland, home to a few...
  19. Valiens Nantaris

    Spaceship Design Contest

    So with the release and positive reception of Factory 4.0 especially in the spaceship section, I wanted to a contest which showcased this section of the Factory. Basically, if you want to take part in the competition, simply submit a spaceship of corvette or larger size within the next two...
  20. Cira

    Workshop "Master Crafter" Signature Bar Contest

    Hey everyone, I will be implementing in the Factory once it opens the new "Workshop" system. However, because we need to know exactly how many people would actually be interested in the Workshop to tier up to the point of having a "Master Crafter" rank bar, I've decided to basically collect...
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