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Intent: Bounty on local Corellian Gang
Compensation: 800 - 3000 UC [Maou]
Cause(s): Recently they have become more dangerous and have become too much for local CorSec forces to handle on their own.
Target Involvement: Maou [ Kaito Kiyoshi ]
Hello all :) . Looking to rp with new characters. My Sith warrior/Acolyte is in need of someone to be assigned to take her under thier wing as an apprentice. Also, This will be open to Jedi looking to free rebels and refugees on the Planet Corellia through secret transport. Pilots could have an...
Time: Approximately 7:15 in the morning.
Location: A small diner, on the outskirts of Coronet City, Planet Corellia
Equipment: One DL-18 blaster pistol, one lightsaber
Coronet City was just as busy as it usually was, which was incredibly busy. As the capital city of an important shipbuilding...
Location: Corellia
“Stand, you keep standing. No matter how rough the sea is, you keep standing. No matter what, don’t ever give up.” - Abdulraheem Abdulhameed
-Coronet City
-Diadem Square
-Memorial Site
There he was again.
He’d been...
ANV Longclaw - Third Sector Fleet
Assigned: Battlegroup Kenobi
Azure Sector - Fleet Rally Point F0-296
222nd - 312th Attack Battalion
Marcus never much cared for space travel. It was a necessity sure, especially for his line of work, but it was never something he looked forward to. Now, some...
Tag: TBD
Location: Corellia, Coronet city, slums
Time: 20:17 PM (approx. 5 hours till midnight)
''Hmph... Months here and still no job. It has been months, right?'' The thoughts reiterated in her mind as she paced towards the nearest alley, taking giant yet light-weight and...
General Information
Name: Melia of Kiax
Allegiance: The Dark Side
Species: Pantoran
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black
Skin: Blue
Force Sensitive: Yes
Her appearance would best be described as bird-like. Eyes as sharp as an Ash Angel's, hair that is...
Briana Sal-Soren
Bri [ Everyone ]
Bri-utiful [ By Vizion Trozky ]
Current Home:
New Jedi Order
Force Sensitivity:
Force Rank:
Jedi Knight
Force Alignment:
Hapan/Human Hybrid...
Hello All,
This is my first thread since coming back to forum RPing.
I started a thread for a narrative on Corellia, dealing with Corellia's underworld.
Mostly just looking to have some light fun and to connect with other writers/players.
This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to do...
"Between war and peace, no being should just consider the former. No being must jeopardize the latter. Now, we - those alone in the void - come together once more. We unite our stars, our waters and our lands. Under Corellia we protect our peace. Under Corellia we...
Joti had been avoiding corella since that recent firefight. The authorities weren't exactly keen on having her back either, But she was in the area and well, Her nutty astromech needed fixing. She'd landed in some docking bay not far, one that she didn't ask questions or keep records in good...
by Stefan Morrell: Source
Dawn, at an Expansive Corellian Shipyard...
"My eyes deceive me! This is the one they left me at exactly--it must be!"
"That paneling there... yes, it is the same as before!"
"This--This rock is the one I set aside, to know that this was the right...
(My first thread! Anyone is welcome to join in. Let's go!)
Setting : Evening in a seedy, low-income apartment complex on the planet Corellia.
Alyosha didn’t dare turn around. He hadn’t heard anything—at least, not exactly—but he knew there was someone behind him.
His dinner sat on...
Calling all owners of "Privately Owned Shipping Vessels"
The Corellian Confederation is going through a few changes, many of which have tied up most of our logistics vessels. There are colonies out in the Core that need these supplies but our preliminary reports say that Core Imperial...
Contract Offered By: Corellian Confederation
Type Of Contract Offered: Shipping
Type of Contract Desired: Shipping
Contract Description:
Job Name: Axed Anaxes
In Character Description: "Imperial Bloc sympathizers, New Republic raids and Core Imperial Confederation propaganda have made Anaxes one...
Location: CorSec HQ, Coronet City, Corellia
Julius almost unilaterally hated such affairs. He had a natural talent for oration and speeches. But he preferred to manifest it as a talent for one liners and cutting words during battle. Formal speeches in front of thousands was hardly his favorite...
Green Jedi...! So... We've been absent ICly. That needs to change. I have a couple of ideas. But I want you lot to throw forward suggestions. Mine are:
Diplomatic missions (Enclave exclusive) with SJO, FU within CIS and whatever is mucking about in ORC. We need to make a presence ICly as more...
Home... He had been back here for a minute, but had avoid the Temple. Working the streets. Getting a finger for the pulse of his people. The Confederation and the Order did a good job of putting a polish on things. But life in Coronet and other places...
[member="Nej Tane"] | [member="Xin Boa"]
Darkness had fallen upon Corellia by the time herself and Xin had entered the Happy Welder bar. The planet was a frequently traveled one for the pair, often finding themselves back after a job through the spacelanes. Work was typically easy to find...