Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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corellian confederation

  1. Raona Cadera

    Corellian Promises - CC & SJO [Diplomacy Thread: Nubia/Hosnian Prime]

    To many in the Galaxy the burgeoning Corellian Confederation was a pipe dream. With the Core Ravaged by the old Imperial Bloc in the aftermath of the fall of the Galactic Alliance several groups had sprung up attempting to bring peace and security to what had once been the seat of Galactic...
  2. Republic Engineering

    Approved Starship  Starhawk III - Class Battleship [Model Three Starhawk.]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out, and advance the canon Starhawk design with style. Image Source: Starhawk Mark II | Wookieepedia Article - Clipping By Me. Canon Link: Starhawk Class Battleship | Resurgent Class Star Destroyer. Permissions: Subaccount. Primary Source...
  3. SciFiHombre

    Open Market  Interstellar Shipping - Contract Terminal

    ABOUT US Interstellar Shipping was a freight service that began nearly a millennia ago, usually operating out of the Tion Hegemony. In the last decade, the company came into some financial trouble and was on the cusp of bankruptcy. Conveniently (perhaps a bit too conveniently), Malicar and a...
  4. Kian Karr

    Following it back to the source (Corellian Confederation Dominion of Eclipse)

    The events on the Andromeda Star left scars upon all those involved. The Rakghoul - warped by the darkside of the force - slaughtered all who got in their way leaving the ship a slaughterhouse. Ravenous beasts that killed without remorse...but not without purpose. Someone was behind the...
  5. SciFiHombre

    Interstellar Starship Technologies (Subsidairy of Interstellar Shipping)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: HERE Canon Link: Development Thread: See threads with [member="Malicar"] that show the growth of Interstellar Shipping Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Interstellar...
  6. SciFiHombre

    Approved Starship  IST 50 "Connect" Rapid Courier Starship

    IST 50 “Connect” Rapid Courier Starship OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard courier starship of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping...
  7. SciFiHombre

    Approved Starship  IST 650 "Luggabeast" Heavy Freighter

    IST 650 “Luggabeast” Heavy Freighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard heavy freighter cargo ship of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping...
  8. SciFiHombre

    Approved Starship  IST 100 "Spur" Escort Starfighter

    IST 100 “Spur” Escort Starfighter OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: This ship is the standard escort starfighter of Interstellar Shipping Image Source: Mithias created this image Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Interstellar Shipping Technologies...
  9. Sabetha Tag

    Fracas on Prakith

    Deep Core Prakith System Along the Byss Run They had descended like locusts. Dozens of pirate ships, wrecking havoc and drawing the trade flowing to and from Prakith to a stand still. Who were they? As for the what they wanted, that was clear. They wanted everything. Some ships hit heavily...
  10. C

    Toxic Boogaloo (Corellian Confederation Dominion of Balosar)

    Once upon a time the Corellian's were nothing but a planet and people held under the thumb of other political powers. They were once a people brought to the edge of the abyss when the planet was broken during the Netherworld crisis. Yet now they have risen to be one of the major powers within...
  11. Luke Kratos

    Approved Tech  Officer's Glasses

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To enhance the tactical ability of Naval Officers Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Confederation Affiliation: Corellian Confederation Model: Officer’s Glasses Modularity: No...
  12. Vlyph Corobb

    Vlyph Corobb

  13. Yularen Nova

    Work In Progress  The Corellian Home Fleet - Fleet of Five Brothers

    -A portion of the Corellian Task Force OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Image Credit: Gif from Halo 2 Anniversary Edition; Symbol edited from Corellian Engineering Corporation by @Daro Tarsi Links: Centerpoint Shipyards Soaring First Fleet GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Corellian...
  14. Dracken Pryce

    Work In Progress  The Soaring First Fleet

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a framework for future taskforces, battlegroups, squadrons, and other NPC units and give an easily referenced Corellian Asset Image Credit: General Santia: Vice Admiral...
  15. Dracken Pryce

    Halcyon Operations: Rakghoul Delights [Corellian Confederation Dom of Ebaq]

    Ebaq 2200 Hours "This is Andromeda Star, we've suffered a major system failure, currently drifting 660 by 9934. Someone locked us out of our ship...the cargo we were carrying....well it exploded." The image wavered and then returned fuzzy around the borders. "We were infiltrated. The cargo...
  16. A

    Approved Starship  Watch Tower-Class Battle Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated Battle Cruiser for the Corellian Confederation Image Source: HERE Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Affiliation: Corellian Confederation Model: Heavy...
  17. Raona Cadera

    Eclipse on Correl

    A shadow has fallen over Corellia as a dark force eclipses the sun... Eclipse on Correl is the latest player driven story arc for the Corellian Confederation. A series of mysterious mass killings have caught the eye of the Green Jedi. With CorSec convinced the murders are the act of a single...
  18. Ignatius

    Eclipse on Correl (Corellian Confederation)

    Coronet was a busy bustling city. Filled to the brim with life, love, and lust. More over, it was the Capitol city, upon the capitol planet for the Corellian Confederation. A new Galactic power that have sprung up in the wake of the Galactic Alliance's fall. While it has been years since that...
  19. Raona Cadera

    Approved Lore  CorSec - Smuggling and Interdiction Division

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out CorSec and its policing strategies Image Credit: Links: Imperial Bloc Treaty Corellian Defense Force Modernization Project Plan GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Smuggling and...
  20. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Marathon-Class Heavy Assault Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a flexible transport cruiser for the Corellian Confederation Image Source: "Vaulters" by Ronan Berlese Canon Link: None Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Starbound Industries Affiliation: Corellian Confederation...
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