Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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corellian confederation

  1. Yularen Nova

    Approved Tech  Emerald Lance

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a big karking gun to defend Corellia from invaders Image Source: Doom Eternal promotional videos; GIFs cut by me Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Confederation Affiliation: Corellian Confederation...
  2. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Jade's Wind

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide Romi Jade with a unique starfighter Image Source: LINK edited by Romi Jade Canon Link: StealthX Primary Source: R-Wing PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Incom, Customized by Starbound Industries Affiliation: [member="Romi Jade"] Model: R-Wing...
  3. Dracken Pryce

    Battle of Balmorra [Corellian Confederation Dominion of Humbarine/Balmorra Hex] Location: CDF:2 Starchild Current Fleet: Colony-II Class Battlecruiser, 2x Bothan Assault Cruisers, 6x Bador-Type Light Cruisers Allies: Corellian Confederation Balmorra. One of of the...
  4. Riamah

    If You Can't Beat Them

    Elizabeth was a bit of a rebel at times. Her actions toed the line of breaking the law, but she had not yet been caught. There had been a few times when there were close calls though. Carefully timing her exit from a crime scene, there were drawings on the wall she had just passed. Nowhere on...
  5. Hansen

    The Crusade Eternal

    "We want a War that will never be forgotten, a conflict to dwarf anything that came before it, and legends that will carry our names through to eternity. Legacy is what sets us apart, Haas'ika." -Ardasz Verd, 856 ABY Overview: Concealed beneath the seedy underbelly of the Universe there is a...
  6. L

    Down the rabbit hole [CorSec/Green Jedi]

    Corellia was home. And that meant Frenzy knew it like the back of her hand. Definitely not dressed like a Jedi, Frenzy was walking the beat. What she was needing to do was spring the trap. She was being deployed alongside some of CorSec’s finest, and the Green Jedi had their own strike team...
  7. Raona Cadera

    Negotiator-Class Corvette

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a diplomatic vessel for open use/source Image Source: AdamKop [1] [2] [3] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: CEC Affiliation: Corellian Confederation ​Green Jedi Open-Market Model: Negotiator-Class Corvette...
  8. RC 212

    To Corellia with Love (Corellian Confederation/New Alliance)

    CORELLIA SYSTEM ANS Arbiter [member="Lisza Starseeker"] The Weeks following the reclamation of Sullust had been busy. Katarine had set about looting the old First Order Embassy and reinstalling a local Governor that was now defected and loayal to their cause. Though she trusted her new...
  9. Raona Cadera

    Approved Location  Centerpoint Shipyards

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Confederation Owned shipyard for the Corellian Confederation ​Image Credit: "Halo: Warfleet" by Darren Bacon Canon: Centerpoint Station [Ruins] Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Shipyards Name: Centerpoint Shipyards Classification: Orbital Shipyard...
  10. A

    Aria Agreste

    Name Aria Amilié ayr Agreste af Agrilat Affiliation Corellian Confederation Rank Nobility Homeworld Corellia Accent Corellian Languages • Galactic Basic Standard – Native • Olys Corellisi – Fluent • Binary – Fluent • Huttese – Semi-Fluent • Cheunh – Semi-Fluent Species Human Age 25 Sex...
  11. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Galleon-Class Star Defender

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a cheaper alternative to the Strident-Class for Corellian fleets Image Source: "CEC Freedom-Class Star Defender" by AdamKop Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Strident-Class Star Defender [Mentioned] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Starbound...
  12. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Location  CDF:2 Starchild

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a location for inter-faction roleplay Image Credit: Gif Cut From Halo 4 Canon: No Links: Halcyon Operations Corellian Shocktrooper Corps. CorSec Troopers SETTING INFORMATION Starship Name: CDF:2 Starchild Starship Model: Colony II-Class...
  13. Dracken Pryce

    Approved NPC  Garvey

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an NPC for the crew of the CDF Starchild II to interact with. ​Image Credit: Halo Fanon Role: Sassy ship ghost ship VI who sometimes turns off the gravity and shoots big space guns. Occasionally helpful. Links: PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: - Force...
  14. Raona Cadera

    Approved Lore  Halcyon Operations

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a framework for future Fireteam and Subgroup NPC submissions and to add to the lore/aesthetic of the Corellian Confederation Image Credit: Gif cut from here Symbol Links: Halcyon Project Halcyon Armor Fort Derik'hur Gus Tralva Corellian Bloodstripe...
  15. S

    Had Abad day [Corellia Confederation Dominion of Had Abaddon]

    The space around Had Abaddon was still, a forgotten place in time. It was hidden away in the Deep Core, one of the most difficult places to navigate and an excellent place for clandestine operations such as this. She had been sent to this location along with the Halcyon Commander Bastra and the...
  16. Raona Cadera

    Approved Tech  B-Series Colossus Battle Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide a droid support unit to Corellian Ground Forces Image Source: Gifs: Cut from Halo Wars Trailer; "Halo Wars 2 Concept part Art 1" and "Halo Wars 2 concept art part 2" by Ignacio Bazan-Lazcano; Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  17. Raona Cadera

    Approved Starship  Bulwark-Class Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a battlecruiser for the Corellian Confederation Image Source: Ansel Hsiao, Edits done by [member="Darth Carnifex"] Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Affiliation: Corellian...
  18. Raona Cadera

    A New Dawn For Corellia - Rebellion [VICTORIOUS]

    The Corellian Confederation is Victorious! Freed from the shackles of the New Republic, for the first time in over 700 years Corellia is free to forge its own destiny and reunite the stars of the Corellian Sector. But a dark shadow looms over the Core Worlds as the Core Imperial Confederation...
  19. Raona Cadera

    Approved Location  Kolene - Hope of Socorro's Belt

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an interesting location as part of the Legacy of Brokellia ​Image Credit: Vlad Maricia Canon: Yes Links: Socorro's Belt Brokellia SETTING INFORMATION City Name: Kolene Classification: Urban Center Location: Socorro's Belt Affiliation: Corellian...
  20. Q

    The Emerald Flight

    The Green Jedi had always been an important part of the Corellian Identity. Through all of its bids for independence from whatever Republic or Alliance it was a part of, the Green Jedi always stood by the Corellian people and did them right. They were the Guardians of Light in the Corellian...
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