Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Julius Sedaire

    Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber

    Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Select Customers Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-22-B Modularity: Payload Cradles/Delivery System & Basic Weapons Mounts, Easy to Modify After-Market Production: Mass Produced Material...
  2. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Starship  Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter

    Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter [/CENTER] Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Select Customers Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-22 Modularity: Weapon Package(s) may be chosen at purchase, otherwise no. Production: Mass Produced Material: Durasteel (Hulling)...
  3. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Starship  Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" Freighter

    Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" [CENTER] Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Open Market (Originally made for the Corellian League) Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-248 Modularity: Yes. Highly. Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel (Hulling) Alusteel (Skeleton)...
  4. Julius Sedaire

    Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" Freighter

    Coronet Hypernautics CH-248 "Slice Hound" [CENTER] Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Open Market (Originally made for the Corellian League) Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-248 Modularity: Yes. Highly. Production: Mass-Produced Material: Durasteel (Hulling) Alusteel...
  5. Julius Sedaire

    Caladan 'Cal' Sedaire - The Hyperlanes Hero

    Caladan 'Cal' Sedaire Never Tell Me The Odds - Han Solo NAME: Caladan 'Cal' Sedaire FACTION: Corellian League/Galactic Alliance RANK: Shipwright, formerly Captain of CorSec Air Superiority Division SPECIES: Corellian/Human AGE: 24 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'0" WEIGHT: 210 lbs EYES: Blue-Grey...
  6. Julius Sedaire

    It's time... It's time to take the fight home.... Join in and help us free our planet. We have booze and shinies aplenty. First raid is slated for this weekend/upcoming week. #FreeCorellia2016
  7. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Tech  Sahsahlah - The Lightsaber of Julius Sedaire

    Sahsahlah Image Source: HERE Intent: A personal lightsaber for Julius Development Thread: Retracing Old Steps... Manufacturer: Self Model: N/A Affiliation: Personal Modularity: Crystals can be swapped out, as can certain internals. Production: Unique Material:Durindfire Crystal, Dantari...
  8. Progflaw99

    Approved Location  The Iron Horse

    The Iron Horse Name: The Iron Horse Image Source: Classification: Saloon & Grill Location: Nar Shaddaa, "Little Corellia" (Corellian District on Nar Shaddaa where many smugglers and...
  9. Ria Misrani

    Symara Tarriq

    Symara Leoni Tarriq NAME: Symara Leoni Tarriq PRONUNCIATION: S-MAR-Ah LEE-Oh-Nee Tar-REE-K NICKNAME(S): Witherfang, Mara FACTION: Firemane Industries RANK: Officer / LT BOSS: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] SPECIES: Human AGE: 34 SEX: Cis-Female RACE: Corellian HEIGHT: 5'1" / 1.52 m...
  10. Fabula Caromed

    Approved Starship  The Bloody Pilgrim

    Image Source: Zhangx, via DeviantART Affiliation: Personal Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: XR-95 Vector-class light freighter Modularity: Highly customizable Production: Unique Material: Durasteel, transparisteel, the usual suspects Classification: Light freighter...
  11. Julius Sedaire

    There But For the Grace of The Force, Go I...

    Location: Corellia - Near Coronet City. The Drunken Dewback Bistro & Bar It had been a long while since Julius had stepped foot on his homeworld for anything besides a raid, or to drop off guns or something else illicit. There was just too much for him to do, he had always told himself, too...
  12. Blackthorne

    Brom Burnside

    NAME: Brom Burnside FACTION: N/A RANK: Rogue Master SPECIES: Corellian Human AGE: 42 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2'' WEIGHT: 220lbs EYES: Pale, grayish-brown HAIR: Dark brown, shoulder length SKIN: tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  13. Ric-Xana Moorheart

    Ric-Xana Moorheart

    Name: Ric-Xana Moorheart Faction: Galactic Alliance Rank: N/A Species: Human Age: 30 Sex: Male Height: 1.85m Eyes: Green Hair: Black Skin: white/Tan Force Sensitive: Yes ((Tho he is unaware of it))...
  14. Julius Sedaire

    Corellian Jedi Enclave (Interest Check)

    Corellian Jedi Enclave \ So, this is an interest check thread to see who would be interested in joining a very informal Enclave within the New Jedi Order. This Enclave would be based off the canonical Corellian Jedi, which are described and history included in the article/wiki HERE. Pending...
  15. Ayden Cater

    Approved Starship  The Starfall Mk II

    Image Source: Here Affiliation: Personal (Ayden Cater) Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering in co-operation with Fondor Shipyards (original construction) Ayden Cater (Modifications) Model: Modified Cira-class Frigate Modularity: None Production: Unique Material: Pressed Titanium (Hull Plating)...
  16. M

    Malachi Blake

    NAME: Malachi Tiberius Blake FACTION: Corellia RANK: Businessman, Former Corellian Navy, Retired SPECIES: Human AGE: 62 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'1 WEIGHT: 200lbs EYES: Blue HAIR: Silver dusted dirty blonde SKIN: Ruggedly tanned. FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  17. Ayden Cater

    Approved Starship  Antilles-class Star Defender

    Image Credit: Here Intent: To flesh out the heavier ranks of the Protectorate fleet Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Antilles-class Star Defender Affiliation: Omega Pyre with Galactic Alliance Modularity: No Production: Mass Produced Material...
  18. Ayden Cater

    Corellian Engineering & Corellian Arms

    Corporation Name: Corellian Engineering Corporation Subsidy: Corellian Arms Headquarters: Corellia Operations: Airspeeder Manufacturing Droid Manufacturing Droid Repair Ship Building Ship Design Ship Modification Ship Parts Ship Repair Speeder Repairs Walker Manufacturing Walker Repairs Weapons...
  19. Siara Kai

    Siara Kai

    Siara Kai BASICS NAME: Siara Kai (Stubs) AGE: 29 GENDER: Female SPECIES: Human RANK: MEMBERGROUP: Galactic Underworld / Independent STATS PLAY BY: Kate Beckinsale HEIGHT: WEIGHT: HAIR: Dark brown with blonde highlights EYES: Hazel FACE: BODY: PIERCINGS/TATTOOS/SCARS: Blaster bolt scar...
  20. Malok

    Approved Starship  Salvation-Class Star Defender

    Salvation-Class Star Defender PRODUCTION INFORMATION MANUFACTURER: Alderaan Royal Engineers MODEL: Star Defender PRODUCTION LINE: Salvation-Class CLASSIFICATION: Capital Ship ROLE: Carrier, Destroyer AFFILIATION: The Republic ​MODULARITY: No MASS PRODUCTION: Minor - Limited COMPOSITION...
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