Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. R

    Approved Species  Quarth - Children of the Stars

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an interesting new species for the SW galaxy ​Image Credit: All images by Aurelien Rantet Canon: No Links: None GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Quarth Corellian Designation: Sentient Homeworld: In Galaxy Language: Quarth Average Lifespan: Same as...
  2. R

    Jorm Kell

    NAME: Jorm Kell FACTION: The Corellian Confederation RANK: CorSec Tactical Response Team Captain SPECIES: Human AGE: 43 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6' WEIGHT: Jacked EYES: Grey HAIR: Silver SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  3. Lief

    Nikjaime Baresc

    NIKJAIME BARESC ♫ General Overview Name: Nikjaime Baresc ​​Titles and Nicknames: The Falcon Corellian Freedom Fighter Captain of the Firebird Nik Jaime Underboss of The Hawk's Circle ​Proprietor of The Hawk's Circle HQ Proprietor of The Hawk's Den Proprietor of The Krayt Dragon Club...
  4. Mathieu Bahreiko

    Mathieu Bahreiko

    NAME: Mathieu Bahreiko FACTION: Galactic Alliance RANK: Lieutenant SPECIES: Human, Corellian AGE: 25 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.88 meters (6' 2") WEIGHT: 90.7 kilograms (200 lbs) EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown...
  5. Gaen Rhade

    Gaen Rhade

    NAME: Gaen Kell Rhade FACTION: Freelance Spacer RANK: Ruggedly handsome badass SPECIES: Human (Corellian) HOME: Corellia LANGUAGES: Basic, Huttese, Ryl, Binary {Scottish Accent} VOICE: Sample AGE: 29 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'2" WEIGHT: 200lbs BODY: Athletic and muscular EYES: Dark Blue HAIR...
  6. Julius Sedaire

    Never Tell Me The Odds...

    The Corellian League Everyone needs a scoundrel in their life. But it's not just life on the Outer Rim that can be tough. The Core is a place of law, order, and appearances. Corellians are famous for thriving in that environment as the everyday men and women of the Galaxy. Some of the most...
  7. Bartic Myth'rand

    Corellian Engineering Corperation & Corellian Arms (Under new management edition)

    Public Products: Airspeeders: C/T 400 Troop Transport (By Contract) Droids: HBD-300 Droid Series Kits and Components: J3 Hanger Kit J4 Sensor Upgrade Kit J9 Remote Command System Landspeeders: Aa'kua Landspeeder Khoehng Speeder Bike Ships: Work Craft ​Steadfast Construction Tug...
  8. Bartic Myth'rand

    Approved Tech  G.D.M.W.M. (Ground Defence Modular Weapons Mount)

    Standard G.D.M.W.M displaying a verity of weapon load outs. Several mobile G.D.M.W.M.s equipped with dual mass driver cannons fire at simulated low orbit assault ships. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mount for non-standardised weaponry to be used in the defence of...
  9. Bartic Myth'rand

    Spirit-Class Mobile Fortress

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mobile fortress to support the invasion of worlds, or to strengthen the defences of a world under attack Image Source:
  10. Bartic Myth'rand

    Spirit-Class Mobile Fortress

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a mobile fortress to support the invasion of worlds, or to strengthen the defences of a world under attack Image Source:
  11. Bartic Myth'rand

    Approved Starship  Kaleesh Warcruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a ship of the line for the Kaleesh military, as well as a vessel to be used by the Shadow Academy. Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A; Design...
  12. Bartic Myth'rand

    Approved Starship  YJX-2400 Heavy Freighter

    Additional pictures OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an armed heavy freighter to help conduct civilian trade in less stable areas of the galaxy. Image Source: (In order of apperance)
  13. Darth Strider

    Approved Starship  YT-1984

    Intent: To create a capable starting ship for my character. Image Source:"] Canon Link: Based on...
  14. Khrelan Arke

    Khrelan Arke

    ​<Accessing Records> ... ... <Accessing Files> ... ... <Loading> ... ... <Loaded> ​​Wan-der-lust /'wander-lest'/ (n.) A strong desire or urge to wander or travel and explore the world. Aes-thete ​/'Es-theet'/ ​​(n.) A person who has or possesses to have a special appreciation or...
  15. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Location  Temple de Uhl Verta Chielo - The Corellian Jedi Temple

    Temple de Uhl Verta Chielo Name: The Temple of the Green Jedi Image Source: HERE Classification: Jedi Temple Location: Sahsahlah Mountains-Corellia Affiliation: The Green Jedi/Corellian People Description: A sprawling complex over a series of specific floating mountains picked out by...
  16. Ayden Cater

    Now We Are Free

    Aurelius, Master of Corell and God of Truth We ask that Your Light guides this one to your lands Where he may take rest from his long toils and ceaseless struggles Carath, Lord of the Morning and God of Travelers We ask that Your boots carry home each brave soul whose futures were paid with...
  17. Adson Tracyn'kemir

    Adson Tracyn'kemir

    NAME: Adson Tracyn'kemir FACTION: Galactic Alliance, CorSec, None RANK: Sargeant in Intelligence community SPECIES: Human AGE: 30 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 2.01 meters WEIGHT: 96.5 kilograms EYES: Brown HAIR: Brown SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  18. Julius Sedaire

    A way about you...

    There was a certain quality that was needed in business, that unfortunately his hot-blooded brother Julius lacked. Cal had lacked it too, for years. But whereas lack was a flaw eventually ironed out of Cal's makeup.... With Julius it had become a sort of strength and cornerstone. The ability to...
  19. Julius Sedaire

    Approved Starship  Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber

    Corellian Hypernautics CH-22-B "Bantha Buster" Bomber Image Source: HERE Affiliation: Select Customers (Originally for the Corellian League) Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics Model: CH-22-B Modularity: Payload Cradles/Delivery System & Basic Weapons Mounts, Easy to Modify After-Market...
  20. Julius Sedaire

    Coronet Hypernautics

    Coronet Hypernautics Unique quality & dependability. Starfighters CH-22 "Greenstar": Classic Corellian design & ingenuity come together to make a ship the envy of any Ace Freighters CH-258 "Slice Hound": Freighters - a Corellian Shipwrights staple, re-imagined in such a way as to be...
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