Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Zenva Vrotoa

    LFG  Criminal Nightclub, Open for schemes!

    Are you looking for a place to assemble your crew before you pull off your daring bank heist? Are you on the run from the Jedi, or other Galactic Authority, and need a place to lay low? Maybe you are part of a Criminal Faction and just want to hang out with another one? Why not consider ~ A...
  2. Kitter Bitters

    Approved NPC  Vorik Korr - Mr. Scorch

    Vorik Korr Full Name Vorik Korr Criminal Allies Mr. Scorch Profession Serial Killer Affiliations Criminal Underworld Homeworld Ithor Ithorian Gender Male Force Sensitive No Modus Operandi Serial Arsonist and Serial Killer Criminal Signature Burns His Victims Multiple Times...
  3. The Hutt Cartel

    The Hutt Cartel

    The Hutt Cartel is an expansive criminal enterprise governed by wealth, cunning, and ruthless ambition. Emerging from the shadows of Nal Hutta, the Cartel is a conglomerate of slavers, smugglers, bounty hunters, spice runners and other crime syndicates who answer only to the mighty council...
  4. TheCaptain

    Discussion  Tips For Running a Criminal Minor Faction?

    I love crime, criminality, lawbreaking, and illegal shenanigans. The underworld is one of my favorite parts of the SW universe but I know that factions based on it have historically not done well in Chaos. I've been reading over some threads related to both the hype around criminal factions and...
  5. Kinley Pryse

    Character  Kinley Pryse - Smooth Criminal

    Kinley Pryse Full Name Kinley Pryse Pronunciation Kin-Lee Pr-Eye-Sa (price) Alias Kin Rank Criminal Affiliations Black Sun Force Sensitivity Non Force User Birthplace Cantonica Species Human Gender Female Height 5' 6" Weight Slender Hair Color Brown Eye Color Green...
  6. Vax Holdings

    Vax Holdings

    Vax Holdings stands as a testament to the power of calculated ambition and industrial dominance. Headquartered on the remote and strategically advantageous world of Odessen, the conglomerate encompasses a vast array of subsidiaries that cater to both the public and private sectors. From Dominion...
  7. Kino Khath

    Character  Kino Khath

    KINO KHATH Provider of Pleasures Age 28 Species Sith Pureblood Gender Male Height 6ft 2" Weight 210lbs Force Sensitive Yes, natural aptitude to the Dark Side PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Kino bears all the hallmarks of a Sith Pureblood; crimson skin, piercing scarlet eyes and a...
  8. Kitter Bitters

    Approved NPC  Dr. Roderick Wells - The Butcher of Lambs

    Dr. Roderick Wells Full Name Dr. Roderick Wells Criminal Allies Butcher of Lambs Profession Serial Killer Affiliations Criminal Underworld Homeworld Coruscant Species Human Gender Male Force Sensitive Yes Modus Operandi Kills Young Children - Cannibalism Criminal Signature...
  9. Kitter Bitters

    Approved NPC  Tazrak - The Brain Collector

    Tazrak Full Name Tazrak Profession Serial Killer Affiliations B'omar Order (formerly) Homeworld Corellia Species Dug Gender Male Force Sensitive No Modus Operandi Brain Removal to give victims enlightenment Criminal Signature Leaves B'marr Order Hieroglyphics on victims skulls...
  10. Jonah

    Approved NPC  Whiteout

    W H I T E O U T OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify a special forces unit within Jonah's power base. Image Credit(s): Star Wars - Knights of Ren Star Wars - Haxion Brood Role: Security & Special Operations Permissions: N/A Links: Haxion Brood (Chaos) GENERAL INFORMATION Unit...
  11. A Brooding Muse

    Approved Tech  Ice

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A narcotic to be distributed by the Haxion Brood. Image Source: Geraldo Justel Canon Link(s): Yaladai Slick Battlestim Permissions: NCBC Permission Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION: Manufacturer(s): Broodworks New Cov Biomolecule Company...
  12. A Brooding Muse

    Faction  A Place Called Home || Haxion Brood

    O R D O E R I S Zev Stargo III was the furthest thing from a household name. In fact, under his watch, the Haxion Brood had become little more than a blip on the Galactic radar. They were a footnote. All they had amounted to were bothering the occasional shipment or serving as meat shields...
  13. A Brooding Muse

    Minor Faction It's All Going to Sh*t || Haxion Brood

    Join the Haxion Brood today:
  14. A Brooding Muse

    Faction  Hunting Season || Haxion Brood

    H U N T I N G S E A S O N The hunt for a competitive edge never ceased. Khorm found itself in a rather advantageous position over the years. A rare resource called Agrocite resided just beneath the surface - and this literal gem could take a good turbolaser and make it great. Naturally, it...
  15. A Brooding Muse

    Approved NPC  Haxion Freebooters

    H A X I O N F R E E B O O T E R S OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A unit for harassing the Hyperlanes. Image Credit(s): Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Shutterstock Editing Credit(s): Divider by Srina Talon Header & Emblem by Jonah Role: Boarding and/or capturing starships. Permissions...
  16. A Brooding Muse


    B R O O D W O R K S OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source(s): Star Wars Icon Edited by Jonah Divider by Srina Talon Canon Link(s): Haxion Brood Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Broodworks Headquarters: Ordo Eris, Polis Massa System Locations: Druckenwell...
  17. Jonah

    Faction  Think Bigger - Part I || Haxion Brood

    A S S E M B L E Polis Massa Asteroid Field, Sith Space Think bigger. That was the phrase which had set all of this into motion. It was an understanding shared between two partners who had just achieved their greatest triumph yet. However, this victory was but the foundation to build much...
  18. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION FAQ || Ask Questions Here!

    H A X I O N F A Q Welcome to Haxion Brood! Below you'll find answers to commonly-asked questions. Please feel free to ask any additional questions below! QUESTIONS: Q: What Kind of Characters Can Join? A: While we would never turn any writers away, light-sided or "good guy" archetype...
  19. A Brooding Muse

    HAXION CELLS || Directory

    H A X I O N C E L L S Welcome to Haxion Brood! This is a designated space for recording the details of your Cells. Once complete, we will add it to the directory list and create signature bling below. Please use the included template when posting. If you have any questions, please post them...
  20. Morrigan Thorne

    Character  Morrigan Thorne

    MORRIGAN THORNE Age 31 years old Species Human Gender Female Height 1.7 meters / 5ft 8 inches tall Weight 133 lb Force Sensitive Force Sensitive (able to use basic force abilities) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Often adorned in a multi piece suit of black and purple fabric, Morrigan is a...
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