Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kirill Bratan

    Public  Criminal Cartel: A Gathering of minds to take back what is ours. (Open to anyone)

    Kirill was sitting in his private yacht drinking Corillian whiskey when his service droid, a BX-series droid commando diplomat named BX-103, came to inform him that they have arrived. "Thank you 103. Is everything else in order?" BX-103 nodded. "They landing party was just sent out to survey...
  2. doctorsimon4

    Approved NPC  Dol-a Vars

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out a NPC my character's background. Image Credit: Orn Free Taa Wiki, Edited by myself. Role: Antagonist for the first arc of Hohun Sol's story. Slave owner. Permissions: N.a Links: Hohun Sol, Nal Hutta: Balihl Repair Yard, Twi'lek PHYSICAL...
  3. Paareth

    Public  Coruscant Prison Break: Busting The Six-Vault Lock

    Open to All | Loose Posting Order | OOC Thread Coruscant Prison Complex - Cern-6 - 'The Six-Vault Lock' 15,000 High-Risk Inmates. 1,000 Guards. From the manically insane to the best criminal minds on the planet, Cern-6 housed some of the worst criminal scum ever to warrant that lofty title...
  4. Tyrus Vastor

    Character  Tyrus Vastor

    Age 32 Species Korunnai Gender Male Height 6ft 8in Weight 300lbs Eye Color Left eye crimson & Right eye light brown Force Sensitive Positive
  5. Scour

    Character  Scour

  6. Rel Dyri

    LFG  Looking For Criminal Buddies

    Finally got down what I want with this guy, and I think being an enforcer-type for a criminal group would be pretty cool. I now about Black Sun and the Hutt Cartel, but I don't know much about who's active and all the factions to make a call like that. So what are some good criminal factions...
  7. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Keldar Saarkis

    KELDAR SAARKIS Age 35 GSY Species Lannik Gender Male Height 1.35 Meters Weight 50 kg Force Sensitive No Voice Colin Farrell as Penguin PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION In most aspects, Keldar falls within the norm for Lanniks. He has a large, bald head with protruding ridges and deep-set...
  8. Nej Tane

    Public  Dead Empires

    Subterrel Sith Space There was a distinct issue with what Nej did now and again- It wasn't the legality of it. Laws came and went, and Nej couldn't keep up with who to pay fines or turn himself into for warrants- why bother with Republic Warrants from a long time ago, only for Alliance...
  9. S

    Public  Criminal Birthday Bash

    T A G S | Open to Interaction O B J E C T I V E | Celebrate my Birthday T H E M E | Old Republic | Cut the Phobium >> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;] "If you are receiving this transmissions then...
  10. S

    LFG  Criminal Birthday Bash

    Criminal Birthday Bash >> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;] "If you are receiving this transmissions then you are one of the lucky few that have been invited to attend the Birthday Celebration of Sistine...
  11. Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

    Private  Something Criminal

    Kaddak. A world close to Enclave borders, once owned by the Enclave. The Enclave had steadily lost its grip on the criminal world through the years though, and now was overrun with thugs and bandits once again. Elise saw through her mother's eyes, memories of what the city slums were like. It...
  12. Dia Secura

    LFG  Looking for love in Alderaan places...

    Are you looking for a partner in crime? Or maybe a rival? Maybe you want to commission a thief for a heist? Maybe you're a bounty hunter looking for the next big score? Or maybe you're looking for love... Whatever you're looking for, Dia can (maybe) provide. Hmu!
  13. Dia Secura

    Character  Dia Secura

    Dia Secura Age 27 Species Twi'lek Gender Female (she/her) Height 1.6 meters Weight Skinny as a toothpick! Force Sensitive No PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION At 5'4", Dia could be politely described as "petite" and impolitely described as "flat as a board." Her skin is as blue as a Tatooine...
  14. Chessashai Umianai

    Public  Spice Up Life [Nar Shaddaa]

    Nar Shaddaa, Dark Vellum- nightclub [criminals, bounty hunters, everyone and anything is welcome!] The singer could of had a home in another planet, a fairly nice and perhaps even a custom commissioned home, but that wasn’t possible anymore due to her spending habits. It took barely over a...
  15. K

    Character  Zarr Hextall

    NAME: Zarr Hextall FACTION: The Slice Syndicates RANK: Fixer ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral SPECIES: Arkanian HOMETOWN: Arkania CURRENT RESIDENCE: Arkania AGE: 56 SEX: Male SEXUALITY: Asexual HEIGHT: 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT: 191 lbs EYES: Blue HAIR: White SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: No ANTHEM: Fred again...
  16. Vitiion Daivik

    Private  Criminal Hunting

    Nar Shaddaa. The Smuggler's Moon. Plenty of criminals lived on this planet, and Vitiion was on the hunt for one of them in specific. An Ithorian called Plo Heengs who had been smuggling various bits of endangered flora and fauna from their home world and selling them off to the highest bidder...
  17. K

    Character  Ohserase Shō

    NAME: Ohserase Shō FACTION: Crymorah Syndicate - The Slice Syndicates RANK: Grand Satrap of the Crymorah Syndicate ALIGNMENT: Neutral/Chaotic Evil SPECIES: Rodian HOMETOWN: Bracca CURRENT RESIDENCE: Bracca AGE: 24 SEX: Male SEXUALITY: Heterosexual HEIGHT: 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT: 214 lbs EYES: Purple...
  18. J

    Character  Jules

    SOCIETAL Name: Not Given Alias: Jules Titles: None Homeworld: Coruscant Current Home: Transient Faction: None Force Sensitivity: Y (not known) Force Rank: N/A Force Alignment: Neutral APPEARANCE Race: Human Age: Twenties Gender: Female Height: 5'5 Build: Slender...
  19. Élea

    Character  Élea Phlox

    NAME: Élea Phlox FACTION: The Black Sun RANK: Mostly independent mercenary SPECIES: Togruta AGE: She appears to be in her late teens, maybe early twenties SEX: female HEIGHT: About 160cm WEIGHT: About 65kg EYES: Green-yellowish HAIR: Her lekku & montrals are grey and white SKIN: Her...
  20. I

    LFG  It's Not Easy Being Green

    GREETINGS I am currently looking for more threads with my Hutt Crime Boss from the Gorensla Kajidic. Working underneath Iermin are many enforcers such as Karkosuchus , HK-99 , and Maizz Moett which have been causing trouble for the Galactic Alliance which can lead to something interesting...
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