Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kardek Alpha

    Work In Progress  The Hellmakers (Criminal Black-Ops Unit)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a highly skilled criminal black-ops unit for PC Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, ex-soldiers, etc to join for the sake of profit and combined strength. Image Credit: Base of Operations / Skull in Insignia / Spaceship Role: Criminal Black Ops unit...
  2. Adeline Noctua

    Approved Tech  Howl_Runner.exe (The ultra most bestest bounty hunting AI!)

    - Howl runner OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit an AI that can be used for bounty hunters and or other tracking uses. Image Source: X Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Artificial Intelligence PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: "Jackal" Affiliation: "Jackal"...
  3. Eloise Dinn

    Character  Ganner Threepwood | Dr. Feelgood

    SOCIETAL Name: Ganner Threepwood Alias: Dr. Feelgood Black Mambo Occupation: Pirate Doctor Drug Dealer Birthworld: Chaldea Current Home: The Hanged Man Faction: N/A Force Sensitivity: Yes Force Rank: But using the Force is cringe Force Alignment: So not really APPEARANCE...
  4. Vizzi the Hutt

    Character  Vizzi the Hutt, shadow of the underwold

    Name : Vizzi Vosadii Acdha. Sources are note sure on the real first name of the Vosadii Hutt. Surname : Vizzi the Hutt. Faction : The Hutt Cartel. If things goes well, the Hutt Space Consortium. Rank : Shadow lieutenant of the Vosadii Kajidic. Few know the existence of Vizzi, except the...
  5. Ezio Accetta

    Character  Doctor Ezio Accetta

    [TABS block_align="bcenter" width=1000] /: Photographs of Dr. Ezio Accetta Ezio Accetta's Theme: 'Daughter - Medicine' fa-play fa-pause [/TABS]
  6. Kell Nedrann

    Character  Dorinn Kragstrider

    DORINN KRAGSTRIDER Info Birthplace: None; Space-Born Age: 164 GSY Species: Dwarrow Gender: Male Height: 1.40 Meters Weight: 63 kg Hair: Black Skin: Ashy Eyes: Dark Force Sensitivity: No Voice: Neil Kaplan as Tychus Findlay History Unlike many people in the galaxy, Dorinn Kragstrider did not...
  7. Darth Kinrath

    Character  Abelard Ulgo, The Sylop

    ABELARD ULGO Aliases / Nicknames: The Sylop, Abby (friends only), Lord Ulgo (formal title), Halfbreed (perjorative) Species: Alder-Espirion Homeworld: Alderaan Gender: Male Age: 34 GSY Height: 1.88 Meter Weight: 80 kg Hair:White-Blonde Eyes: Yellowish-Green Skin: Pale Red Voice: Peter...
  8. Tiare Malsuum

    Character  The Black Krykna

    THE BLACK KRYKNA Species: Humanoid Homeworld: Coruscant Gender: Male Age: Mid-30s Height: 1.96 Meters Weight: 61 kg Hair: Eyes: Skin: Voice: Rino Romano as Batman It is safe to say that the masked thief calling himself the Black Krykna wants his identity to remain hidden. Yet, his need...
  9. Vhess Chattza

    Character  Ammund

    AMMUND Info Faction: Indepedent Birthplace: Uba IV Age: 19 GSY Species: Ubese Gender: Male Height: 1.88 Meters Weight: 84 kg Hair: None Skin: Pale Eyes: Gray Force Sensitivity: No Face: [X] Voice: Jason Spisak as Silco History In the annals of history, the sentients of the Galaxy have...
  10. S

    Character  Sabetha

    SOCIETAL Name: Sabetha Alias: Sab Beth Red The Hothead Titles: Crook Homeworld: Coruscant Current Home: Coruscant Lower Levels Faction: None currently Force Sensitivity: Yes, but unknown Force Rank: N/A Force Alignment: Neutral APPEARANCE Race: Human Age: 16 Gender...
  11. K

    Bounty  [Swamp Hunt] Wanted Criminal: Karkosuchus

    Intent: To have Karkosuchus go to prison for his crimes and setting up a break-out thread later down the line. Compensation: Magnate Mark III Power Armor MA-M3 Mercury Class Energy Rifle MA-M2 Mercury Class Energy Pistol Cause(s): Adding another interesting event for Karkosuchus Establish...
  12. Dedata | Celty Ree

    Bounty  **Denon Security Alert** Wanted Criminal: Cartri Keswoll

    Intent: Falsified bounty on a target for snooping into places one should not Compensation: Credit reward Cause(s): N/A Target Involvement: Target has agreed to the bounty Name of Bounty: Cartri Keswoll Name of Contractor: Sercorp™ Exclusivity: The Family Reward Tier: Tier 4 (High) Condition...
  13. Gorba the Hutt

    Discussion  What Kind of CRIMINAL are you?

    Chaos! What kind of scum do you write? Smuggler? Drug dealer? Art thief? Maybe a creepy contract killer? Let’s find out!
  14. Victoria Cross

    LFG  Criminal Contracts.

    Basically looking for interactions for Victoria. She's a relatively new character and was made to be a part of House Cross which is essentially a criminal Arkanian family. She's not really the highest ranking but does tend to make a lot of deals to reach goals. So things like 'You want to take...
  15. Khairam Tal

    Character  Kenth Hoan

    KENTH HOAN Info Faction: The Family Birthplace: Coruscant Age: 32 GSY Species: Bith Gender: Male Height: 1.85 Meters Weight: 83 kg Hair: None Skin: Pinkish Eyes: Black Force Sensitivity: No Voice: Hugh Dillon as Nick (L4D2) History A Bith clone-birthed on Clak'dor VII, young Kenth was...
  16. Damien Cross

    Factory  Cross Export Corporation

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: Coruscant , Arkania CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Cross Export Corporation Headquarters: Coruscant, upper levels Locations: Coruscant, small operations on Arkania (headed by a different branch of the...
  17. Enigma Iuda

    Faction  Node on (Darkwire and all Corpo + Criminal Scum)

    cd ~/. That's what it would look like on their screen, a simple command that shows I have moved into my home directory, or at least, what I have made my home directory. It's not much in there, a couple of logs I have kept detailing how long I have been here, what I have noticed and how they...
  18. Imogen Rist

    LFG  Criminal Connections Come and make them.
  19. Vhess Chattza

    Character  Zhabini

    ZHABINI Birthplace Bonadan Age Approx. 30 GSY Occupation Leader of the Bonadan Blighters Home Nomadic Species Humanoid Gender Male Force Sensitive No Height 1.75 Meters Weight 90 kg Voice Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby HISTORY A philosopher was once heard saying, "There...
  20. Ilwynog Cysgod

    Private  A Shadow teaching a Criminal

    Ilwynog had agreed once again to take a Padawan/student on a mission with them. It had been a difficult choice since the Shadow had been keeping to themselves and working on the many criminals based in the SJC space that had appeared with the leadership's focus on the wars with the Bryn'adul and...
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