Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jaa Kilian

    Public  Star Destroyer Diplomacy Over Lanteeb

    Location: Upper Orbit of Lanteeb, Malor-77 System Ship: Brawler-II | Adjudicator-Class Heavy Cruiser | In Geosynchronous Orbit with Tallarn City Objectives: 1. Intimidate Tallarn City into surrendering to Kiemeda. 2. Oversee peaceful transition of power. Civil Wars were occurring with an...
  2. Saryn Zambrano

    Approved Tech  ETL Droideka-series Destroyer Droid

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To produce an open market version of the Demiurge-series Destroyer Droid Image Source: Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Droideka PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Enarc Trade League Affiliation: Enarc Trade League Market Status...
  3. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Zelleon-Class A Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: New Star Destroyer for the Empire Image Source: (X) Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Empire | Hull and Weaponry | Loymière Shipwright |Internal Components and Assembly |...
  4. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Kanollic II Class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: New Modernized Star Destroyer for the Empire Image Source: (X) Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: None PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Empire | Hull and Weaponry | Loymière Shipwright |Internal Components and...
  5. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Donnager II Class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Upgrade the Donnager-Class Star Destroyer for the Empire Image Source: (X) Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: Donnager-Class Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Empire | Hull and Weaponry | Loymière...
  6. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  Turbulent II Class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Upgrade the Turbulent-Class Pocket Destroyer for the Empire Image Source: Pocket Star Destroyer Canon Link: Turbulent-Class Star Destroyer Permissions: None Primary Source: Turbulent-Class Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  7. Saryn Zambrano

    Work In Progress  Eclipse II-class Super Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a powerful new flagship for the Kainite's Shadow Armada Image Source: Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writers' submissions as part of the submission) Development...
  8. Credit Wizard

    Approved Starship  NIP "General Hurst Romodi" Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Secondary Flagship for the 400th Bal Talmshaa Fleet underneath the command of Koshuno Sozona Image Source: ArtStation (X) Canon Link: None Permissions: None Primary Source: Legacy of Bödvarr PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Empire...
  9. Darth Imperius

    Ready For Judge  Corvus-class Commando Destroyer

    Corvus-class Commando Destroyer OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a dedicated special operations star destroyer. Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Locke and Key, Primary Source: Venator-class Star Destroyer, Lictor-class dungeon ship PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  10. W

    Work In Progress  Excrutiator-class Heavy Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A heavy tank for the An'fâug'lir and especially the Oblivion Legion of Xarxes. Image Source: World of Tanks Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.) Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Jagdpanzer E-100 PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  11. Laphisto

    Approved Starship  Edaar class Star destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Star destroyer for the Lilaste Order. Image Source: Taken by me in Avorion [symbol source] Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source:N/A Symbol etched/ painted onto the side of the ship] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilaste...
  12. Nathan Bloodscrawl

    Work In Progress  Gulag Era Hammerhead Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a semi Unique Vessel Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Tector-class Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  13. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  House Io Heavy Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a warship Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Bloodscrawl Medical Corporation...
  14. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  House Io Shadow Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Stealth Hunting Star Destroyer Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  15. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  Eschaton-class Star Destroyer

    Intent: Create a powerful baseline star destroyer for the Sith Order and the Kainate Image Source: Click - EC Henry Headers - Teresa Pelles | Darth Pellax Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Aurora Industries Permission First United Astral Engineering Permissions Primary Source: N/A...
  16. Maple Harte

    Approved Starship  Interdictor Class Star Destroyer (Sienar Fleet Systems, Classic)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Canon Open Market Sub Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Interdictor Class Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  17. Maple Harte

    Approved Starship  Interdictor Class Star Destroyer (Imperial I-Class Variant, Classic)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Canon Open Market Vessel Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Interdictor Class Star Destroyer PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  18. Laphisto

    Approved Starship  Centurion class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Star destroyer/ battleship for the Lilaste Order. Image Source: here [symbol source] Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source:N/A symbol etched/ painted onto the ship PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Lilaste order [ Aurora...
  19. Martin Draigo

    Approved Starship  Tython-class Artillery Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To produce an artillery cruiser/light star destroyer platform Image Source: Image Source Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Divine Eyes Permission Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: GDI Incorporated Affiliation: GDI Incorporated, The...
  20. Dracken Pryce

    Approved Starship  Courageous-Class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new warship to go along with the Alliance's new Era of Reclamation Image Source: Ansel Hsiao - Venator-Class Star Destroyer Ansel Hsiao - Venator WIP#5 Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer Canon Link: Venator-Class Star Destroyer Permissions: GA...
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