Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. J

    Cutlass-class Destroyer

    Intent: To design a comparable Destroyer class of vessel to serve as a mainline fighting vessel for use against enemy Destroyer class vessels as well as to flesh out the naval forces of the Compact. Development Thread: None unless you desire it. Hero Unit: No Model: Cutlass-class Manufacturer...
  2. D


    NAME: Downfall FACTION: Clockwork RANK: N/A SPECIES: Droid AGE: 10 years GENDER: Droid, gender neutral HEIGHT: 160m (also length when in flight) WEIGHT: 1000 tons EYES: Red HAIR: N/A SKIN: N/A FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  3. D

    Your end is nigh.

    Assimilate or perish, fleshlings.
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