Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mitth'rae'leios

    Approved Starship  Thrawn's Legacy - Thrael's Pet Project

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To display the details of a Pellaeon-class Destroyer modified under supervision of Thrael in light of his joining the Republic Remnant. Image Source: Here. Canon Link: Here. Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Here. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  2. Katria Vekarr

    Approved Starship  Providence II-class Carrier/Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a refitted and upgraded Providence-class Carrier/Destroyer for the present CIS. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Here Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems Model...
  3. Eugen Aker

    Approved Starship  Kossak-class Star Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an effective balanced destroyer. Image Source: Canon Link: Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: PRODUCTION INFORMATION Design: Silver Engineering Corporation...
  4. Tera-Zulia

    Approved Starship  The "Ta'a Chume"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Establish the capabilities of Tera-Zulia's combat ship. Image Source: Hapan Battle Dragon Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: Hapan Battle Dragon PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Hapes Consortium - Tera-Zulia's father Model...
  5. Salvador Grim

    Auction  ONE TIME ONLY- The Mark X-42 Aka BloodMore

    The Mark X-42 is my personal invention and has recently been tech approved, so it has been decided we will have a auction for two weeks only. You are bidding on One Mark X-42 It is a Semi-Unique Closed-Market War Droid Property of the Privateer's Alliance ,the Smallest bid to be considered is...
  6. Thorald Magnusson

    Approved Starship  Stardust Dragon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A Destroyer for [member="Jack"] Yusei Image Source: Here Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: SD-0F Anti-Boarding Droids, Constable-class Police Droid, TunnelNet VPN, Aegis Sh13ld, QQ-1453-DR1 SFRC, SG-ED-02 'Daedalus' Reactors...
  7. Tegaea Alcori

    Approved Starship  Vindicta Class Star Destroyer

    Vindicta Class Star Destroyer OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new Star Destroyer for Firemane to sell to customers and to use for their own corporate fleet. This ship takes very much a balanced path, aiming to do a variety of tasks. Image Source: Here. Created by ‘Vince T’ on...
  8. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Starship  Baras-class Star Destroyer

    B A R A S - C L A S S S T A R - D E S T R O Y E R OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a carrier destroyer for TSE Image Source: Click - Shoguneagle@DeviantArt Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Endurance II - Class Fleet Carrier PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  9. Tegaea Alcori

    Approved Starship  The Karishzar

    The Karishzar OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a powerful flagship for the Tier 6 company Firemane Industries & Technologies. This ship is extremely powerful, but balanced by other weaknesses which make it very strong but hardly invincible. Image Source: Here. Artist unknown...
  10. L

    A Knife in their Hearts OOC

    Thread is here: Link Notes: Open to the New Republic Open to the One Sith Open to recently departed One Sith All others join by request Target: Xo'Xaan-class Star Destroyer Shrike Objective: Capture Point of Interest: Vessel is believed to be defecting, and departing from Mindabaal. Crew...
  11. L

    A Knife in their Hearts (Open to the NR and OS; others please ask)

    Location: Serpena, Office of the President of the New Republic "You'll have to forgive the mess, gentlemen and ladies. Having just moved in, I haven't quite had the time to tidy up." Raeya smiled apologetically and motioned for the members of the military leadership to take a seat. Beyond...
  12. Kitsune

    Furaribi-class Destroyer

    Image Source: Deviantart Affiliation: Inari Shogunate Manufacturer: Izanami Ironworks Model: N/A Modularity: N/A Production: Mass-Produced Material: Layered Glasteel and Ceraglass Viewports Laminasteel and Flexisteel Framework, with Alusteel support structures, walls and floors Ferroceramic and...
  13. T

    Coburn Class Corvette

    Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Coburn Class Modularity: No Production: Limited Material: Corellian Spaceship parts, Durasteel, etc Classification: Corvette, Sometimes referred to as a "Little Destroyer" Crew: 90 Men, 30 Droids, Up to 20...
  14. Kyrana Gould

    Approved Starship  Paladin Class Star Destroyer

    Image Source: Here. Origin unknown but it appears to be design models for an unpublished game. Affiliation: Open Market, Firemane Industries & Technology & closed market to approved buyers only. Manufacturer: Firemane Industries & Technology Model: SSC-D2a Modularity: None Production: Limited...
  15. Kyrana Gould

    Crusader Class Star Destroyer

    Crusader Class Star Destroyer Image Source: Here. Wookiepedia, Nebula Class SD Affiliation: Open Market Manufacturer: Firemane Industries and Technology Model: SSC-D1a Modularity: None Production: Minor Material: Standard ship materials Classification: Length: 1600 metres Width: 600...
  16. Ayden Cater

    Approved Starship  Noble-class Star Defender

    Image Source: Here Affiliation: Omega Protectorate Manufacturer: Baktoid Fleet Industries (Originally) Corellian Engineering Corporation (Redesign) Model: Noble-class Star Defender Modularity: None Production: Minor Production Material: Durasteel-Titanium Alloy (Hull Plating), Quadanium...
  17. The Subnet

    Raising the Arbitrator (IR Dev Thread)

    Mason moved swiftly through the halls of the business wing of the Crinan shipyards. Today's meeting was one that he'd called himself. It's importance was listed as high on the meeting briefs that had been issued to key personnel throughout the Navy and tech forces of the Remnant. This was the...
  18. The Subnet

    Destroyer of Worlds

    Objective: Acquire Technology Means: Negotiation or Theft Location: Sakiya The Dawn's Light descended slowly through the atmosphere, moving down towards an oversize landing bay. The purpose she'd expressed to the planets flight control had been refueling and restocking for their journey. This...
  19. The Subnet

    Dev Thread Help

    So, my intent is to make us a new destroyer, something amazingly epic. I just recently made us a nice battlecruiser that should lay the hurt on people, but we need some bigger stuff too. I know Rendilli is making plans for a command ship, but some nice main line destroyers would be great for us...
  20. Ayden Cater

    Approved Starship  Indomitable-class Star Defender

    Image Credit: Here Intent: To flesh out the heavier ranks of the Protectorate fleet in the wake of several Invasions Development Thread: N/A Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Model: Indomitable-class Star Defender Affiliation: Omega Pyre with Galactic Alliance Modularity: None...
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