Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aspect of Victory

    Dominion  Tale of the Shadow | SO Dominion of Abraxas

    Abraxas 903 ABY As the Empire’s march towards the Core continues, two simultaneous prongs have developed. One has followed along the Rimma Trade Spine and the Hydian Way reaching the Galactic Alliance’s borders, taking in recent days Ogem, Loovria, Sullust, and Tshindral III, and preparing for...
  2. Velran Kilran

    Dominion  Coarse, Rough, and Irritating | EOTL Dominion on Garel

    The Empire is in a crisis, the Sith has taken over Tion and are now deep into the Empire's territory. Angered and desperate of this revelation, Emperor Velran Kilran resolved to retaliate by any means necessary. However, with Tion: A major shipyard planet taken, he'll need to go on another...
  3. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Boots Stop Workin' | (SO Dominion of Ogem and Loovria)

    The path to the Core worlds is one paved with numerous hyperlanes and world of interest, both of which serve as the perfect guiding lines for Sith forces as the Assembly urges them onwards. As the sweep into the Mid-Rim begins in earnest we have come across worlds which aren't quite as eager to...

    Dominion  The Pit | DE Dominion of Yinchorr

    The Pit - A COREWARD STORY fa-play fa-pause After their pyrrhic victory of Coruscant, the free peoples of the GALACTIC ALLIANCE have successfully blunted the advance of the sinister DARK EMPIRE. Their heroic actions, even if temporarily, have safeguarded the heart of the galaxy from...
  5. F

    Dominion  Santuary Lost- EotL Dominion of Sanctuary

    Sanctuary… For nearly one thousand years Sanctuary has stood as a symbol of peaceful resistance and civil disobedience. It has been a safe haven for conscientious objectors and the displaced masses of the galaxy since the first settlers landed. Today its peaceful history gains a bloody mark...
  6. Hammer of the Lost

    Dominion  Operation Tropic Thunder (EotL Dominion of Drongar)

    Drongar is a nearly uninhabitable planet for humans. Though natives have adapted to the high concentration of oxygen, the high humidity and high temperatures don’t add much to the appeal of the planet. Add in the constant flow of toxic spores in the air and all tourism aspirations for the planet...
  7. Darth Empyrean

    Dominion  Games Without Frontiers | SO Dominion of Kerest & Bpfassh

    As the war efforts of the Emperor push forward in the Stygian Caldera, his orders for expansion in the core worlds continue. Coruscant grows closer by the hour, and the core worlds would soon face an assault from two fronts. For now, however, the infrastructure was being built for a long and...
  8. Drego Ruus

    Dominion  MP Dominion of Ancora ~ Primal Alliance

    Objective One: Meeting In the Stars Ancora has agreed to meet with Protectors Leadership on the Ancoran Space ring to assess and discuss the potential of Andora joining the Protectors. The Ancoran Government has offered to show the shipyards to the Protectors. While the Alors of the Protectors...
  9. Spirit of Diligence

    Dominion  Ambitious Minds | GA Dominion of Gholondreine-β Hex

    AMBITIOUS MINDS A planet of Scholars and Philosophers; the residents of Gholondreine-β have long since taught that all sentient beings held their highest loyalty to truth, rather than an individual, creed, or ideal regardless of the temporal consequences. It was this loyalty to truth that...
  10. M

    Dominion  Another One Bites the Dust [MP Dom of Orleon and Trasse]

    Having secured Velmor the Mandalorian Protectors march onward onto Orleon and Trasse. There the Protectors are split between the stone-mite infested world of Orleon and the much desired AT-AT production facility tied to the ancient proving grounds. Of course the Mandalorians will need to build...
  11. Aspect of Defiance

    Dominion  Toxicity || SO Dominion of Anoat Hex

    Anoat, to some the world was a boon of hidden treasure. To others the planet was a symbol of the evils that those seeking power and domination on a galactic scale could be capable of. The Sith Order did not see it as either. Rather it was one more step toward their goal. It was a means to an...

    Dominion  Into the Stormlands | DE Dominion of Nyriaan

    INTO THE STORMLANDS - A DARK EMPIRE STORY fa-play fa-pause The galaxy is in turmoil. In the aftermath of Operation Shadow Hand, the Empire sets its sights on the heart of the galaxy, Coruscant, determined to reclaim its former glory. Taking the worlds of Tython, Empress Teta, and...
  13. Aspect of Resolve

    Dominion  Belsavis Blues | (SO Dominion of Belsavis/Council/Varonat)

    Dominion of Belsavis What once was a prison can now provide a new means of freedom. Belsavis served as a prison world for the ancient Rakatan and Jedi alike in its ancient past, however in more recent times it has become home to vagabonds and corrupt agricultural corporations. Taking control of...
  14. M

    Dominion  Paint It Black [MP Dominion of Yavin IV]

    Ever since the Sith Order ripped open the portal to allow their unholy daemons to pollute Yavin IV's jungles. Since, the Galactic Alliance failed to stop the Sith there on Yavin. The corruption of the darkside, the infection that is the Blackwing and its undead have turned this once revered...
  15. The Voice of the Lost

    Dominion  Uneasy Alliances | EOTL Dominion of Erilnar

    As the Empire of the Lost continues to expand in power, they realize that alliances have become a necessity especially in light of their brutal attack on Lothal. The Moff Council, fearing retaliation by major factions will be inevitable, decided for a more diplomatic approach on the planet...
  16. Mia Monroe

    Dominion  The Wild Horde [MP Dominion of Feriae Junction]

    With the support of clans behind him, Mand'alor the Rekindler turns his gaze to old worlds, worlds that were once loyal. With the New Imperial Order long gone, Feriae Junction, the birthplace of the Red Legion, calls his attention. The Caldera Crisis, the determination of the Sith to eradicate...
  17. The Voice of the Lost

    Dominion  The Resource Rush | EOTL Dominion of Lothal

    The mysterious Emperor turned their gaze towards the agricultural planet of Lothal. Even though there was a peace accord established between the Empire of the Lost and the people of Lothal, the newly ascended Emperor broke the peace treaty. He saw Lothal as one of the major planets necessary for...
  18. The Voice of the Lost

    Dominion  Embarrassment of Riches | EOTL Dominion of Jabiim

    With attacks on the Auril Sector, the Resource Rush Campaign dubbed by the newly crowned Emperor has gone into maximum overdrive. Jabiim despite its mundane appearance is a planet that is glittering with a plethora of ore needed to build and expand the Imperial Army and Navy. Of course, the...
  19. Nimian Totan

    Dominion  In The Empire's Name | EotL Dominion of Gand

    Gand, an inhospitable world where only the strongest creatures survive. The only sentient species able to truly call it's barren wastelands home are the native Gand, who thrive in it's toxic ammonia rich atmosphere. For centuries this far flung planet has known relative peace, protected by the...
  20. Darth Empyrean

    Dominion  O Superman | SO Dominion of Corva Yag

    Jutrand The Empire reels from the death of Darth Ophidia and the root-burning purges that followed. A thousand names expunged from every book in the Sith Order, as every home was filled with the image of their now total Emperor. Darth Empyrean, the great successor, had destroyed the Warlord...
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