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As war ravages neutral worlds in the Mid Rim, star systems on the edge of Core space look to the Galactic Alliance for refuge from the Mandalorian Enclave's bloody crusade. Among these desperate worlds is Amar, an easily forgettable temperate planet in the...
Tentacles of Expansion: Dominion of Ruisto
After the Quarren took control of the government of Dac and bent the knee to the Empire of the Lost, who had made the move possible, whispers started to circulate that the Quarren governor of Dac wanted to increase his influence over all of the...
When Grand Admiral Velran Kilran entire Stormtrooper division rebelled against him due to Kilran's mistreatment of them during his reign as ruler of New Alderaan, he sought to create a Clone Army to replace them. Created from the last genetic strands of the infamous Mandalorian Bounty Hunter...
Little time has passed since the Mandalorian Invasion of the Galactic Alliance
Since that initial salvo, the question has arisen if the Galactic Alliance was still capable of securing its borders and preventing another strike as some believe that the...
A capacity crowd gathered around the autodrome stadium cheering loudly as multiple fireworks exploded above the night sky. A mixture of colors scattered in the air while the crowd roared with jubilation. Helicopters hovered above the immaculate stadium the large cameras attached below the nose...
We are once again grateful to the EOTL writers for inviting us into their Dominion. Should be fun for all!
I love water.
I love rebels.
I love prison breaks.
I love Empire (ooc)...
The Siege of Dac
After months of delegation betwen the Mon Calamarians, the Quarren, and The Empire, tragedy struck. Koni Xoo, a beloved Quarren politician, was assasinated while on a press tour in a Mon Calimarian city. This high profile assassination was enough to spark a massive revolt all...
The Mandos were kind enough to invite us into their Dominion, so let's show them the full might of the Droids and start beep booping their T-visors.
If you would...
The Fall of the Tsis’kaar had come from two of their own; the Heirs Apparent, the Little Snakes. Marr and Haxim cut the head off the snake in the death of Darth Ophidia - ending the venomous coup attempt by her ilk. Now, fractured into multiple parts, the Tsis’kaar reels from the destruction of...
“Voss may be unremarkable in terms of its natural resources, but what it lacks there is more than made up for by the skills of its inhabitants. The Voss commandos are known for their consummate ferocity and aptitude and their mystics are said to have nearly flawless visionary abilities, both of...
902 ABY
The shroud of the Tsis’Kaar had proven impenetrable until a few days ago, the exact whereabouts of Darth Ophidia herself and her main base of operations having been obscured and seemingly unknown even to the members and agents of the Tsis’Kaar themselves. Not even fleets of...
In a galaxy as vast as ours, it is not a surprise that even entire worlds can disappear. Razed, annihilated, abandoned, or merely forgotten; planets without number slip in and out of the galaxy’s collective consciousness. Yet they remain, in part or in whole, as whispers from stellar winds...
Skynara had recently seen an uptick in traffic through its spaceports. Most logged themselves as tourists while it was plain to the dock workers that they were far from mere tourists. The credits however were good, and documentation passed through the customs checks without much notice of issue...
The Kaminoans have long been under the influence of the Enclave and as keen providers of biomedical services, the warlike Mandalorians make excellent customers. This relationship continued as the Enclave's influence on the Galactic...
The Imperial Conference at Tion
Objective I: Diplomatic Reception and Mingling
Hosted at the exact midway point between the two suns of the Tion system on the Bulwark II Star Destroyer the Pride of Lianna and guarded by a powerful fleet, a diplomatic reception is being held to bolster the...
With the escalating conflict between the Galactic Alliance and Mandalorian Enclave, it has become increasingly more important to find new allies. So, following the integration of Thyrsus and Eshan, the Alliance's attention finally shifts to the Hapans — a proud people whose founding...
“Stygeon Prime may be of little economic or cultural value, but its capture will serve both critical military and judicial objectives. For the former, it means securing Lianna against any sudden external attacks by enemies of the Empire, ensuring that its vital shipyards and corporations are...
With war looming on multiple fronts, the Galactic Alliance seeks to spread its influence and discover new ways to support its people. Eager to help stop the bleeding before it happens, the people of Obroa-skai offer exceptional assets to...
902 ABY
Since the start of the Ouroboros Crisis, the western portion of Sith space in the Outer Rim has been the main battleground for the fighting against the Tsis’Kaar. Their few yet elusive fleets have drawn many Sith fleets into deadly traps that have left them crippled or even...
Blood on the Snow
“Rhen Var may be an icy wasteland, but it is an icy wasteland that is directly next to our capital sector. We must secure it and turn it into a fortress world for the safety of Lianna.”
-Moff Aculia Voland.
“The local population on Rhen Var has rejected multiple favorable...