Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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empire of the lost

  1. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Armor  Imperial Clone Armor Phase XIII [ICA-XIII]

    Imperial Clone Armor Phase XIII OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: mandalo_art 1, mandalo_art 2, MankDemery's Model, based off of Honnid Art's work Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation (see permissions) Tetra-Polycarbonite Lamellar Compound Ersteel 145 NZ Medpack Display NZ ABC-H...
  2. Hemor Vechin

    Character  Hemor Vechin

    Hemor Vechin Age 33 Species Pantoran Gender Male Height 1.8m (6ft) Weight 180lbs Force Sensitive None PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Hemor is a typical blue skinned male Pantoran with jet black hair. He has quite a few gold markings on his face that match his families. When not on duty he...
  3. Defender of the Lost

    Operation Kill Switch - Empire of the Lost Dominion of Anubys

    Anubys, a planet known in history for its fiercely independent and self-sufficient status, is now only known for being a wartorn, uninhabited planet. This gross misinterpretation is what led to the Imperial Army High Command’s decision to establish a hold on the planet. They believed that the...
  4. The Dantooine Chronicle

    Holonet  Governor Ova Ziss Arrested; Dantooine at War!

    Governor Ziss Under Planetary Arrest; Dantooine At War! By Talanis Botos , The Dantooine Chronicle The Empire of the Lost has shelled the Diarchy capital of Bastion in what Dantooine authorities are calling a diplomatic session gone wrong. A firefight broke out yesterday between Lost and...
  5. Sword of the Lost

    Dominion  Arachnophobia | EotL Dominion of Atollon

    After the successful, albeit costly invasions of the Garn and Maldra systems, the Empire of the Lost initiates the next stage of its offensive with a thrust into northern ex-Coalition space. Atollon, a remote planet situated in the Lothal sector which once played host to a battle between ancient...
  6. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Celox-Class Frigate

    Celox-Class Frigate OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a standardized frigate for the Empire of the Lost Image Source: Fractalsponge Canon Link: Class 546 Cruiser, Arquitens-class command cruiser Permissions: Primary Source: Class 546 Cruiser, Arquitens-class command cruiser...
  7. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Lianna II-Class Corvette

    Lianna II-Class Corvette OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a standardized patrol/general-use corvette for the Empire of the Lost Image Source: Artstation Canon Link: Lianna-Class Corvette, Seinar Fleet Systems Permissions: Primary Source: Lianna-Class Corvette VESSEL INFORMATION...
  8. Augustus Von Strauss

    Approved Lore  Jormungandr Fast Attack Squadron

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify Augustus's squadron for roleplay. Image Credit: Fleet Symbol Permissions: N/A Links: Augustus Von Strauss, Empire of the Lost, Invasion of Mon Cala Chapter 1: Above Salt and Sulfur GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: [Official Designation:] 9th Quick...
  9. Hugo Cordes

    Character  Hugo Cordes

    PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Hugo Cordes Race: Human Age: 28 Home World: Bastion Lives on: Lianna Height: 1m83cm / 6ft Weight: 85kg / 187lbs Eye color: Green Hair Color: Ashy brown Branch: Imperial Navy Rank: Commander ◘◘◘◘◘◘ Member of: Empire of the Lost STRENGHTS & WEAKNESSES * High...
  10. Sieliel Dimegor

    Approved Lore  The Trigonus Report

    The Trigonus Report OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a piece of propaganda which is a retelling of events from the perspective of Sieliel Dimegor . Image Credit: N/A. Canon: Declaration of a New Order. Permissions: N/A. Links: CHARACTERS, THEIR FACTIONS & RESPECTIVE...
  11. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  NCE-103, TIE/dv Devastator

    TIE/dv Devastator OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Khoi Anh Primary Source: Heavy Assault Starfighter, Solar-Collection Arrays, Mass-Driver Cannons, De-Ionizer, S-Foils, Ion Surge Shielding VESSEL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Heavy Assault Starfighter Length: 8.9 meters...
  12. Defender of the Lost

    Dominion  Hast-a La Vista | EOTL Dominion of Hast

    Hast. An unassuming planet in Wild Space bordering the Tingel Arm of not much renown. The space above it, however, teems with history. As the site of a secret New Republic shipyard for retrofitting and repair. It hid from the Galactic Empire until after the Battle of Endor, when it was...
  13. Sword of the Lost

    Skirmish  Mission to Malachor | EotL vs. Diarchy Skirmish on Malachor

    A scarred world of raging tempests, petrified figures locked in eternal combat, twisted monsters, and volatile gravity storms, Malachor V is an ancient wound in the Force, which yet holds priceless artifacts coveted by many of the galaxy’s reigning powers. Previously under the control of the...
  14. Sword of the Lost

    Skirmish  Mission to Malachor | EotL vs. Diarchy Skirmish on Malachor | OOC & Sign-up

    This is the OOC and sign-up thread for an upcoming skirmish narrative between the Diarchy and the Empire of the Lost. Find your dance partners here and sign-up for the action! Matchups will be listed below the preview of the write-up. A scarred world of raging tempests, petrified figures locked...
  15. Alicia Drey

    Approved Lore  The Nest Is Hacked By The Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats

    The Nest Is Hacked By The Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide context, and information, regarding an event that happened during an Invasion thread hosted by the Empire of the Lost, and Tingel Arm Coalition. Image Credit: [x] [x] Canon...
  16. Sword of the Lost

    Faction  Light Up the Void: Aftermath of Garn and Maldra IV [Empire of the Lost]

    Prisoner Imperial troopers march battered, yet victorious upon the surface of Maldra IV. However, even in victory, they walk amidst the ruins of the fallen Imperial and Coalition fleets. Stormtroopers, clones, and other personnel cut through wreckage to extract survivors as paratroopers rescue...
  17. A

    Character  Avery Straife

  18. Lissa

    Character  Lissa

    TITLE INFORMATION Name: Lissa Nicknames and Aliases: None Titles: Classified Affiliation: The Quasesitorum Obscurium Verum Verum Prime Rank: Classified BASIC INFORMATION Species: Hapan Age: Appears ~18-20 Sex: Female Occupation: Verum Assassin Primary Allegiance: Empire of the Lost...
  19. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Allegiance IV-Class Battlecruiser

    Allegiance IV-Class Battlecruiser OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Credit: Fractalsponge VESSEL SPECIFICATIONS Length: 2,200 meters Width: 1,100 meters Height: 450 meters Material: Main Superstructure: Tiber I Class Modular Platform Replaced Zeus Mk II with ATHENA DCOS-1M [Direct...
  20. Bella

    Invasion  The Rim War: Revenge of the Empire | EotL Invasion of TAC-held Garn and Maldra IV | Chapter 3

    In the wake of Emperor Velran Kilran’s fiery death over Mon Cala, the Empire of the Lost enters a critical flashpoint in its reign. While the rebellious Tingel Arm Coalition was defeated in its attempt at reclaiming Lothal, the battle exposed a number of festering weaknesses in the core of the...
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