Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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empire of the lost

  1. Karl Von Strauss

    Major Faction Empire of the Lost - Join Today!

    Securing Peace and Order for YOU! [Faction About Page] [Faction Discord] Join the Empire of the Lost today! The Empire of the Lost, or simply The Empire, is an Imperial faction made up of a coalition of Imperial Remnants who have come together to restore order, law, and prosperity to the...
  2. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Melee Weapon  NCE-MW03 "Las-Hammer"

    (LINK) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Permissions: N&Z Unmbrella Corporation (See Permissions at the bottom) Ersteel 145 SPECIAL FEATURES Monomolecular Energy Ribbon The head of the hammer has monomolecular energy ribbons running from under one side of the hammer's head over the top and...
  3. Sword of the Lost

    Faction  Dark Clouds: Aftermath of Lothal and Mon Cala [Empire of the Lost]

    Imperial Tyranny The Empire is victorious. However, it was not a victory without cost or sacrifice. Even as a fresh major galactic power, the Tingel Arm Coalition proved that it holds an alarming advantage in industry and manpower over the Lost Empire. More often than not, the Coalition’s...
  4. Teckla Tane

    Approved NPC  Koler Fohl

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: NPC head of the Imperial Crusaders innovation department Image Credit: Created by me using Gencraft AI Role: Director of Imperial Crusaders Provision Department Permissions: N/A Links: N/A PHYSICAL INFORMATION Age: 37 GSY Force Sensitivity: Master...
  5. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Ranged Weapon  Tane-Class Variable Artillery Piece (F/I/M/S/T)

    (Lorenzo Mauro) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (See Special Permissions) FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix HPI Consortium Fyrirdögun (OM) Segurium Light (OM) Hybrid Antimatter Power Unit (OM) N&Z Umbrella...
  6. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Melee Weapon  NCE-MW02 "Multi-Blade Vibrosword"

    (ME) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation (See Permissions at bottom) Ersteel 145 WEAPON SPECIFICATIONS Materials: Standard vibroblade parts/materials Synth-Leather Steel Composite Alloy (Ersteel 145, Ferrocarbon, and Phrik) Monomolecular Energy Cord...
  7. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Castor I/E - Cruiser Carrier

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Jake Maas Permissions: VESSEL SPECIFICATIONS Materials: Ersteel 145 Main skeletal structure with Tunqstoïd steel reinforcements Seigurium-reinforced Ersteel 145 Hull Seigurium Primary plating Laminasteel Secondary plating with Seigurium...
  8. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Ranged Weapon  NZ Modular Blaster - 02E

    (LINK) (The MB-02E is shown above, with a skeletonized Double Magazine to show the insides. The targeting matrix is active. Added torch to side of weapon) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (See Special Permissions) FAE/S-06 Reactive Targeting Matrix...
  9. Skyria Kyrtan

    Approved Armor  Skyria's Gauntlets/Vambraces

    Image Source: zbrush DESCRIPTION Following a sparring session with Crusader squire Oola Ven Grandmaster Teckla Tane decided that her aide Skyria had proved she could be more than an administrator and field officer. Skyria was to be an unofficial Crusader. As her aide lacked Force-Sensitivity...
  10. Teckla Tane

    Approved Starship  Personal Shuttle of Teckla Tane

    Image Source: Danito Saito, ArtStation STANDARD FEATURES Main Hyperdrive (0.7 class) Backup Hyperdrive (10 class) Reinforced durasteel/carbon fiber hull[ Twin Sub-light Ion Engines ADVANCED SYSTEMS Advanced Military Sensor Array FAE/S-02 Semi-Active Stealth System STRENGTHS Fast and...
  11. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Lore  Imperial Complex Defense Brigades

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To continue to flush out the EoTL's planetary defense, and to create obstacles for hostile factions/PSs in RP. Image Credit: Symbol Permissions: N/A Links: Yggdrasil Defense Complex Grand Army of the Lost Imperial Volunteer Army Stormtrooper Corp GENERAL...
  12. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Lore  Imperial Naval Defense Flotillas

    (Left: Avril Defense Station | Right: Hawk Defense Satellite [enlarged]) OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flush out the EoTL's planetary defense, and to create obstacles for hostile factions/PCs in RP. Image Credit: Avril, Hawk Permissions: Naval Corp of Engineering (Myself) NCE-DS01...
  13. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved NPC  Imperial Special Forces 17th Company, "The Bullfrogs"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a special forces unit around a cool art I found and to add lore to the Imperial Army. Image Credit: Soldiers, Logo - Alternate Navy SEAL Emblem Role: This unit is a special forces unit of the regular Imperial Army. Similar to how the Navy SEALs...
  14. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a 'fast' destroyer for the EoTL that can quickly respond to threats Image Source: Here Canon Link: Star Destroyer Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (Permission in spoiler) FAE/SW-06 "Malmourral" Super Heavy Fusion Plasma Artillery...
  15. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Loki-Class Fast Corvette

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a fast corvette for the EoTL Image Source: Here (all images found on this page) Canon Link: Corvette Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (Permission in spoiler) FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform v1.0.1 Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor...
  16. Arla Rodarch

    Major Faction News From the Mandalore Sector - MNN Exclusive - War on the Horizon?

    MNN News, with your hosts, Vau the Destroyer, and Mirta Saxon VAU : Good evening, and welcome to news of the hour, from Mandalore News Network, your trusted source for all current events in the world, the sector, and the whole galaxy too. We bring you now a report on the aftermath of several...
  17. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser [v2.0]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a 'fast' battlecruiser for the EoTL that can quickly respond to threats Image Source: Main Image (I linked the Pinterest post since the link it gives is a video), Alt View, Blueprint, Inside Bridge. Canon Link: Battlecruiser Permissions: First...
  18. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved Starship  Hofund-Class Fast Cruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Beowulf (DNT) (Both) Permissions: First United Astral Engineering (Permission in spoiler) FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform v1.0.1 Phase II "Divine Eyes" Sensor and Electronics System FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network FAE/S-03 Inclusive...
  19. Karl Von Strauss

    Heimdall-Class Fast Battlecruiser

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a 'fast' battlecruiser for the EoTL that can quickly respond to threats Image Source: Main Image (I linked the Pinterest post since the link it gives is a video), Alt View, Blueprint, Inside Bridge. Canon Link: Battlecruiser Permissions: First...
  20. Darth Rasnuhl

    Faction  Odacer-Faustin Hive of Activity

    High Orbit: 4 Impetum Heavy Cruiser 1 Cynosure Nidus Tags: Drenn | Open to other ETOL that want to visit High above the planet sits five warships unloading workers and cargo to the surface. Else where in the system the majority of his fleet keeps watch for Sith & check trade as a trade & city...
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