Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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empire of the lost

  1. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Tech  FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create stormtrooper armor for the Empire of the Lost. Image Source: Stormtrooper Outfit for Genesis 8 Female - RenderHub Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Integrum (Open-Market) Anti-Shank Cloth (X) - See "Permission" Spoiler Phase III "Dream Sight" Combat...
  2. Taika Yukan

    Character  Taika Yukan - Imperial Stormmedic

    Face Claim Armor T K - 1 1 5 Birthplace Ossus Age Young Adult Rank PVT. Faction Empire of the Lost Home Lianna Species Human, Half-Ysanna Gender Female Voice: TBA Force Sensitive N\A Height 5'8" Weight 135 lbs Hair Color Brunette Eye Color Grey Skin Color...
  3. Karl Von Strauss

    Approved NPC  Tempest Squadron

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create an Elite Starfighter Unit Image Credit: DeviantArt Role: It is an NPC squadron to be used during roleplay Links: TIE/DL GENERAL INFORMATION Fleet Name: Tempest Squadron Classification: Starfight Squadron Allegiance: Empire of the Lost, Augustus...
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