Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tris

    Approved Lore  Nightdragon Corps

    "The mysteries of the Force are an enigma to me. But for all those abilities, all the power, the Jedi lacked the vision for how to wield it." -Mitth'raw'nuruodo OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Put to paper an idea I've had since reading the New Canon Thrawn trilogy and expanding on my...
  2. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Force Illusions: Notes on how to recognize & counter them

    "Mastering the art of countering illusions is not just about resisting the lure of the false reality. It's about cultivating and building the strength of the mind, the clarity of the heart, and the depth of the connection to the Force. Once you've embraced these qualities, then you'll truly be...
  3. Rayia Si

    Feel the Magic, Hear the Roar (Baby Force User)

    Hey all, Since it makes sense for Rayia's story, following her story of being rescued from captivity by a Jedi Healer and her subsequent life debt, Rayia would be spending a lot of time around Force Users. She might even have the possibility of exploring how a late bloomer reacts to dealing...
  4. Syd Celsius

    Approved Tech  Syd's Force Saber Crystal

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a new Force Saber Crystal Image Source: Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Name: Syd's Force Saber Crystal Manufacturer: Syd Celsius Affiliation...
  5. C

    Work In Progress  Guardians Of The Whills

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER INFORMATION: Intent: To create a group of religious Force Users that will inhabit the Praxeum of the Whills on Mnemosyne. Image Credit: To be added. Role: The Guardians of the Whills is a monastic religious group that seeks to protect artifacts and information relating to the...
  6. Micheal Nox

    LFG  Force Killer Looking For threads

    So watched Thor Love and Thunder and lo and behold, Gorr was kinda neat. The God Butcher. I've been mentioning a desire for some sort of anti Force user thing so, finally, I decided to make my own. If you haven't heard of them, The Ascendant were a group of folks who wanted to replicate the...
  7. C

    LFG  Force Theorists, Scholars and Consular-types.

    I'm looking for threads with Force Users, who focus on the Force itself (Think Consular-Types), and the ideologies of other Force Groups. Of course, Jedi are included in this, but Caedyn is seeking to understand the Will of the Force better. Call it a spiritual journey of growth, rather than...
  8. Lord Reficite

    Private  Force and Karma

    "A TANK?!" A voice erupted as some soldiers looked back towards where it came from. Only ten hours ago did Darth Reficite get a call saying a tunnel had been found near the Citadel of his, one that had been used to smuggle possible illict goods. Judging from his own voice in the darkness and...
  9. Kinoan

    Approved NPC  Fisk Kamer - Force Ghost

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To turn one of my characters that is a big part of Kinoan's backstory into an NPC Image Credit: Datapad - (x) Force Ghost - (x) and (x), edited by me Knightwatch - Unsure, found a long time ago in the Silver Jedi Concord Discord. Pretty sure it was Kyra...
  10. Davin Jusik

    LFG  Looking for LS Force Trainer and anyone interested in a pilot for flying jobs/missions/adventures etc.

    Description in title, reworked an old character and looking to get him into shenanigans as he goes about his story arc. Is mostly unaware of his force abilities and untrained beyond basic meditation. Also open to other rps, battle/social/whatever really long as the story is good. Davin Jusik-TIE...
  11. Natassia Gwyrnarm

    Private  Betrayed: Task Force Crisis

    Prolouge [Planet Hoth Sometime In the future Last hour before the return Of the titan] "Natassia... Daedros, we don't have much time. An hour Liodale is out of his cage." "I know Arlana... just keep these stupid droids off my back." Natassia radioed back as she moved quickly taking down a...
  12. Zoraya Dara

    Approved Tech  Project Lightpoint — Force Chamber

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To develop the Force-amplifying chamber for Project Lightpoint Image Source: Link Canon Link: Meditation Chamber Sith Meditation Sphere Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Meditation Chamber Sith Meditation Sphere PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  13. Lord Reficite

    Approved Tech  The Helm of Force Phantasm

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Helmet to explain one of the Rituals most known to Darth Reficite, Force Phantoms. Image Source: Here Canon Link: Force Phantom Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Darth Reficite Affiliation: Darth Reficite...
  14. Volya Sasiq

    LFG  Twi'lek force sensative looking for light side master

    Title honestly says it all. At first I was somewhat indecisive for what I wanted this character to be but now I made up my mind. I want her to be part of the Jedi Order and think it would be interesting to see how she would interact with other force users
  15. Laertia Io

    Work In Progress  Force Nuetralizer Model 1

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Assassin droid PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Affiliation: Market Status: Closed-Market Model: N/A Production: Semi...
  16. The Covenant of Kel'Rai

    The Covenant of Kel'Rai

    The Covenant of Kel'Rai was created by Elemris, an ancient being that was once a Jedi of the New Republic. Created in the Unknown Regions, the Covenant of Kel'Rai strove for centuries to grow and develop their understanding of the Force, and how to control it in all of its aspects. Now, the...
  17. Capris Halcyon

    Private  Force of Nature

    No matter how hard she fought it, there always seemed to be something primed to draw her back to the Outer Rim. Coruscant had been an admittedly nice sabbatical. Putting as much physical distance as she humanly could between her past and present had the intended effect of a fresh start, but in...
  18. Ignacious Korvan

    LFG  Special Task Force 110 - "Death Mask" Recruiting

    With the unfortunate dissolvement of SCAR squadron (a special forces group headed by our former FO) I've decided to open up to player characters a special task force i have made known as Special Task Force 110 - "Death Mask"...
  19. Koyi Mateil

    Public  Rising feeling in the force

    A twi'lek woman would walk into an old droid factory on the planet of Mustafar. Many old rusted droids of the old clone war litter the floors of the factory, a decent place to hide out for the time being, to build power out of. The woman was of the dark side but she doesn't have a master or an...
  20. Zain815

    Character  Zayan Andreaisen

    Backstory: Zayan was born to a lower class family on Coruscant in the lower levels of the city, though his father dreamed of more for him. Zayan was force sensitive, though his mother who worked within the children's protection and acquisitions department knew tricks to hide her son's potential...
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