Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Eremia Loigos

    Work In Progress  Pantoran Expansion Force

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ] Image Credit: cafepress Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers’ content as part of this submission.] Links: [ Provide...
  2. Bane Darkclaw

    LFG  Pirate Hunter / Force Sensitive

    So, looking for something specific with this guy. First of all, looking for a faction that supports his beliefs to hunt out and kill pirates. It does not matter what faction as long as his actions are allowed. 2ndly, he is force sensitive so some story arc of him becoming an apprentice of some...
  3. Vokeo Iga

      Force Ninja Background

    Looking to make this character a take on a Force Ninja. I have him as half Echani/half Kage. He was kidnapped as a baby by an assassin who had killed his family and then trained him as a Seyugi Dervish. He later finds out his master killed his family, and he kills his master and leaves, training...
  4. Muphinz

    Work In Progress  Damocletian Planetary Defense Force

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a canonized submission for the minor military of Damocles for future reference and updating. Image Credit: Rayven Studios Role: Planetary Defence, Police Action, 'Keepers of the Peace' Permissions: N/A Links: Damocles GENERAL INFORMATION Unit...
  5. Anneliese Kaohal

    Private  Paths in the Force

    The Sliver Rest - Kashyyyk - Lightsaber Training Drill l Meet other Padawans - Aayla Shan Ura Iolar It was today, her brain registering as her eyes opened, the light of the morning just barely making its way through the forest canopies and into the window of her small room. Why…why couldn’t...
  6. Mazrith Drihl

    LFG  Looking for Neutral/Darkside force users

    So I was recently on LFG a few weeks ago looking for a thread, though quickly got busy and had to drop the idea. Now I am back and am hungry for a thread. I was hoping to try to reach out to some Neutral force users, and perhaps some more neutralish oriented Dark Side users. Similar to perhaps...
  7. Amnesia

    Approved Tech  Force Muddle Grenades

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit a set of semi-unique grenades Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Forcebreaker Gas Grenade PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Amnesia Affiliation: Amnesia Market Status: Closed Market Model: Force Muddle Grenades...
  8. Cailen Corso

    Private  The Gathering

    Tags: Valery Noble Location: ILUM A right of passage for Jedi Younglings for millennia, the Gathering was a near-sacred trial intended to help aspiring young Jedi overcome their personal fears and failings. It was during the Gathering that a Youngling would find their kyber crystal, a...
  9. Corbin Vasher

    Factory  Unlimited Force Technologies (Force-Tech)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Imagine Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Unlimited Force Technologies Headquarters: Yumfla, Susevfi Locations: Susevfi Operations: Vehicle Manufacturing, Shipbuilding, Weapons and Armor Manufacturing, other...
  10. Imella Flyve

    Question  Looking for a Force Menace

    Hey folks. I'm looking at starting a thread and want the initial antagonist (of sorts) to be a non-sentient Force creature. My first thought was Terentatek, but was hoping for something maybe a bit bigger that would be more of a general threat instead of a Force-user hunter. Any suggestions?
  11. Rannux Sevesu

    Hector Tactical Expeditionary Force

    Intent: To create a security company for Rannux Image Credit: Edited by me Permissions: N/A Links: N/A Group Name: Hector Tactical Expeditionary Force Other Names: Hector Tactical Private Military HTPM/EF Classification: Mercenaries/Expeditionary Force, Private security, asset protection...
  12. Rannux Sevesu

    Work In Progress  Hector Tactical

    Intent: To create a security company for Rannux Image Credit: Edited by me Permissions: N/A Links: N/A Group Name: Hector Tactical Expeditionary Force Other Names: Hector Tactical Private Military HTPM/EF Classification: Mercenaries/Expeditionary Force, Private security, asset protection...
  13. Gabby

    Approved Tech  Force Alarm System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a subtle warning system for when the force is being used on you. Image Source: Link Canon Link: n/a Permissions: n/a Primary Source: n/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Gabby Affiliation: Any who's bought it. Market Status: Open-Market...
  14. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Question  Question on about the force

    If someone, "If" manage to find a way to cancel the force, would it cause a side effect? would it destroy the reason of Jedi and Sith? even that Life creates the force. makes it grow? It would be cool if someone can extinguish the force...
  15. Subject 73 Red

    Approved NPC  Elysium Empire Special Task Force Gamma-1 "Mole Rats"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a special operations task force for the Elysium Empire Image Credit: CrazyGirl187 Role: Special Operations, Black Ops. Permissions: N/A Links: Elysium Empire, Dr. Veinstein , Heath Valhoun GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Special Task Force Unit...
  16. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Question  Question on about (Civilian Milita Defense Force)

    Suppose if ACC spread out influencing as owning private places in the different factions. Can I form a volunteer militia program designed to provide military and law enforcement additional support during times of crisis?
  17. K

    Question  Force Users and Alienation in the Current Setting

    Hi everybody, Just something for us all to ponder and discuss: in the timeline of this forum's fanon, how do you guys think the Jedi and Sith, respectively, would view and approach the concept of alienation from Galactic Society felt by its users, assuming any feel that way at all? Also, what...
  18. Subject 73 Red

    Ready For Judge  Elysium Empire Special Task Force Gamma-1 "Mole Rats"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a special operations task force for the Elysium Empire Image Credit: CrazyGirl187 Role: Special Operations, Black Ops. Permissions: N/A Links: Elysium Empire, Dr. Veinstein , Heath Valhoun GENERAL INFORMATION Unit Name: Special Task Force Unit...
  19. Ishani Dinn

    Work In Progress  plz archive

  20. Briana Sal-Soren

    Children of The Force: Misadventures On Ossus [Paddy Pack]

    Early Morning | Ossus She'd found it earlier on that week and Briana could hardly believe her luck. Cutting away vines of thick foliage and plant growth had uncovered a black and metallic wreckage with a tarnished triangular cabin that was large enough to fit at least three passengers...
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