Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Eira Dwynwen

    Private  The Hunt for the Lost Sith

    A lead. A single, drunken lead. That had been all that Eira was able to gather. Was it enough? Not really, the spy was usually able to coax more information out of people if she believed that had interesting stories to tell. Eira had memorized all that had been said to her. The Maw isn't the...
  2. Mia Mereel

    Private  The Great Nexu Hunt

    POLITICAL REGION: Bryn’Adul SPACE LOCATION: Haunted Cave, Shattered Stone Wilderness Preserve, Loth Objectives: Rescue Desert Nexu., Loth-cats, Loth-wolves. Collect biome samples, plants for future restoration. Survive the Bryn’adul TAGS: [ Sergeant Omen ] [ Keatoch ] [ Han Tuusoc ] [ Vrun...
  3. GreyJedi

    Private  The Hunt Continues

    It had been roughly a week since Galen Paven had woken up on Coruscant. He had gotten multiple leads on different Force Sensitive being. Galen had been a bit excited to rebuild the Jedi Order. Galen though had been hearing rumors that the Jedi Order was actually alive and well. He hadn’t...
  4. Taeli Raaf

    Private  Witch Hunt

    Continuation of Traitors Gate Yavin IV Allyson Locke Lightning erupted across Allyson's frame, smoke and steam billowing up from the wet clothing that acted as a lovely conductor for the Force Lightning unleashed on her. Allyson's free hand gripped her collar, keeping them close even as the...
  5. Kaidan Ordo

    Private  To Hunt The Hunter

    . Crash Landing It had happened rather quickly. One moment he was giving a test flight for his new tie, the next, he was hurtling through the atmosphere of Belkadan. The ground was rushing up at him, alarms blaring in his cockpit, and he had little choice but to eject; his father would not be...
  6. Darth Strosius

    Private  Asking Questions on Anzat

    Anzat. A small part of Alisteri felt that he would be lost in this wretched spaceport forever at this rate. He had never had the...pleasure of being to Anzat before, and even now he had yet to set foot on the planet itself. Rather, he had spent nearly two hours now wandering around the...
  7. Milla Kryst

    Faction  Her Great White Hunt (Open to DWC Mandos)

    Location: Dagobah This was a long time coming for Milla, literally. Spending almost two-hundred years as a slave, to killing her master. On the run from slavers and criminals alike, only to be caught in the fists of justice called Mandalorians. She only wanted a new life, one to live out her...
  8. Tae'l Vizsla

    Private  Where the wild things live | Kestri

    K E S T R I SEVERAL MONTHS AFTER; AMONGST THE ASHES Tag: Eliz Krayt | Several teams had been dispatched by the Black Had Collective to scavenge useful tech and resources from the surface of Kestri, Which may one day prove useful in their efforts to settle here. Tayl's team had chosen the ruins...
  9. Taeli Raaf

    Challenge of the Twelve

    Orchestrated by the Triumvir of Power, Darth Arcanix, the Challenge of the Twelve is designed as a test of strength for the Sith and their allies. Seeded throughout Sith space are twelve immensely powerful Sithspawn, created by Taeli herself, for participants to hunt and defeat in combat. If...
  10. WelshGuy

    A Silver Crystal Gathering (SJO only)

    It had been decided by Yuroic that it was time for another opportunity for the Silver Jedi Order Padawans to have a chance at locating their Lightsaber crystals. The last hunt had been a while and it was good to have the Padawans go together and venture into the caves together or with their...
  11. Credius

    Hunt for the Marked Marquis

    Time: Unknown Location: Unknown This is a missive for anyone willing to undertake a dangerous and quit possibly suicidal mission. Our organization has been given a task most would want to avoid, a task which would only appeal to the most daring and most cunning or simply the most deranged...
  12. grammaticus

    Ambria Night

    Animus was irritated. Granted he was almost always irritated at one thing or another, this galaxy was good at creating annoyances. Today however was much irritating than usual. The main reason being his ship had crashed. It had been an old freighter, nearly three decades old and in bad shape but...
  13. grammaticus

    Bounty Hunters Paradise

    Looking to get this character captured, and last I checked there were several bounties stacked on my shiny head. So, any takers?
  14. Kay-Larr

    To Catch Some Spies

    Zakuul has some First Order elite executing acts of terrorism and sabotage in it's cities, most especially Zakuul city. I'm looking for First Order character writers to be the special ops teams. Can't let [member="Robogeber"] do all of it himself ;) [member="Kyrel Ren"] , what about you? All of...
  15. Wolfpack

    Thrill of the Hunt

    Standing atop a tree with a hand on the trunk, a large figure stood cloaked by a personal Cloaking device. Below groups of Acklay patrolled the plains. A datapad embedded in a gauntlet would power on. Kill and retrieve an Acklay skull. Soon just as the sun on Vendaxa started to rise and the...
  16. Darth Carnifex

    Hunting in the Dark

    The Akkadese Maelstrom The swirling chaotic turbulence of the Akkadese Maelstrom rolled around the Intrepid, a modified Ferrata-class Corps Assault Carrier captained by the Sith Emperor for a secret project deep in the heart of the Maw Nebula. Though barely large enough to fit through the...
  17. W

    Looking for Criminals, Gangsters, Rebels - antagonists

    Hello! I am slowly getting started with my character which makes me very happy and ... eager for more :) I am not a dominion, battle or war player, so I want to focus on character development, interaction with others, good conversations and good stories. Therefore I open this thread. My...
  18. Yasha Cadera

    In the Veshoks, In the Veshoks, Where the Snakes Go (ME Domestic Hunt)

    In the Veshoks, In the Veshoks, Where the Snakes Go Mandalorian Empire Hunting Expedition The years of terraforming upon the Mandalorian homeworld since Mand’alor the Infernal took command reversed ecological devastation at a series of crawls. Metre by metre, Manda’yaim was reclaimed. Acres at...
  19. Jack Anderson

    Digging though the past

    Jack landed his shuttle on Mustafar, he had seen [member="Darth Vyrassu"] 's challenge to the members of his empire and Jack was almost certain where he would be going the second he read the detail's, Darth Vader's Castle his contract with the Dominion had almost brought him here to aid the...
  20. Taeli Raaf

    Bounty Hunters? We Do Need Their Scum

    Promenade, Nar Shaddaa, Hutt Space Leaning on a railing that overlooked the vast commercial district of the Smuggler's Moon, probably one of the only areas on the moon that actually had some legitimacy, Taeli was irritated. She had been spending resources to find Kurt Meyer, and the valuable...
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