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Tags: Dantum Kryszar | J. Jorus Jaxxon | Mikilanna Mihaly | Ran | Viola Valencia
Planet: Corellia
Location: crowded hangar
Ambience: space station ambience
Goal: To catch some nightmare demons
Bad guys
Goal: To cause some trouble on the way.
(OOC: If anyone wants to cause...
Aboard the Uhl Valaviteco
870 ABY
Wyatt stood at the head of the holotable, his finger pressed tight against his chin. Displayed before him was the grainy outline of the Pomojema - grainy from its last sighting near the Daragon Trail, next to the slowly rotating bust of Ashin Cardé...
Sith. Vong. Bryn'adul. The galaxy had seen more than its fair share of monsters. But as Krenis double-checked his Westar-34 and the gas-canister in his wrist-mounted flamethrower, it struck...
it would be a few days ago when various allys of Hades corp and Various hades corp detachments were called for aid over a troubling distress call from the Lone wolf assassin and ex leader of hades corp for help. The call would last only a few minutes and be set to repeat but the sounds on the...
Crimson Hunt ~ Crimson Blood.
Location: The planet Thule.
Friendlies: Alara Ordo @Dima | Open
Hostiles: Alina Tremiru
Main Objective: Bring Sith scum target in to justice at the hands of the Mandalorian Enclave.
Secondary Objective: N/A.
The arid world of Thule plotted to choke...
The Crimson saber tore through the troops. Cleaving in pieces. Their screams fueling the blade and it's strength. The power of the wielder, a Dark Sovereign was all that could be seen from the man who once was. Troops, Sith troopers, Sithspawn, and all that had once been the powerbase of the man...
As some know, I'm quite a fanatic art commissioner for my character, and that brings me to this post!
I'll be working with my favorite artist again on a piece that shows Valery as a Jedi Shadow approaching a Sith/Dark Sider she's about to strike down.
My question is if anybody would be...
Wild Hunt
The Boy Baron and Friends
The Free Imperial City of Sólrike, Irmenu
Ever since the admission of the Free Imperial City into the New Imperial Order, the entire city-state had been buzzing with arrivals fresh from the depths of space. New Imperial diplomats, Imperial Knights...
From the outside of the cantina it looks beautiful, inviting and homey. Soft wooden planks and huge, stone pillars make up most of the building's outer structure.
It's impossible to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the hustling and bustling from within can be felt outside.
Tag: Eleven
Location Somewhere in space
fa-play fa-pause
Deep in space, far from Pybus an otherwise quiet little piece of the cold void of space was suddenly lit up with bright light from ship cannons. The first ship was a simple light freighter, while not far behind them, was a heavily...
Location: Unknown Regions
Mission: Exploration
Ship: Wandering Pilgrim
Mentions: Darth Senthral
Image Source:
Signals could be difficult to track; the Galaxy was a large place. Planets would hum in the great silence...
A lead. A single, drunken lead. That had been all that Eira was able to gather. Was it enough? Not really, the spy was usually able to coax more information out of people if she believed that had interesting stories to tell. Eira had memorized all that had been said to her. The Maw isn't the...
It had been roughly a week since Galen Paven had woken up on Coruscant. He had gotten multiple leads on different Force Sensitive being. Galen had been a bit excited to rebuild the Jedi Order. Galen though had been hearing rumors that the Jedi Order was actually alive and well. He hadn’t...
Continuation of Traitors Gate
Yavin IV
Allyson Locke
Lightning erupted across Allyson's frame, smoke and steam billowing up from the wet clothing that acted as a lovely conductor for the Force Lightning unleashed on her. Allyson's free hand gripped her collar, keeping them close even as the...
Crash Landing
It had happened rather quickly. One moment he was giving a test flight for his new tie, the next, he was hurtling through the atmosphere of Belkadan. The ground was rushing up at him, alarms blaring in his cockpit, and he had little choice but to eject; his father would not be...
A small part of Alisteri felt that he would be lost in this wretched spaceport forever at this rate.
He had never had the...pleasure of being to Anzat before, and even now he had yet to set foot on the planet itself. Rather, he had spent nearly two hours now wandering around the...
Location: Dagobah
This was a long time coming for Milla, literally. Spending almost two-hundred years as a slave, to killing her master. On the run from slavers and criminals alike, only to be caught in the fists of justice called Mandalorians. She only wanted a new life, one to live out her...
Tag: Eliz Krayt |
Several teams had been dispatched by the Black Had Collective to scavenge useful tech and resources from the surface of Kestri, Which may one day prove useful in their efforts to settle here.
Tayl's team had chosen the ruins...
Orchestrated by the Triumvir of Power, Darth Arcanix, the Challenge of the Twelve is designed as a test of strength for the Sith and their allies. Seeded throughout Sith space are twelve immensely powerful Sithspawn, created by Taeli herself, for participants to hunt and defeat in combat. If...