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Image Credit: Found here
Intent: To create a specialized planetary bombardment/assault heavy cruiser for the Cartel and any interested third parties
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: Nudcha-class
Affiliation: Hutt Cartel, Tenloss Corporation, Open Market...
We are a brotherhood. We are a sisterhood. We are a Family. Together as a Family, we are strong. Divided, we are weakened. Among the shadows we thrive, away from the light.
We do not fear the shadows. We welcome it like an old friend. We greet it as a long lost sibling. We hold it close as a...
Heya, folks! It's everyone's favorite Hutt, Popo, and I'm here for some great news! I'm hiring. Specifically, I'm hiring for a retrieval type job. The pay is good and can range from plain credits, to Tenloss Corporation gear, to whatever you'd like that I can provide. So, without further ado...
Hey guys. I'd like to get Popo a bit more involved and helping you guys micromanage a planet while pushing Cartel IC agendas would be a great way to get the Cartel, You, and myself more active. I started the thread a while ago, but forgot to put up an OOC thread. Long and short, OOC'ly, I'm...
Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa Capitol Building
10:00 hours
Popo knew how to make an entrance and he knew how to intimidate and bully the opposition. However, today he wasn't here to throw his considerable weight around. Today, he was to play the part of the shrewd businessman and push for the...
I'm negotiating with the Republic for access and underworld control of Nar Shaddaa. OOC'ly, it will be fully accessible to all of the Hutt Cartel and a base of operations for all. IC'ly, while the planet will be under the control of the Republic, the underworld and black market will be under the...
I want a handful of precious and rare metals and rare gems. Here's the list:
Beskar - Restricted (mining)
Phrik - Restricted (mining)
Cortosis - Restricted (mining)
Stygium - Restricted (mining)
Fire Gems
I need all of these items in a...
Mos Gos Cantina
"Annnnd another!"
It was no secret the basic-speaking Hutt loved to party, and on a world that had prohibited the use of spice and various other substances, finding entertainment proved to be difficult. The larger Hutt had, however, found an underground cantina that provided...
Tefga, Clan Leader of his Kasiljic, Inventor and Artificer, slithered forward at a steady pace towards the draft table before him within one of the Cartel's palaces on Nal Hutta. Several droids scampered by, serving mercenaries still hung over from celebrations the night before. Tefga, however...
Due to the violent usurpation of the former Hutt Grand Council, several prominent Hutt families violently retaliated against the newest leaders of the Hutt Cartel. One such Hutt Kajidic was the Besadii, an ancient Hutt family that had years of history. The recently deceased Besadii head actually...
For over four hundred years, the Hutt Grand Council has had the same five clan leaders rule an otherwise fragmented and chaotic plot of the galaxy. They maintained the ancient decree to closing off the Hutt's borders, despite the fact that the Gulag Plague had disappeared...