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On the the remote rock Kintan, a young Nikto jedi padawan leads an isolated life. Having abandoned his studies and retired himself from the affairs of the galaxy and jedi alike he has fled the eyes of his order for reasons no one in the outer rim knows.
At first his prescence here was challenged...
///begin transmission..
To: Hutt Cartel
From: Flannigan Mcnash
This is a pre-recorded message, I Flannigan Mcnash will be conducting a slave raid on Dressel, and its people the Dressellians, at one of their farming communities. Mercenaries and contacts of the Cartel are welcome, and those who...
The white dust danced its little dance, blown up by the fairly mild wind eating its way through the dunes of the White desert on Sriluur. The vast area appeared to never end. There was sand and rock formations for as long as the eye could see.
On the top of the hill a leisure tent had been put...
The wheels are turning, the worlds are burning, progress is a churning. It waits for no man, it cannot be pleaded with bribed or destroyed, progress is a churning and up, up, up, we must step or be left a burning.
It was a cold arid night in the wastes where Mella Industries was located, from...
At night the palace hallways fell silent. Here and there a wind blew up some dust. No one really understood where those gusts derived from. But then, there were alot of things that White Palace kept as its own secrets. This particular night the palace curiously watched as a tall heavily armored...
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
Location: North Continent
Deep in Hutt Space.
FFE’s Main Production Facility, Punta Outman Geesa, or Dead Outlanders
In the rubbled filled interlinked cities of Seutta and Nuttaon
Project Designation: ATRS - Advanced...
Image Source
Intent: Shield Piercing Ammunition. SPA-I Ion Damage, and SPA-P Electrical Plasma Discharge. Compatible with multiple damage types and casing sizes. 6mm, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 30 and 40mm weapons. The larger varieties will often be used against larger targets such as vehicles, while...
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
Location: North Continent
Deep in Hutt Space.
FFE’s Main Production Facility, Punta Outman Geesa, or Dead Outlanders
In the rubbled filled interlinked cities of Seutta and Nuttaon
Thirty Third Level of the Goros Sector, Nar Shaddaa
The Red fifteen Casino, nicknamed fifteen days to pay, was as usual open for business, its doors bustling with trade, downstairs cramped and packed with bodies, all kinds of deals being done. Weapons being traded, spice, drugs, slaves...
Upper: Custom | Lower: Image Source
Are you just not a people person?
Do you hate standing in line?
Is terror tattooed on your knuckles?
Well we at FFE hate queues as much as the next sentient.
Intent: An smg sized secondary weapon, an acidthrower to counter to heavy personal armor or light...
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
OOC Note:
The Sound of the War Drum
Kor Oktanivii was a relatively unknown world to anyone outside of the hutt cartel, located in the triplanet system of Gos Hutta, inside the...
Lower: Image Source | Top: Custom Image
Does someone need to chill out?
Do you like freezing your faster targets to make them easier to shoot?
Are your enemies always escaping? How about stopping that speeder or jetpack from just flying off again.
We at FFE sympathize with your feelings...
Image Source: Upper Custom Made | Lower
Do you fear living armor or tough animal hides?
Do you need something for invisible crowd control and deniability?
Or are you an assassin who likes tidy, silent business?
Look no further, FFE has you covered.
Intent: A standard tensor rifle for the...
Corporation Name: Fire For Effect
Headquarters: Gos Hutta
Locations: Gos Hutta – Kor Oktanivii (Development) | Sriluur (Warehouses) | Kessel (Development | Manufacture | Shipyard)
Operations: Arms and Armor Manufacture | Starship Manufacture
Rationale: Fire For Effect have been in the...
Ti'Kik sits upon the top of his personal assistant droid, Lyo'Yo'O, flailing his arms and shrieking loudly as the Jawa is carried towards the honourable [member="Sempra the Hutt"] and his second hand [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"].
Immediately Lyo'Yo'O's eyes...
Sempra the hutt leaned back in the majestic seat in the ancient white palace throne room.
Around him guards, slaves and all sorts of bussiness associates were mingling looking for opportunities or merely basking in the revived cartels new found status.
Sempra eyed them all silently, most were...
Image Source
Name: Red Fifteen
Also known as Fifteen Days to Pay, for those in debt.
1, For Tadietti’s own personal character development
2, For the combined background roleplaying of [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] ’s Uos family
3, To expand the Hutt Cartel's influence...
Disclaimer: This is going to be vague (for now)
I am looking for an individual or a company to help me craft something specific. In order to craft what I have in mind, you'll need to have access to Restricted materials, and as well have some manner of disdain or grudge against...
The Cartel's IC rank structure is as follows from highest to lowest. Specialized ranks will follow immediately after.
Cartel Boss
This person is in charge of the Cartel as a whole. All Clan and Organization leaders report to them. They make the calls and decide upon the path of the Cartel...