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Scene I
The White palace on Sriluur
Sempra Besadii Dhakun roared in agony. He threw his cup on the floor letting its red content splash out on the floor. Slaves quickly rushed forth to save the Huttese carpet form stains. surely they would get punished if the hutt found a stain on it later on...
The air was filled a mixture of despair, sweat and the foul promise of credits.
Sempra the Hutt slithered forth pouring two cups of wine. The office in the the Slave camp was small in comparrison to the white palace but Sempra had made sure it was furnished in a way to please the more important...
A YT-2400 Light Freighter burst from hyperspace and made it's way down to the planets surface. The ship landed at the White Palace, it's steam powered hydraulics reliving the stored up steam as the pressure of the ship was applied to them. A duros exited the ship and walked towards who...
The Hutt Cartel
OOC Heirarchy:
Owner - (Sempra the hutt)
CO-admins - (Flannigan Mcnash, Lysle of the Hydian Way, Xander Black)
IC Hierarchy:
The Cartel hierarchy rests on a mixture of a classical criminal mafia-like syndicate and the traditional roots of the ancient Hutt Empire.
Sempra blessed the weather. It was raining over the ruined city of Kalandra and it meant that people would get cold. That meant that they would need to find methods of growing warm, or perhaps by fleeing reality. A Quick and easy escape was so tempting to most races...
There had been alot of...
In [member="Amelia Deathman"] s office a signal broke through. The green symbol of the Hutt Cartel turned slowly on her desk.
The beeping signal indicated a holoprojection sought approval to open a channel.
A Quick scan of the signals origin showed it to have travelled from the outer rim, Sriluur.
The twin suns beating down onto the soft golden sand of Tatooine. The lack of water out in the desert, the lack of sun protection. The dust being kicked up by those speeders darting through the sand. Wait, what? Speeders darting through the sand?
The Cowboy tilted his hat, smirking. The desert...
There was smoke from the explossions taking place at the foot of the mountain. It rushed upward in a powerful line only to gently turn around and sprinkle its way downward.
Sempra raised his glass toward [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] in the sailing barge he had brought with them to oversee the...
The merciless suns tirelessly fried the inhabitants going about their daily bussiness. Sempra the Hutt slithered from the hangar where his space yacht had docked toward the main street where his hoover sledge was ready and waiting.
As he left the hangar bay Sempra shielded his eyes from the...
Sriluur slave camp
Intent: A location where slaves are brought in between their capture and the coming auction. This is mainly a location to be used for Slave RP and/or for characters looking for a place to RP a rescue operation of slaves.
Classification: A slave camp.
Location: Sriluur, the...
On the the remote rock Kintan, a young Nikto jedi padawan leads an isolated life. Having abandoned his studies and retired himself from the affairs of the galaxy and jedi alike he has fled the eyes of his order for reasons no one in the outer rim knows.
At first his prescence here was challenged...
///begin transmission..
To: Hutt Cartel
From: Flannigan Mcnash
This is a pre-recorded message, I Flannigan Mcnash will be conducting a slave raid on Dressel, and its people the Dressellians, at one of their farming communities. Mercenaries and contacts of the Cartel are welcome, and those who...
The white dust danced its little dance, blown up by the fairly mild wind eating its way through the dunes of the White desert on Sriluur. The vast area appeared to never end. There was sand and rock formations for as long as the eye could see.
On the top of the hill a leisure tent had been put...
The wheels are turning, the worlds are burning, progress is a churning. It waits for no man, it cannot be pleaded with bribed or destroyed, progress is a churning and up, up, up, we must step or be left a burning.
It was a cold arid night in the wastes where Mella Industries was located, from...
At night the palace hallways fell silent. Here and there a wind blew up some dust. No one really understood where those gusts derived from. But then, there were alot of things that White Palace kept as its own secrets. This particular night the palace curiously watched as a tall heavily armored...
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
Location: North Continent
Deep in Hutt Space.
FFE’s Main Production Facility, Punta Outman Geesa, or Dead Outlanders
In the rubbled filled interlinked cities of Seutta and Nuttaon
Project Designation: ATRS - Advanced...
Image Source
Intent: Shield Piercing Ammunition. SPA-I Ion Damage, and SPA-P Electrical Plasma Discharge. Compatible with multiple damage types and casing sizes. 6mm, 8, 10, 12, 14, 20, 30 and 40mm weapons. The larger varieties will often be used against larger targets such as vehicles, while...
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
Location: North Continent
Deep in Hutt Space.
FFE’s Main Production Facility, Punta Outman Geesa, or Dead Outlanders
In the rubbled filled interlinked cities of Seutta and Nuttaon
Thirty Third Level of the Goros Sector, Nar Shaddaa
The Red fifteen Casino, nicknamed fifteen days to pay, was as usual open for business, its doors bustling with trade, downstairs cramped and packed with bodies, all kinds of deals being done. Weapons being traded, spice, drugs, slaves...