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So, heard a lot about this site, finally decided to join myself.
I am Nick, a former soldier, and an automotive mechanic, but I go by the pen name of Trem (Based off the Tremere bloodline in Vampire: The Masquerade) I generally RP a Sith, or a Mandalorian. On my site Star Wars: Galaxy I am the...
Hey there everyone! I'm Galen!
I got the link from a friend at TGC, and this place seems a million times better, a mix of a rp site I used to be on with the Factory part, plus Star Wars. Go Star Wars!
Anywho, I'm looking for this guy to be an Inquisitor like a part of the Star Wars Empire, and...
Location – Edge of Republic Territory, Onboard the New Republic Starship “Destiny”.
Song – Oracle and Intrepid Souls by AudioMachine, Interstellar by Groove Addicts.
“Where am I…?” Her own voice echoed within the depths of her mind as her body floated nearly lifeless amongst the debris within...
Greetings Everyone,
I am very new to forum roleplaying. In fact, this will be the very first forum rp that I join. Since I am a noob I have been reading up on the rules, tutorials and some sample posts to kind of get the hang of how this all works. I have been a huge Star Wars fan since I was a...
G'day, chaps.
Name's a friendly hobo. You can all call me Hobo.
I'm extremely new to this form of RP. I'm mostly used to IRC based RP, so I have about a ton of questions. Where would I go about asking them? I'd love to be one-on-one with someone who knows what's going on.
Star Wars lore is...
'Ello one and all!
You may call me Bran/whatever my username happens to be at the time of viewing. I have roleplayed on and off for a few years, both in person (D&D and the like) and on forums. But more than that I have loved Star Wars every since I was a little thing. Why I am here as it were...
Nikato's shining gem wasn't as spectacular as the name made it appear. The only bit of refracted light shining in this wasteland of scrap was the reflection of a lava stream off of an eaten away ion drive. The air was a combination of stale oxygen and toxic fumes from the...
The Torch of Darkness has arisen.
The Torch of Darkness is a dark side group of Force-sensitives who have pyromaniac tendencies. They also maintain an obsession with seeing the end of the Jedi and an eventual union of all dark siders as well as the destruction of all who oppose that unity under...
Salutations all.
This is my first time setting foot into the world of Star Wars role-play, though I am an avid fan of the series and have been role-playing for many years now. I originated from MySpace ages ago and bounced around from site-to-site afterwards. I truly look forward to getting to...