Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Reaper The Fallen

    New to the forums but not to Rping

    Hey everyone you can call me Reaper The Fallen or just Reaper I'm new to this site/forums but not to Rping. So feel free to talk to me and rp with me I look forward to make some friends on here
  2. Y

    She-Wolf of the House of Strength

    Hello everyone! I'm very proud to have been invited here by [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] and hope that once I'm settled in, I'll be able to share in a good number of threads over the lore of Midvinter that you've all put together so well! ^_^ Ylva is currently with the Iron Empire with...
  3. Luna Damia

    The Curse of Freedom (Open to All)

    Katarr, Defiance - Slums Luna was out of breath. For almost ten minutes she had been running, trying to get as far away as she could, aimlessly passing through the dirty streets of a city that was utterly foreign to her. Most people paid no attention to her, only a few shouts and whistles by...
  4. Lief

    Welcome New Members!

    This is a space for new members to come and introduce themselves. If you are new to the Je'daii, be sure to post here! You can choose to do this just once, or for every character you bring to the Order if you choose to add more than one to the Faction. Please keep all questions to the Help...
  5. Andy Khor

    Cutting Shapes

    Location: In between Nal Hutta and Naboo "Screw this!" the transport, a GR 75 medium transport was being ambushed by a couple pirates ships. Andy imagine that they would destroy the engine and communication array first, before entering the civilian transport and bring anarchy. DJ and with a...
  6. N


    Hello yes. I am Nisha Skaiyr, Sithling. I specialize in stabbing things in the face, jungle survival, and scrimshaw art. I am [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s semi-involuntary Apprentice and [member="Irajah Ven"]'s scary sort-of-friend. AMA. Edit: Oh, and I'm a pretty good blacksmith.
  7. K

    I come in peace................

    .........not to be confused with pieces. :P Any way OOC spill: Hi most of you know me as that dispicable exiled Sith Lord Vengeance. Who occasionally tries to write good guys in the Republic. Gonna poke around and see what happens and where I can help. IC spill: Myles here was...
  8. WolfMortum

    Bitter Sweet Captivity.

    Ruins of Svivren. This had once been called home. The ruins of the forgotten age, a Jedi Enclave long since passed it's prime; devastated in the early teenage years of Brennan's life and seemingly left alone to rot as all good things did when left unprotected. He had been a student of the...
  9. Darth Abyss

    To forge a Weapon

    Nar Shaddaa Darth Abyss hideout. For a long time the smuggler moon had become the second home for Darth Abyss besides the academy. Now that he was not longer an acolyte who had to spend as much time as possible to drain the knowledge of the lords, it had become his first. Hidden under the...
  10. Uhtred Kjartan

    Greetings, Silver Sanctum.

    Hello all of the Silver Sanctum Coalition! Brand new character here, waiting to get started with this faction! I still dont know if Twelve counts as Youngling but uh... I'm sure one of you will be kind enough to classify what age exits youngling. Anyways, as said, I cannot wait to get started...
  11. Eugen Aker

    New Galactic Republic FO

    Hello there! I didn't think I was going to need to post another one of these, but I'd like to reintroduce myself yet again as the new FO of the Republic. As a condition for assuming the role of FO, I'll have to step down as FJ, so back to basic blue for me. As FO, I aim to see the GR, SSC, and...
  12. Jen

    Introduce yourself!

    Hello everyone, since I see we are getting a few more members I wanted to make this post for people to get to know each other better. Here you can introduce yourself and your character to the rest of the Club before you hit the pub.
  13. Zenva Vrotoa

    Muted Cries

    Hunter's Quarry : Outer edge of the Hal Hutta system Station time : 0813 Six days had passed since the auction and acquisition of the slave known as [member="Cronus Uturn"]. For six days the silent slave had been shown her basic responsibilities not by her new owner but by an elite soldier who...
  14. 4ND-R0

    First Steps in the Galaxy (Jin Empire Introduction / Chazwa Space)

    The Lingshi came out of hyperspace, the streak of stars slowing to white dots on the horizon. There came a hush over the crew as they stared out into the unfamiliar territory. There’s was a mix of anxiousness over what came next. At the helm was their Princess, Her Imperial Majesty, Mingzhi...
  15. Valae Heavenshield

    The First Day... (Open)

    Valae approached the Silver Temple with small and quiet steps, much like a child leaving home alone for the first time. She had only arrived on Voss a few days prior, and was just starting to explore the setting for the training she would soon begin. This morning had found Valae coming out of...
  16. etho1004

    New to the galaxy

    Hey I'm etho I've been roleplaying for about a year first started on an app called geeking and recently been doing it on virtual space, I like star wars (saw episode 7 so good) and I look forward to roleplaying with you guys
  17. A

    Hey everyone!

    Hi all! I go by S or Sunshine on the interwebs (I don't really know why but that's been my thing for forever). I'm 22 and I've been RPing since I was about 15. I've never really RP'd on a forum like this before though. I'm also studying creative writing in college so I apologize if I get a...
  18. Raka the Hutt

    The Bounty Master

    Hello! Some of you may know me from the Hutt Cartel. I was the bounty master in the cartel, placing bounties on people and NPC's alike. I was hoping to do the same here but of course, I need to know if anyone will actually do them
  19. Ali Hadrix

    CSAF History and Information

    Civilian Security Assistance Force The Civilian Security Assistance Force (hereafter referred to as "CSAF") is a paramilitary sentientarian aid and relief organization that provides a wide variety of services, resources, and assistance to the innocent beings of the Galaxy. CSAF exists to...
  20. Zenva Vrotoa

    Aboard The Grand Hammer

    The Blood Hunter's Defense Fleet drifted through space in a lazy arch. At their forefront a beastly flagship simply referred to as The Grand Hammer. Flanking the Vrotoa flagship was her vanguard, Predator and Instinct, twin Heart Seaker Frigates. Lurking in the shadows of these heavier ships...
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