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At any point, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied hex. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the hex(es) against another Major Faction's members. New Major Factions may not be invaded for the first 30 days after their application is...
After months of brutal conflict and the devastating invasion of the Galactic Core, the Galactic Alliance is finally ready to strike back. The Dark Empire's forces have claimed several key planets within the heart of the Alliance, including Tython, a world sacred to the Jedi. Tython's fall had...
The Galactic Alliance's campaign to capture the Sluis Van shipyards has ended in bitter defeat. The shipyards, along with the crucial facilities at Sullust, remain firmly in Sith control, leaving the enemy...
War in the Rim
The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike...
War in the Rim
The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike...
War in the Rim
The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike...
War in the Rim
The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike...
War in the Rim
The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike...
The March Home (Warposting)
Remnants of the Lothal Protectorate have formed up under their old commander, Solarus Fynch, joined by TAC volunteers and Mandalorian militia from allies in Breshig. Sentiment amongst those who march on Capital City is unanimous: Take the city, take the planet. As...
To Tread a Restless Sea (1v1 Duels)
The planetary shield gate of Mon Cala has been breached. Tactical forces descend towards the surface, their mission clear and urgent: assault and disable the shield generators on the planet.
Jotunheim: Notable local resistance has seen the shield generator...
Above Salt and Sulfur
For the siege of Mon Cala the Tingel Arm Coalition has marked the shipyards in orbit around the planet as a critical priority. Aided by the tactical minds of Breshig War Forge Consolidated, TAC naval forces move to secure vital engineering platforms. The quality of Mon...
A thunderous outcry ripples across the intergalactic airwaves.
The people of the Outer Rim have armed themselves and organized under the leadership of the Tingel Arm Coalition, an alliance of worlds who have felt the Imperial thumb above...
A thunderous outcry ripples across the intergalactic airwaves.
The people of the Outer Rim have armed themselves and organized under the leadership of the Tingel Arm Coalition, an alliance of worlds who have felt the Imperial thumb above...
thinking of having my pirate faction The Dusate Pirates invade a planet for either conquest or raiding. near ank kit'aar any one interested in playing some locals resisting? or being caught in the cross fire? looking for more so single individual story types, not trying to get an entire faction...
The continued presence of the Empire of the Lost along the border of the Mandalore Sector can no longer be tolerated. The Mandalorian Protectors begin their long crusade with a coordinated military strike on the Nam Chorios system.
Calls for war among the Mandalorian people can no longer be...
Continued from Dissolution of the Rim
Darth Empyrean
Rajan and Master Mirolai faced off against Darth Empyrean , circling him, keeping his Darkside attack at bay, for now.
Then, suddenly, Mirolai yelled out, throwing a Force Barrier around Rajan as the building exploded, being hit by...
Chapter Three: Total War
Engage in large-scale ground battles across Coruscant. Participate in dynamic war-posting, using a battle map to track and communicate the progress of both sides. Mark the capture or defense of specific areas, and contribute to the narrative of either the successful...
Chapter Two: House of Cards
The New Jedi Temple is yet again under threat of attack. Previously destroyed by the New Sith Order during the Second Great Hyperspace War, the New Jedi Order will not let this atrocity happen again. After evacuating their younglings and those unfit for combat to the...
Chapter One: Eclipse
The Galactic Alliance has long been preparing for this inevitable scenario, a planetary invasion of the Galactic Capital, formerly the seat of the Alliance government. The Dark Empire meticulously enacts it's multi faceted siege with relentless drive and ambition. Arriving...
Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris
Dark Empire Staff
Galactic Alliance Staff
Darth Solipsis
Valery Noble
Ibaris Varanin
Amena Kader
Amelia von Sorenn
Shannic Wulf
Kahlil Noble
Kaleb Sunwalker
Natasi Fortan
Elias Edo
Following the raid on the Imperial capital of...
Let’s keep the fun going while we are waiting on the official judgment. For those that participated on both sides I had a blast! In light of that I wanted to see what your favorite parts were and see who shined in various ways!
Give your nominations below:
MVP Sith Order
MVP Empire of the Lost...