Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasions are SWRP: Chaos's primary form of warfare between Major Factions.

Faction War - Invasion

INVASION At any point, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied hex. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the hex(es) against another Major Faction's members. New Major Factions may not be invaded for the first 30 days after their application is...
  1. Darth Empyrean

    Invasion  Dissolution of the Rim | SO Invasion of Sluis Van & Denab

    Long has the Rimward Trade League stood as a bastion against the Sith encroachment towards the Galactic Core - but long has its stability been under threat. Both internal strife combined with consistent probing tests of Rimward Defenses has culminated in a total war esque strike against numerous...
  2. Darth Empyrean

    Invasion  Dissolution of the Rim | SO Invasion of Sluis Van & Denab Sign Up

    Long has the Rimward Trade League stood as a bastion against the Sith encroachment towards the Galactic Core - but long has its stability been under threat. Both internal strife combined with consistent probing tests of Rimward Defenses has culminated in a total war esque strike against numerous...
  3. Commodore Helix

    Public  Shadow over Saleucami: Invasion of the Body-Snatchers!

    OPEN to Sith, merc types, selfless do-gooders, or really anyone who can conjure some excuse as to why they'd be in a locked-down building] While a good chunk of their more obsolete and expendable units were engaged aiding the forces of Darth Strosius over Tund, Helix Solutions also had its...
  4. Darth Valor

    Invasion  The Return of Darth Valor

    Title: The Return of Darth Valor Location: Lastwall, Outer Rim Territories In the vast reaches of the Outer Rim, where the fabric of the galaxy frays into uncharted territories, the ominous presence of Darth Valor looms. Lastwall, a once defiant bastion, now trembles as dark whispers herald...
  5. Vren Rook

    Invasion  Blackout | ME Invasion of GA-held Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyferra & Ukatis

    START: 20 OCTOBER 2023 THE MANDALORIAN ENCLAVE INVASION OF GALACTIC ALLIANCE-HELD YAG'DHUL, KIFFU, THYFERRA AND UKATIS Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Mandalorian Enclave Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Vren Rook Valery Noble Kranak Vizsla Auteme Celt Saxon Jasper Kai'el...
  6. M


    - //...INTERRUPTION COMPLETE...// "Galactic Alliance, we have taken note of your declaration of war on us. Is that how you treat your old war allies? By declaring violence? And you, Jedi, you just allow it?" A Mandalorian helmet was framed by a black backdrop as a cold, calm masculine...
  7. Valiens Nantaris

    Invasion  Invasion Judgement Rework

    Going forward, all invasions from this moment on (and so not including this thread which snuck in moments before this announcement) will be judged using the following rules. VICTORY JUDGEMENT Once an Invasion has reached its conclusion, the thread will be judged by a panel of Site...
  8. Vren Rook

    Invasion  Blackout | ME Invasion of GA-held Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyferra & Ukatis OOC

    START: 20 OCTOBER 2023 THE MANDALORIAN ENCLAVE INVASION OF GALACTIC ALLIANCE-HELD YAG'DHUL, KIFFU, THYFERRA AND UKATIS Valiens Nantaris Enough was enough… The Galactic Alliance and their Jedi counterparts have been warned to stay away from the Enclave's reclamation of old territories, but...
  9. Dax Krueger

    Private  Home Invasion: An Unexpected Visitor

    The Vulptex Dax was enjoying himself. Walking past a set of old Jedi Temple Guard robes on a mannequin. One of the many trophies he had acquired over his career as a thief. Though this wasn’t the story of a heist. At least not one of Dax’s heists. Instead, Dax was in a bath robe, dancing...
  10. Valery Noble

    Faction  After Action - GA Invasion of Shihon and Oyokal

    AFTER ACTION REPORTS THE ERA OF RECLAMATION THE SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR FOLLOWING THE EVENTS OF THE GATES OF DAWN The plan was a success With Alliance forces and Jedi of the New Jedi Order striking against Selvaris, the Maw's forces were drawn to it like moths to a flame. It had...
  11. Isla Draellix-Kobitana

    Resolved  Regards invasion by consent mandate

    John Locke As mentioned on discord. The new mandate that prevents you being invaded without your consent while your faction slowly contracts is interesting. But with the removal of RPJs and staff judgements over invasions, my understanding is that all invasions had to be done my mutual...
  12. Ignacious Korvan

    Invasion  Operation Hammerfall | The Cold War | Invasion of Azure [EMPIRE vs SJC] OOC

    The hammer will fall as THE EMPIRE launches a full-scale surprise attack against the SILVER JEDI CONCORD, starting with the remote planet of Azure. START: JANUARY 16 - END: JANUARY 30, 2023 Valiens Nantaris After a protracted armistice, the EMPIRE emerges from its borders - yet it does so...
  13. Spirit of Faith

    Invasion  Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal OOC

    GATES OF DAWN The Galactic Alliance will liberate the Brotherhood of the Maw-held Shihon and Oyokal // START: JANUARY 13 - END: JANUARY 27 // Valiens Nantaris fa-play fa-pause THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW IVI Annasari Auteme Valery Noble Damian Du Couteau...
  14. Kyrel Ren

    Invasion  Duracrete Jungle | BOTM Invasion of GA Held Metellos

    Brotherhood of the Maw Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis IVI The Mongrel Auteme Darth Mori Valery Noble Zachariel Steelblood Dracken Pryce Kyrel Ren Liedran Kathause Bernard of Arca Seto Du Couteau BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW INVASION OF GALACTIC ALLIANCE HELD...
  15. Kyrel Ren

    Invasion  Duracrete Jungle | BOTM Invasion of GA held Metellos OOC

    Brotherhood of the Maw Staff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis IVI The Mongrel Auteme Darth Mori Valery Noble Zachariel Steelblood Dracken Pryce Kyrel Ren Liedran Kathause Bernard of Arca Seto Du Couteau BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW INVASION OF GALACTIC ALLIANCE...
  16. Kyrel Ren

    Major Faction Battle of Rothana: Maw Vs Enclave

    Brotherhood of the Maw Staff Mandalorian Enclave Staff Darth Solipsis The Quartermaster The Mongrel Vren Rook Darth Mori Saul Vizsla Zachariel Steelblood Kranak Vizsla Kyrel Ren Verin Oldo Link: Gravity | BOTM Invasion of Enclave held Rothana Summary: In a...
  17. Rebirth

    Invasion  Gravity - BotM Invasion of Enclave Held Rothana

    The BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW invasion of Mandalorian Enclave-held Rothana // START: Aug. 15 - END: Aug. 30 // Brotherhood of the Maw Staff Mandalorian Enclave Staff Darth Solipsis The Quartermaster The Mongrel Vren Rook Darth Mori Saul Vizsla Zachariel Steelblood Kranak...
  18. Saul Vandron

    LFG  Mercenaries Look Here | Ilum Invasion

    - AURODIUM SWORD CONTRACT: ILUM REWARD: 20,000 UCs The Empire is offering generous mercenary contracts to individuals and groups for temporary deployment on the world of Ilum to aid the Empire against the Alliance. REQUIREMENTS: Participate in the IC thread of the Empire Invasion of Ilum...
  19. Captain Hawk

    Public  Invasion on Scarif!

    “Leaving hyperspace sir” said captain Jack. The vector-class star destroyer arrived at the beach island with almost no time left. The remains of scarif after the downfall is horrific. Dead storm troopers, destroyed buildings, and fires everywhere. As the large shuttle landed in the water, a...
  20. Spirit of Patience

    Invasion  Sword of Reclamation | Galactic Alliance Invasion of Brotherhood-held Empress Teta

    SWORD OF RECLAMATION The Galactic Alliance will reclaim and liberate the Brotherhood of the Maw-held Empress Teta // START: JUNE 24 - END: JULY 8 // Valiens Nantaris THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW IVI Auteme Valery Noble Damian Du Couteau Dracken Pryce...
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