Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasions are SWRP: Chaos's primary form of warfare between Major Factions.

Faction War - Invasion

INVASION At any point, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied hex. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the hex(es) against another Major Faction's members. New Major Factions may not be invaded for the first 30 days after their application is...
  1. Adhira Chandra

    Invasion  Byss Defended | Return the Favour

    No one could have predicted the violent assault launched by the Eternal Empire against the Galactic Alliance held planet of Byss as the battles raged on Felucia and Korriban. However, that did not deter the remaining forces of the Alliance when they struck out to meet the invading forces in...
  2. Adhira Chandra

    Invasion  Galactic Alliance Victory | Return of the Jedi

    After a long and arduous battle on the desolate plains of Korriban and through the dense jungles of Felucia, the Galactic Alliance stands victorious over the Sith Empire! The New Jedi Order demonstrated their might on the Sith homeworld, repelling the forces of darkness and starting on the long...
  3. Ryv

    Suggestion  "The Domino Effect"

    Anyone following young Adron Malvern and his recent suggestion thread found here probably knows where I'm going with this. I find invasions to be the biggest pull to the site for me. The map is unique to chaos, it heavily impacts many writers' stories, and it provides quantifiable success to...

    Invasion  Return the Favour | EE Invasion of GA held Byss

    Return the Favour ”In the Galaxy, new alliances are constantly forging and disintegrating among the flames of war. This is the order of life. A new dawn dawned on the Eternal Empire, we have had to face many difficulties in recent months, the coup attempt of the traitorous soldiers, the...
  5. Spirit of Wisdom

    Private  Of Mice and Men | Emergency Senate Session (Galactic Alliance)

    EMERGENCY SESSION RE: THE ETERNAL EMPIRE The atmosphere across Coruscant felt heavier than it usually did. Following the decision by the Galactic Alliance Senate to launch a surprise offensive attack on the Sith Empire, Adhira Chandra had allowed a brief recess. Senators had been permitted to...
  6. Adhira Chandra

    In the Name of the Light | The Galactic Alliance

    In the Name of the Light Across the Alliance, the holocast programming wavered momentarily before cutting out completely as the symbol of the Galactic Alliance faded into view on the screen. After a brief moment, there was a flourish of brass instruments before the triumphant melody of 'All...
  7. Kyra Perl

    Campaign  Voss: Return of the Jedi (SJC vs TSE)

    The war between light and dark rages on. As the Sith strike at the core of the Silver Sphere-- Onderon, Kashyyyk, Eshan-- the Silver Jedi seek to liberate an old friend. Voss. Deep in sith space, the lost home of the Jedi lays under the sway of the wicked Sith Emperor. But no more. October...
  8. Kyra Perl

    Invasion  Yurb Invasion Map / Setting

    Okokokok. I'm no artist. But! Below is a map and reference pics to give you a feel for our setting. I've placed goodies throughout for you to utilize and enhance your story with. This city is BIG. My picture is small. Ignore that. Feel free to reference quadrants in your post to keep action...
  9. Frontier Tenacity

    Invasion  Iron Rain | EE Invasion of TSE-held PL-40112-CE-021105

    PL-40112-CE-021105 Sith Space For years, the Eternal Empire has been building its strength. Watching, waiting in the shadows, waiting for the right time. To the rest of the galaxy, the Eternal Empire has presented itself as nothing more than another authoritarian regime, run by another...
  10. Scherezade deWinter

    To the People of Rodia and Talay

  11. Haon Hafey

    Ord Mantell: Emergency Message

    This message would be found on the holonet a day after the thread of Unending Wait. It would be on several news broadcast stations as well as news articles. Only way around this is if found earlier is if Galactic Alliance personal on board the Screamer Fast Assault Battlecruisers or the Sphere...
  12. Haon Hafey

    Approved Starship  "Vicona" CQ-0001

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a invasion cloaked frigate. Image Source: (x) Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: C-9979 Landing Craft PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Have Gun Will Travel (x) (Stolen Blueprint/Ship!) Kenth Berik (Modifier) Affiliation: Kenth...
  13. Scherezade deWinter

    Invasion  Great Balls of Fire | AoC Invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay | OOC

    June 19th - July 3rd As promised... But the Agents of Chaos wait for no help. Ryloth and Siskeen had only been the beginning. The Confederacy's joy at the cold blooded murder of millions of refugees, coupled with their willingness to pay absurd sums for the destruction of a space construct...
  14. Kainan Wolfe

    Invasion  Iron Rain | EE Invasion of TSE-held PL-40112-CE-021105

    PL-40112-CE-021105 Sith Imperial Territory For years, the Eternal Empire has been building its strength. Watching, waiting in the shadows, waiting for the right time. To the rest of the galaxy, the Eternal Empire has presented itself as nothing more than another authoritarian regime, run by...
  15. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion  The Empire Strikes Back - TSE Invasion of VJE Wayland

    W A Y L A N D Breath in. Breath out. Slowly, incrementally, his chest rose and fell with each drawn breath. His eyes were closed blinding himself to his surroundings as lustily breathed hymns caressed his ears with their somber incantations. He could smell the acrid smoke which wreathed his...
  16. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion  The Empire Strikes Back - TSE Invasion of VJE Wayland OOC

    W A Y L A N D Ever since the failed Mandalorian Liberation of Mandalore, the Sith Empire had been gathering forces in preparation for a counter-assault on the fortress world of Wayland. Impromptu capital of the Network terrorists, it had been reinforced into a heavily defended redoubt by the...
  17. Ascendant Muse

    Invasion  Freedom Cry | CIS Invasion of Network-held Taris

    . FREEDOM CRY For too long, the cause of Freedom has been muddled by the efforts of Radicals. Terror masqueraded as Liberation will not go unanswered. To preserve the peace and prosperity of the Southern Systems, the Confederacy has once more taken up the sword. On 05.29.2020 the battle...
  18. Scherezade deWinter

    Invasion  Thou Shalt Not Suffer an Empire to Live | AoC Invasion of CIS-Held Ryloth & Siskeen | OOC

    May 19th, 2020 Agents of Chaos was built on the foundations of a belief, a promise - freedom. Freedom which the Galaxy had never seen. It was a promise to bring empires to heel or defeat, to break the chains of servitude and offer free will in its stead. To replace the fear of eons with relief...
  19. Darth Carnifex

    Suggestion  Invasion and Post-Invasion Treaty Idea

    Okay, so I was thinking about invasions and how they work. That inevitably led me to think about Hearts of Iron 4 and how territory is utilized in that video game. And as I was pondering upon these subjects, I thought up an idea for how the invasion mechanic could be changed, perhaps...
  20. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion  Darkness Rises; the Battle of Kintan - TSE Invasion of SJO Kintan

    Like in all things, the Empire calculated all of the pathways ahead of them and carefully considered each possibility. Conflict with the Silver Jedi was not only probable, but it was also inevitable. Sith-Imperial High Command, under the guidance of the Pyramid of Military Command, charted...
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