Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasions are SWRP: Chaos's primary form of warfare between Major Factions.

Faction War - Invasion

INVASION At any point, a Major Faction may “invade” another Major Faction's occupied hex. This involves one Major Faction's members fighting for control of the hex(es) against another Major Faction's members. New Major Factions may not be invaded for the first 30 days after their application is...
  1. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion  The Battle of Kintan - TSE Invasion of SJO Kintan OOC

    The flames of conflict have been seen burning on the horizon, and now the fires of hate have finally erupted into a conflagration of war. The Sith Empire, eternal enemies of peace, have marshaled their millions of soldiers, their tens of thousands of warships, for an attack against their...
  2. Minuteman75

    Star Wars Invasion of Earth: Interest Check

    Plot During the height of the Clone Wars, a large wormhole mysteriously appeared within the Belkadan system of the Outer Rim. A CIS patrol stumble upon the anomaly and lunched a probe. To the astonishment of the captain, the probe’s findings revealed what appeared to be a whole another galaxy...
  3. N

    OPERATION: Shattered Spear; TCP Invasion of CIC Nyeon Hex

    The time has come. [member="Tanomas Graf"] Alas the time had finally come. Fleets from Xa Fel barreled through space, their cargo holds rich with materials of war. From the far edge of their early warning system the CIC were sure to get multiple pings. Closer observation would show...
  4. A

    Operation Hammerfall | UCM Retains Mandalore and Concord Dawn

    As the hammer fell, so up swung the beskads. The Mandalorians stood together against the Sith Empire, and the Sith poured their blood onto Mandalore's soil. A bloody siege that ended in a stalemate but not before the Sith ravaged the worlds of both Mandalore and Concord Dawn. Scars from battle...
  5. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion Draws

    When the attacking faction wins an invasion, they gain the subsequent hexes being attacked. When the defending faction wins an invasion, they gain the subsequent hexes being defended. But what if instead of defending faction retaining hexes in a draw, what if they go neutral? Discuss.
  6. A

    OPERATION: Shattered Spear; TCP Invasion of CIC Nyeon Hex

    The time has come. With the Corporate Protectorate gaining a foothold near the core, a flurry of encrypted diplomatic messages has been passed back and forth between Consul Ari Zanareth and her loyal Commanders. They turn their eyes to their largest threat, the Core Imperial...
  7. T

    Victory on Kiros

    Imperial forces have triumphed in the Kiros system, driving off the Mandalorian forces defending the system and establishing a small garrison to help oversee the reconstruction of the colony. It has been a day long remembered - it has seen the toppling of a Mandalorian regime, and it will soon...
  8. A

    Operation Hammerfall | Invasion of Mandalore and Concord Dawn [TSE/UCM]

    Concord Dawn. It had started as a quiet day on the agriworld. The sun had risen just over the horizon and illuminated the wheat fields, painting a broad stroke of golden rays over each stalk. A gentle flowing breeze passes along, and none on the world would have been any wiser as to what was to...
  9. A

    Operation Hammerfall | Sith Empire Invasion of Mandalore and Concord Dawn [OOC]

    This has gone on far enough. If Mandalore cannot afford to defend itself then it can no longer afford its existence. The Sith have bled for an ally who are too weak to fight. No longer will the Sith Empire fight the battles for the Mandalorians. Heed our words: Your weakness can no longer be...
  10. Ascendant Muse

    Crown of Sorrow | Invasion of Tanaab - CIS Victory!

    C I S V I C T O R Y After a vicious battle over the agriworld Tanaab, the Confederacy has emerged victorious over the United Clans of Mandalore. On this day, the bloodied hands of Mandalore were made to answer for their crimes. On this day, the dead have been avenged! From the CIS Staff...
  11. T

    Invasion  Divergence; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Kiros

    It was always the same, and now all this. The bloodlust that had encapsulated the high chancellor was far from over. They had tried to kill his daughter, the only person worth a damn in his pitiful excuse of an existence, the anchor of his mortal coil. They had attacked his very being, and now...
  12. T

    Divergence; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Kiros

    Obroa-skai...Bogden… Both systems have fallen to the ruthless efficiency of the Imperial military. But that theatre was only the beginning of the Lion's Roar Offensive; at any rate, this minor thrust into the Mandalorian territories has guaranteed a staging ground for a further sweep into the...
  13. Willan Tal

    Victory at Obroa-skai/Bogden

    VICTORY! After much trial and bloodshed upon the fields of battle, the Imperials and their allies have persevered on the field of battle. Special shout out to our partners in the exiled Mandalorians, the Golden company and our boy Vexen in delivering a decisive victory for the Imperials. We...
  14. LT-137

    Skirmish threads leading into Invasions?

    This is more of a discussion piece than a suggestion, as I’d like to see where the Community’s stance would be on the following idea. Having spoken with a few people already, I do see the double-edged nature of this idea. As it’ll be great for the story that’ll eventually lead into something...
  15. Asaraa Vaashe

    The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex

    The violence of the Galaxy never ceased. Time and time again, tyrants rose up among galactic society, seeking to dominate the rest and drive forward their personal vendettas. Yet the Galaxy has never been forced to fend for itself whilst there are Jedi willing to take on that burden, keeping the...
  16. Mellifluous Magenta

    Every Dominion Should be an Invasion

    I got this idea after reading/participating in a conversation on Discord regarding planetary annihilation/genocide/catastrophe on SWRP, To start off, I haven’t been on this board for long, but to me it seems like that the most significant planetary narratives that happen on Chaos happen during...
  17. Darth Carnifex

    Invasion of Pantora - TSE Victorious!

    It's official, my bois and grills. The Sith Empire has been declared the victor of the Invasion of Pantora! Massive kudos to the writers on both sides who participated, and on behalf of the whole Sith staff team I want to bow and say just how much it meant to have an amazing salt-free...
  18. Valiens Nantaris

    Re-Dominion of Lost Hexes Rule Change

    As part of our rework of Invasion and related rules the following has been added to the Dominion rules. A hex lost as the result of an invasion defeat may not have a Dominion thread started on it by the defeated faction for 30 days after the announcement of the Invasion result. This adds a...
  19. Ascendant Muse

    Crown of Sorrow | CIS Invasion of UCM-held Tanaab

    C R O W N . O F S O R R O W Local Time: 0730 We thought it was over. We were sadly mistaken. In the wake of Eshan, the Galaxy had descended into a state of delusion. There were many who believed that, after the monumental loss of life upon the Echani homeworld, there would finally be peace...
  20. Asaraa Vaashe

    The Eyes of the Galaxy | SJO Invasion of the UCM's Azure Hex OOC

    Eshan was the calamity to pull the gaze of the Galaxy to the World of Mandalore. Attacks on Umbara and H’ratth quickly followed, targeting innocent beings living within the Silver Jedi Order’s jurisdiction. The Jedi never asked for war, but as keepers of the peace and defenders of the galaxy...
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