Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Revna

    Private  Wasteland Adventures

    Tags: Raphael Gallustrade Location: Ambria Timeline: just after the Sith invasion of Tion Equipment/Weapons: lightsaber Revna was, if anything, a curious and adventurous soul. And her drive to explore, to learn, and to expand and grow in her power and knowledge - pushed her into situations...
  2. Saram Kote

    Private  Mandalorian Corporate Outreach

    Friendly Units: 'Davaab' Vuhyr'yaliyr Ramikade Squad Ran Netra, 2IC (Rifleman) Jaing Nihut'tyr, Technician Tag(s): Shan Pavond [slide] Nar Shaddaa. Easily one of her least favorite worlds to conduct operations on. The company had numerous contacts on the world and so they had to be...
  3. Raina Lordensek

    Anzetti (Home for those who allow it to be)

    In the vast tapestry of the galaxy, amidst the twinkling stars and swirling nebulae lies the serene planet of Anzetti. A jewel nestled in the embrace of the cosmos, Anzetti beckons with its breathtaking vistas of pristine beaches, where crystal-clear waves caress the golden shores under the warm...
  4. D

    Character  DELETE

  5. Ran Serys

    LFG  Friends New & Old (Jedi, Mando, & Sith)

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... ______________________________________________________________ Howdy Friends! I am looking to engage a little more with Ran and a lot more with my two other characters who are both pretty fresh Exton Stole & Darth Hellique II. With these three, I'm...
  6. Vulpesen

    Private  A Walk in the Woods (Braze)

    Over the decades, Vulpesen had come to wear many hats. Planetary leader, CEO, Arch-Wilder, and most recently, liaison between force orders. It was in this capacity that he found himself peering over a bit of paperwork that made him raise a brow. Due to their status as a non-conventional force...
  7. Connel Vanagor

    Work In Progress  Connel Vanagor's Light Shield

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique weapon extension for Connel Vanagor's combat shield Image Source: Screen Rant- Captain America's energy shield -...
  8. Aaaine

    LFG  Jedi test subjects: Please read the disclaimer

    Humorous title, but one that rings very true! I'm looking for 3 jedi writers who are willing to put their characters through a bit of turmoil in the name of science! The goal of the thread will be to bring your three characters to the LCFO headquarters on Vassek. There, you'll be taken care of...
  9. Dice Thorne

    LFG  "Just some good old bad guy busting..." - Looking for an antagonist!

    Hey there! My character Dice Thorne is inspired from traditional Sunday morning heroes. He's smug, he's arrogant, he's about to be eighteen - the worlds on his shoulders and despite the pushback he does it for the good of others. Sound familiar? I'm no stranger to dark stories - my other...
  10. Bernard

    Approved Armor  TEMPLAR-class Jedi War Plate

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A suit of battle armor for Jedi warriors Image Source: Paul Adam - Star Wars the Old Republic :: Senya Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Jedi armor PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: The Lightsworn Affiliation: The Lightsworn...
  11. Ran Serys

    LFG  Scream From the Mountain Tops - Force Training

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... Ran Serys, Jedi Knight, has arrived at the Jedi Enclave on Jakku to assist in the lessons of a group of willing students. No stranger to danger, death and the isolation of space, Ran is a master of the Force Trance by necessity and will share that...
  12. Rhen Qel-Droma

    Jedi Paddy Basics Course with Master Rhen - Control Aspect

    I'll post a Jedi Paddy Basics course with my Jedi Master Rhen after the invasion. We will be going over such things regarding the "Control" aspect - abilities centered on the Initiate's own body and self - like curato salva, altus sopar, and tutaminis. If these work out, I will continue with a...
  13. Zaiya Ceti

    Approved Armor  Zaiya's Jedi Padawan Robes - A collection!

    DESCRIPTION Zaiya went shopping with Braze and Aris Noble to help her find some super cute new training and casual wear robes. While they aren't anything fancy in what it can do, the fabric is made out of Shell Spider Silk and Karlini silk, which can deflect blasters and vibroswords plus...
  14. Bernard

    Private  Like A Crown

    Shortly after the events of A Monument To Your Sins ... The X-Wing's cockpit hissed at it depressurized. It stood at the edge of the clearing opposite the small gathering of beings in white. The glasteel canopy lifted and let the cool air of Byss' atmosphere roll into the cramped cockpit...
  15. Demon

      Could Someone Give me Advice on Crafting a Compelling Jedi Character for Roleplay?

    Hello there, I have recently joined this community and to be honest I am loving this so far. I am particularly; interested in creating a Jedi character;, but I want to ensure that my character is well rounded and compelling, with a rich backstory and engaging personality traits. I have read...
  16. Bernard

    Public  A Monument To Your Sins

    „Never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep..." - John Milton, Paradise Lost Come one morning, the Jedi would find, nailed to the entrance of the Jedi Order's Coruscant Temple, an edict. It was both a call to action for servants of the Light and a...
  17. Bernard

    Discussion  Calling all Fallen or Exiled Jedi (Sith who used to be Jedi too)

    Heyo. As part of a story I'm cooking up, I'm compiling a comprehensive list of Jedi who have fallen or been exiled from a Jedi Order (New Jedi, Old Jedi, the late Silver Jedi, some obscure enclave, whatever). Whether you're writing a Dark Sider who used to be a Jedi at some point or have gone...
  18. Matsu Ike

    Approved Tech  Saratai Compass

    SPECIAL FEATURES Self Repairing: Designed with materia to repair and keep it contained. Over time it will maintain itself long after the people who use it pass away. STRENGTHS Navigation: Designed with the coordinates to access the extragalactic hyperlanes of the silver jedi to the companion...
  19. Kresh Volthruc

    Character  Kresh Volthruc (WIP)

    Kresh Volthruc Age 23 GSY Species Rishii Gender Male Height 1.55 meters Weight 60 kg Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Kresh is a white, black and orange Rishii. He wears dark blue sleeveless Jedi robes with a purple interior. He has an obi wrapped around his stomach with...
  20. Bernard

    Character  Bernard, Jedi Sentinel

    B E R N A R D ♪ I Know You ♪ GENERAL INFORMATION _____________________________________________________ Name: Bernard ------ of Arca Rank: Rogue Jedi Formerly: Jedi Knight, New Jedi Order; Sentinel of Harmony, New Jedi Order Council Specialization: Jedi Sentinel Age: Early Fifties (Arkanian...
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