Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gatz Derrevar

    Character  Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight

    GATZ DERREVAR JR. Aliases Pretty Boy - Thugs, Himself Kid - Roche, Klein Knight in Red Leather - Himself Occupation Smuggler (Formerly) Jedi Knight Species Human Gender Male Age Mid-Twenties Hair Color Blonde Eye Color Blue Height 6'0" Weight 165 lbs Birthplace Theed...
  2. Matsu Ike

    Faction  Aspect of Will

    The Maelstrom swirls... various shades on the outside as it was a magnetic storm that the Sason Temple was concealed within. THe temple itself was a prison carved from a singular crystal that gleamed and resonated with the force itself. IT was a prrison once upon a time and the jedi master had...
  3. Matsu Ike

    Faction  See the World in a Grain of Sand

    "I have walked across the surface of the sun. I have witnessed events so tiny and so fast, they could hardly be said to have occurred at all. To be able to track a single snowflake across a blizzard on hoth, To see a micro-civilization rise and fall and rise again only to fall on the surface of...
  4. Bernard

    Private  Blades That Bind; Blades That Divide

    Atrisia, Ashina Estate Headquarters of the Lightsworn Outskirts The mild scent of cherryblossoms filled the air atop a hill overlooking the Ashina estate's courtyard. Sunlight danced between branches and leaves that cast a wide shadow around the lone, ancient tree. Its crown reached toward...
  5. Corazona von Ascania

    Approved Armor  Corazona von Ascania's Jedi Robes

    SPECIAL FEATURES Moderately increases Light-sided Force abilities, allows the wearer to resist Dark-sided Force abilities with less issue. STRENGTHS Lightweight and durable Highly resistant to elemental and environmental hazards WEAKNESSES Protective properties can be reduced with...
  6. Gatz Derrevar

    Approved Melee Weapon  Gatz Derrevar's Second Lightsaber

    Image Source box does not appear to work. Linking Image Source here: Saberforge SPECIAL FEATURES Deflection Emitter Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse Discharge Energy Cell Songsteel Hilt STRENGTHS Can cut through many materials with relative ease. Operates under water. Songsteel hilt is...
  7. Drewick Tivak

    LFG  Looking for some padawans, knights and masters to interact with

    Here's my boy Drewick Tivak He's not much into friends at least not yet but I want to create great stories where he grows and learns from his mistakes. Hope to meet some cool people here and write with them
  8. Gatz Derrevar

    Faction  [Jakku Jedi Enclave] The Healing Circle

    Ship: The Red Night Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber Tag: Open to all Jakku Jedi Enclave members. Gatz Derrevar, Jedi Knight. It still didn't seem real. Didn't quite feel like it fit yet. A Jedi Knight was the first thing he'd ever wanted to be; his earliest fantasy. And yet, now that the...
  9. Arcubis Kornelius

    Naboo: Betrayal

    THEED Betrayal : PART 1 The planet Naboo and its history are anything but forgotten. A few members claiming to be a part of the council have gathered in the capital city of Theed to discuss the pending meeting with a Jedi, who claims to have possession of classified information regarding a...
  10. Raphael Gallustrade

    Private  A Jedi Everywhere

    Raphael's ship hurtled through hyperspace, another junker looking ship that he'd borrowed from a friend to get through sith and/or imperial space. This time he was headed into the Unknown Regions and being stopped wasn't exactly on his list. Yet, for once, nobody really harrassed him, which was...
  11. Kitter Bitters

    Approved Armor  Katarine Ryiah's Jedi Jumpsuit

    Image Source: SPECIAL FEATURES Classification: Multi-Purpose Weight: Top + Pants: Light Belt: Extremely Light STRENGTHS Is insulated against extreme heat and cold Has belt loops and compartments to hide weapons WEAKNESSES Can be torn or ripped Will fade with...
  12. Revna

    Private  Wasteland Adventures

    Tags: Raphael Gallustrade Location: Ambria Timeline: just after the Sith invasion of Tion Equipment/Weapons: lightsaber Revna was, if anything, a curious and adventurous soul. And her drive to explore, to learn, and to expand and grow in her power and knowledge - pushed her into situations...
  13. Saram Kote

    Private  Mandalorian Corporate Outreach

    Friendly Units: 'Davaab' Vuhyr'yaliyr Ramikade Squad Ran Netra, 2IC (Rifleman) Jaing Nihut'tyr, Technician Tag(s): Shan Pavond [slide] Nar Shaddaa. Easily one of her least favorite worlds to conduct operations on. The company had numerous contacts on the world and so they had to be...
  14. Raina Lordensek

    Anzetti (Home for those who allow it to be)

    In the vast tapestry of the galaxy, amidst the twinkling stars and swirling nebulae lies the serene planet of Anzetti. A jewel nestled in the embrace of the cosmos, Anzetti beckons with its breathtaking vistas of pristine beaches, where crystal-clear waves caress the golden shores under the warm...
  15. D

    Character  DELETE

  16. Ran Serys

    LFG  Friends New & Old (Jedi, Mando, & Sith)

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... ______________________________________________________________ Howdy Friends! I am looking to engage a little more with Ran and a lot more with my two other characters who are both pretty fresh Exton Stole & Darth Hellique II. With these three, I'm...
  17. Vulpesen

    Private  A Walk in the Woods (Braze)

    Over the decades, Vulpesen had come to wear many hats. Planetary leader, CEO, Arch-Wilder, and most recently, liaison between force orders. It was in this capacity that he found himself peering over a bit of paperwork that made him raise a brow. Due to their status as a non-conventional force...
  18. Connel Vanagor

    Work In Progress  Connel Vanagor's Light Shield

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique weapon extension for Connel Vanagor's combat shield Image Source: Screen Rant- Captain America's energy shield -...
  19. Aaaine

    LFG  Jedi test subjects: Please read the disclaimer

    Humorous title, but one that rings very true! I'm looking for 3 jedi writers who are willing to put their characters through a bit of turmoil in the name of science! The goal of the thread will be to bring your three characters to the LCFO headquarters on Vassek. There, you'll be taken care of...
  20. Dice Thorne

    LFG  "Just some good old bad guy busting..." - Looking for an antagonist!

    Hey there! My character Dice Thorne is inspired from traditional Sunday morning heroes. He's smug, he's arrogant, he's about to be eighteen - the worlds on his shoulders and despite the pushback he does it for the good of others. Sound familiar? I'm no stranger to dark stories - my other...
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