Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. D

    LFG  Building a journey.

    Looking to find those interested in interacting with an Imperial born under the Sith's thumb. His end goal is to find a way to hurt the Sith as a whole, using any means at his disposal. He believes by doing this, there will be a bit more peace out there. He's currently under the employment of...
  2. Kahne Porte

    LFG  Seeking out the next journey!

    I’ll be bringing Kahne back into the galaxy. Just looking for some companionship and close friends. Nothing romantic or anything, just to get some good stories and threads going! Hope everyone has been doing well!
  3. Amani Serys

    Faction  The Journey of a Thousand Miles [Mastering Ceremony] [Jedi+Friends]

    Jedi Enclave Courtyard, The Vonnuvi Herdship Valery Noble - Kahlil Noble - Kassogtha Cthylla - Jasper Kai'el - Zark San Tekka - Alicio Organa - Eloise Dinn - Acaadi - Others Today was a day that lived in the greatest dreams of the once-padawan Amani Serys. One that she strove for before ever...
  4. Lucaant Vaneric

    Private  The crusader's journey: Chapt. 1, a new way of doing.

    "Oh my God will certainly forgive you, but unfortunately..I won't." fa-play fa-pause Location: Military base, somewhere in the Outer rim. Objective: Clean the area. "People" involved: Far-right military organisation. Luccant was walking through an alley, in what would like like a Crusader...
  5. Jonyna Si

    Private  Journey to the Past

    Jonyna had spent the last few days training with her new sword, breaking it in. It was only natural to her, and testing what the Force allowed her to do was essential to keeping her edge. But now, she had a brain blast. It wasn't something she normally did. Giran or Zash were always the thinkers...
  6. Jonyna Si

    Private  Journey to Cathar

    After her journey to New Cov, Jonyna least a little better about herself. She didn't exactly get the chance to get the R&R she was looking for, but that's why she was heading towards Cathar now, after a quick rest stop back in the the main temple to...gather her things. She needed the...
  7. Ura Iolar

    Private  A Surprise Journey

    Above Okarthell Ura had calmly been sitting in the transport, taking on a quieter mission after some things had been handled. But of course it couldn't be something nice and simple. And now she was pushing her sandy body into a corner to try and hold on as best she could. The lervon wasn't...
  8. Jademar Eurisa

    Private  A Journey for Two

    It had several years of spending time with her Master who was known as Josh Dragovalor, Jade had been dedicating herself to taking the training that Josh had provided to her in the past two years of her training. The young girl took her time and became more serious and more patient with her...
  9. Caltin Vanagor

    The last steps of the journey can be the most telling.

    “The training is nothing! The will is everything! The will to act.” - Samurai Proverb Standing out in the middle of the Wroshyr trees of the planet Kashyykk, Caltin meditated on the wills of the Force and the galaxy as a whole. It had been a few days since he and Jand had stood in front of the...
  10. Minerva Fhirdiad

    First Reply  Endor Crash

    Tag: Zak Dymo Milla Caranthyr The transport shook violently in the midst of hyperspace. Swearing at his error the pilot sat up and attempted to pull down the lever but it wouldn't budge. "Come on pull it down!" Exclaimed the Gran co-pilot in panic only for his human partner to retort in fear...
  11. Silas Westgard

    LFG  A New Journey

    Hello folks, recently my Jedi Silas has achieved the rank of knight after a long bending road of ups and downs. Along with the added responsibilities, I'll be looking for new adventures for the Sith blooded lad, as well as adding friendly faces and new enemies to his ever growing list. If you're...
  12. Valery Noble

    Faction  [NJO + Jedi] A New Journey

    A New Journey Coruscant Temple Music Introduction Ever since the Maw attack against Coruscant, the Temple had been in a state of reconstruction but now, years later, the doors were finally opened to Jedi alone to gain access to specific areas. During this Era of Reclamation, the opening of...
  13. X

    Private  Journey into Darkness...

    Garel. A planet that was little more than an expanse of desolation. Flat, hollow plains of dust and ground. The world had been reduced to little more than strip-mine by the Draelvasier, those grotesque monsters that had filled the ranks of the Bryn'adûl. It had been a pleasant world, once, but...
  14. Zen-Bek Rook

    Private  The Search for Home

  15. Kazsk Morno

    Private  Another Journey, Another Student

    Location: Kashyyyk, The Silver Rest Kazsk walked down the halls of the Silver Rest, the home of the Silver Jedi Order. It had been 3 months since Kazsk had been back on Kashyyyk. After fighting in the Bryn Invasion, the savage assault had subsided, for now, and Kazsk returned to the temple...
  16. Caltin Vanagor

    Another fork in the road (SJC Council)

    IT'S ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN... Location: Silver Rest Council Chambers Tag: Kiara Ayres Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Josh Dragovalor Thurion Heavenshield Jairdain Nimdok Zorah Cinsilo "I'm no lab rat." It's funny. This has been his mantra for a long time, a long time. Caltin had never...
  17. Corso Fanratta

    Minor Faction Journeyer's Quest Par 1 of 9: The Bad times in Akar Kesh

    Corso had been walking for four days, he ran out of rations yesterday and was hungry. He could feel the temple now, it would be a few hours but the force pulsated with its power. He could not wait to draw a warm bath, eat a meal, and relax before he would engage in his first. Such a feeling was...
  18. Zaiya Valessa

    Private  A Journey through Memory

    Space was vast, silent and brought about no sense of comfort for the Nightsister. It had been years since she had left her home. She had not seen her clan in a long time, perhaps she was due to return soon. With a sigh, she guided the ship toward a nearby outpost. She needed to resupply, and...
  19. Morrigan De Cath

    Deus Ex Machina

    Breath. Just take one breath. All the stuff and matter of the universe seemed to weigh on her lungs. Morrigan needed just one breath to survive. But there was little light or air left, after the old cave collapsed. Time itself had stopped before one impossibly delicate stick finally snapped...
  20. Damian Starchaser

    Wheel in the sky keeps on turning....

    When dealing with Hutts there were certain expectations. [member="Popo"] shattered those expectations. Damian had previously dealt with Hutts in his youth, going with his smuggler grandfather to a Hutt Palace to arrange some sort of skullduggery. Then again Popo had transcended the traditional...
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