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Faction [NJO + Jedi] A New Journey

A New Journey
Coruscant Temple



Ever since the Maw attack against Coruscant, the Temple had been in a state of reconstruction but now, years later, the doors were finally opened to Jedi alone to gain access to specific areas. During this Era of Reclamation, the opening of this Temple is a symbol that represents the perseverance of the Jedi and their allies to stand strong even after being brought down entirely. A formal opening is scheduled for after the elections of the new Chancellor, but today its doors open to celebrate the potential start of many different Paths for the Jedi who attend

Within the training halls, everything has been prepared for intense sparring sessions between Padawans, allowing them a moment to show not only their individual skills but their ability to control themselves in a duel as well, with the hopes of attracting a potential Master. But the halls haven't just been opened for that — Knights and Masters may teach, train or socialize as well.

This day is meant to represent the start of a new journey for many, and that can be honored in many different ways.


Location: Coruscant Temple

Valery drew in a deep breath as she walked into the training area, her lightsaber clipped to her belt and her eyes scanning the environment. She was here mostly to oversee the training, make sure no Padawan lost their calm, and assist wherever she was needed. But a part of her was excited to see them all come together to train and socialize as well. Between the constant battle at the front lines and the numerous other issues out there in the Galaxy, it was hard to find time for something like this.

But after the draining battle on Empress Teta against the new Dark Lord, she figured a little time away from the front to support her fellow Jedi and be an active presence for them would be a wise idea.

Of course, she had made sure that Silas Westgard Silas Westgard was notified of this as well, even though he didn't need a Master. He could be an excellent sparring partner for those who were looking to prove themselves or offer advice from the perspective of a student who was training under the wing of a Master. Either way, this was going to be an interesting day.

As long as no Jedi decided to cause trouble — she'd be more than ready to handle that as well.

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Open to Interaction

A dueling tournament in the Jedi Temple? How could Jasper not go. He had literally spent his entire Jedi career learning how to duel to make up for his lackluster Force sensitivity. The potential prize was finding a master. Jasper didn’t need one, not after being accepted as Mi'la Undari Mi'la Undari s student. Still, he had never been able to fully prove himself in a trial such as this before, and it was a good excuse to get in some practice after his less than stellar handling of his duel with Kybo Ren Kybo Ren at Empress Tera. Along with this, Jasper had a new friend that he was traveling with.

His best friend Lana had gotten him a droid recently, a GH05-T Spark named “Pyf” to accompany him on his travels. She assumed it would help her friend combat the loneliness of traveling the galaxy. Jasper knew all too well that this was an accurate assumption. This, in theory, would be their first official “adventure” of sorts. As Jasper walked up the steps of the Temple, the droid hovered over his shoulder.

“So this is a kind of ritual?” Pyf asked, a continuation of their previous conversation.

“Sort of,” Jasper shrugged. “Kinda like a ‘proving of skills thing.’ It helps gauge where a Padawan is at in their training.”

“I see,” Pyf buzzed. “So you’re here to show off to these Masters you kept talking about?”

“Not really,” Jasper responded. “I already have a Master. You’ll meet her eventually. I’m just here to test myself.”

“Well I look forward to seeing… whatever this is,” Pyf continued. “Do you need me to cheer you on? I’m rather effective at motivation if I do say so myself.”

“Alright,” Jasper said, cracking a grin. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

Jasper, with Pyf close behind, crossed through the entrance of the designated training area being used for the event. Surely, more Padawans who would be his opponents would be arriving, if not already here.
Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...


Location: Jedi Temple - Coruscant.

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble
“When It Comes To Self Defense, It Is Better To Have The Power And Not Need It Than To Need It And Not Have It.” - Bruce Lee

It had been awhile since Caltin had been to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It was during the sacking of the city-planet to be exact. The place looked great, back to her historic splendor. Even the annoying “Room of a Thousand Fountains” made him need to take a “constitutional” after passing it by, just like it did every time since the massive Jedi Master himself was a Padawan so many years ago.

Vanagor was not to be here long though. It was to be just a short walk-around as he waited for a gift to be completed so he could pick it up nearby. It was his wife’s birthday coming up and while he had already given her “a gift,” this was a surprise that she was not expecting. Aww, ain’t he sweet?

Shut up.

There was talk about some kind of self-defense session going on in the training area. The eyebrow raised that controlled his “let’s see what kind of fun torture we can put these Padawans through” side so the big man made his way. Vanagor knew the halls, the corridors, all of them, it’s almost like he used to operate out of here in its heyday.

Stop, you’re ruining the flow of this.

Anyway as he entered the main area, he could see Valery… of course she was there. The woman is everywhere. It was almost like she was a Clone Army in and of herself. Don’t tell her that though, she’ll hurt you. Laughing to himself at the thought, the big man acknowledged anyone who noticed him and took a spot against one of the walls. It had been awhile since he himself had taught a self-defense class, it was on Kashyyk, it was “his.” What was the best thing to teach? He was proficient in K’tara (don’t ask, he’s not supposed to know it but he does), he’s proficient in Teras Kasi(mainly because of the fists and the kicks) as well as Rek’Dul. His mastery though? That was Broken Gate. That was what he could offer (or a combination of all of them like he had been doing) if he was looked on to participate.

He wouldn’t push for that though. His wife would kill him if he was late for their date.

... is my undivided attention.

Amani found herself getting fidgety on the way to the training area a few times over. On arriving, she slinked inconspicuously into the space like she was afraid to disturb the day’s events, even as they had yet to start. Amani was a knight now. Why was she feeling anxious over a padawan sparring demonstration?

It ultimately boiled down to the newness of the experience; Or at least, being on this side of it. Taking on a padawan was a major step in a Jedi’s journey, and never one that should be taken lightly. The idea of stepping into the mentor role came with its own weight, and as nice as it was in theory to take a young pupil under her wing just for the sake of it, she knew that it wouldn’t serve either party to rush into things.

So maybe this was the closest thing to a compromise, after all. A chance for mentor and mentee alike to gauge interest, chemistry, and skillsets before making such a monumental commitment. Maybe Amani would walk out today with a new padawan in tow. Maybe not. But the experience alone was plenty enough reason to attend.

Oh, she was also here to play the part of medical staff. Just in case any of the paddies got a little too overzealous in their sparring. That too.

“I take it this whole thing was your idea?” Amani muttered out of the corner of her mouth, slipping up beside Valery now that she’d caught sight of the familiar face.

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Titi Rokari

New Jedi Order, Master​

Activity: Observing potential Padawans
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tag: NJO, Valery Noble Valery Noble

Titi was looking forward to seeing the lineup today. The Jedi Temple was a sacred place for the New Jedi Order, as well as just about any Light Side Force-sensitive. For Titi, this meant more than just that. It wasn't just a sacred space for lofty philosophy and tradition, but a symbol of resilience. No matter how hard the Dark pushed against them, the Jedi always came back. As she entered the space where the Padawans were set to train, there was a small smile on her face. She looked to Valery Noble Valery Noble with an acknowledging nod.

"I have high hopes for the Padawans. While we've certainly been in the thick of it with the Sith and their ilk, the young ones finally have their chance to shine. It reminds me of when I was young. So full of fire, so ready to fight... I do worry some will be like that. But that is why we are here, is it not?" she asked rhetorically.

A click or two emanated from her thoughtfully. "I've been waiting for this for some time. There are sure to be some promising students. I know I do not usually... teach, at least conventionally, but..."

There was a shrug. It wasn't important. At least nothing to sweat over as she took a seat on a chair. She wasn't as tall as most of the sentients here, so Titi had to often make use of stools or seats in order to have ample viewing of whatever was taking place. Truth be told, part of her felt guilty for staying back from Tython, but she knew that it was important to keep some Jedi alive in case of catastrophic destruction. Still, she wanted to be proactive and train a Padawan capable of fighting evil where she couldn't.

Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Action: Prepare herself for a Spar


The Jedi Temple of Coruscant was something Ariana had always wanted to explore, often asking her father to bring her here and enjoy its many wonders. She quickly moved up the remaining steps and headed deeper inside the Temple to fulfill her young dreams of exploration. Though unfortunately the Temple itself was set ablaze with new Padawan prospects and Jedi Trainers encouraging all to head towards the Training Halls.

Sparring matches and the likes were held there, and while Ariana had always been one to enjoy a spar or two, at the moment she was recovering from the liberation of Teta. But, being without an arm is no excuse. Ariana mused, to strengthen herself she tightened her left fist and headed towards the Training Halls.

Seeing the Training Halls for the first time, Ariana paused and wondered if she made the right choice but seeing others already present she couldn’t simply turn tail. I’ll explore the rest of the Temple after a few sparring matches then. . . Ariana thought as she steeled herself to be on the backfoot of any matches. It was a tad calming, already visualizing ways to both defend and attack while lacking her dominant striking arm.

Ariana took a moment to sit and remove her utility belt and pack, taking out her bandage roll. Using the Force to apply the bandage around her left hand and arm, Ariana tightened her fists and nodded in approval of the fit. It was much different than using her right hand of course, but ever since she lost it, it gave her an excuse to practice the much finer details of Force control and manipulation. Which requires tremendous concentration. . . Ariana sighed inwardly, her eyes scanning the Training hall once again.

Stepping onto one of the unused training arena, she began to breathe evenly and her left hand following her air flow. Eyes closed for a moment, she breathed out once again and let the Force flow along her left arm, causing it to ignite with a low white blur of embers. Like cherry blossoms falling from the tree, the white embers gently fell from her arm before disappearing moments later.

Strangely her right side also imitated a strange ember-like glow to where her arm once was, a confused look and Ariana broke her concentration of her Force ability. Her left arm returned back to normal and her eyes scanned the empty air below her right shoulder for a moment. Giving a mental shrug, Ariana figured she could study that afterwards, presently she needed her focus elsewhere.



"Oh wow! Is that something you can just, do?"

It'd been a while since Iris was last out and about. Mingling among the other Jedi. It felt strange to be away so long, but well, being back, it was like she was never gone to begin with. The Padawan had quite the bright smile as she watched Ariana, her oddly colored eyes alight with interest. The glow of the arm wasn't just in her normal eyes. She hadn't even been looking at the one armed woman at first.

But the world that were her colors. Her vision in the Force pulled her gaze towards it. A swirl of Light in the usual colors of blue, green, and yellow around them. Bright, and unlike the swirl, whole. An actual arm existing in her world.

Her curiosity was endless.

Iris smiled brightly, extending her less scarred hand. Gloved to hide the cracks from the disruptor, but the missing pinky was clear as day. "Oh, right. I'm Iris."

Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau
With his Padawan still in recovery, Starlin had finally given in to the advice of others and decided to look for another student. It’s the best thing for your mental health, they all agreed. Waiting around for Eliphas to heal isn’t helping, they said. Padawans need masters and you are qualified to teach them, they reminded him whenever possible.

That didn’t stop Starlin from feeling guilty as he took a seat among the masters observing the latest batch of hopefuls. He shoved those emotions down, endeavoring to put on a mask of Jedi serenity. Everything is fine. I am not abandoning my apprentice. I’m adding one. Like recruiting for a street gang back home in the old neighborhood. Or players in a band.

Not many of the masters sitting near him were familiar faces, apart from Amani, whom he was pretty sure never wanted to talk to him again. (He’d called her a “green broad” the last time they met. Funny story...) The rest consisted of people he either didn't know or had heard of, but never spoken to. Either way, it was too intimidating for him in his presently vulnerable state to get involved in the conversations among them.

He looked more than a little worse for wear, with a beard sprouting on his jawline and dark circles under his eyes, but at least he was showered and his clothes were clean.

A white-haired girl stepped into the Training Hall. Between her Atrisian-style robes and the fact she was missing a hand, she certainly stood out. But Starlin didn’t lean forward in interest until he saw her arms begin to glow as the girl concentrated.

The girl’s opponent voiced her excited questions about it first, and Starlin leaned forward still further to listen to the answers. He looked like he was practically about to fall out of his seat.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
It had been a while since he'd been at one of these events. A demonstration of not only just skill, but determination as well. It was after all, very easy for the youth to become too focused on victory, thinking all that mattered was winning the competition and proving their own skill.

Personally he was keeping an eye out for those who showed determination, cunning and creativity. Those were attributes that could be nourished to something far greater. He'd take a dozen fresh and poorly skilled students that held the desire to improve over a single prodigy who already believed that they had reached their apex.

Mastery of both the Self and The Force was an endlessly deep ocean, one only ever stopped on the path when they believed they knew all there was to know. Anyone who believed that was more often than not incorrect. There was always more to learn. And as many Jedi believed, one could learn much from teaching a student. Far more than one's own independent study.

Sitting there next to the other potential teachers, Aaran's head shifted from side to side, taking in each of them in turn. Before his gaze settled on one in particular, female, tall, and lacking a hand. His lips pressed into a thin lineA difficult, but not impossible hurdle to overcome, be it through cybernetics, cloning or The Force. Hell, he was a walking example of how what would be a crippling injury for some is but a temporary setback for a determined Force Sensitive.

Hell, in many ways, his ability to perceive the universe had improved. Sure he had issues reading screens or determining the finer details of the world around him. But when it allowed him to be perfectly aware of the entire room around him all at once. He considered it more than a fair trade.

But it was the glowing hand that really caught his attention. A slight smile appearing on his face as he noticed it. "Ah." He breathed out. "Don't see that often." He mused, holding up his own hand, waiting until it was he was confident that Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau was looking in his direction before he allowed the tips of his fingers to glow. The air around them visibly shimmering from the heat that was pouring off. A simple acknowledgement that someone recognised the technique she used.

It was always nice to see a fellow martial artist. While not quite as deadly as a lightsaber, one's own hands and feet were infinitely more versatile. And with the proper training, just as viable options on the battlefield as a glowing stick of plasma.

Maybe he'd run a class at some point? Grab some of these Padawans and get back to basics, show them that even when disarmed of their saber, they were never without options to defend themselves or others.

Idly, he leaned over towards Valery Noble Valery Noble "Is this going to be a standard exhibition? Or are you going to start throwing curveballs halfway through and seeing how they adapt?" He asked, keeping his voice low to ensure he was not overheard. Curious to see how the inheritor of his old position handled things.

After all, he was never one to shy away from messing with some Padawans in an attempt to teach them to think outside the box and cooperate with each other. Unexpected obstacles always made for the youth to come up with the most interesting solutions.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Titi Rokari Titi Rokari Amani Serys Amani Serys Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Objective: Spar an older opponent
Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

It was going to be a strange day for Silas and everyone else as the fabled Jedi temple on Coruscant was slowly returning to its former glory from the republic days. It hadn't been long gone since he was standing in the training rooms that were once in complete ruin, but now they had been made fit for use once more. The occasion itself was being marked with a padawan exhibition, something of which Valery Noble Valery Noble invited him to herself as a way to give the other masterless padawans some experience of being under a master. He was more than happy to pass on some of his knowledge, especially some of his own stories.

Walking into the training area dressed in his standard training gear of shorts and a short sleeved top, he made his way over to the mats where many padawans were already sparing. It was not just the students in attendance but other masters looking for their next padawan. Silas personally wasn't looking for another master, but he at least was going to make his current master Valery look good from the skills he had learned from her. For the first time in a while, he felt refreshed. That was mainly thanks to Starlin Rand Starlin Rand letting him spill some unneeded truths. A healthy and focused Silas was one that never should be underestimated by any means.

The teen looked focused and ready as he came to a stop on an empty part of the mat and sat down, crossing his legs calmly in a way that made it as if he was waiting for a challenge. His icy blue eyes stared at the different students walking past, some of which he nodded to with a warm smile. Although, after a few minutes he seemed to rest his gaze on a kid that seemed to be a perfect opponent. Not so far away, Jasper and his friend were talking away amongst themselves

Jasper seemed older and had the height and weight advantage, something which he was looking for when he arrived. Silas was used to fighting opponents with those attributes over him, so it wasn't going to be anything new by any means. Keeping his stare on the boy Silas lightly tapped the mat with a tilt of his head once he had gained his attention, silently asking him from across the room if he was down for a duel.
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Action: Converse with a potential Sparring Partner?


Ariana looked up at the new arrival to the training grounds, a young woman who greeted her kindly and offered her hand. The young Du Couteau heir returned the smile and for a moment stood there, slowly she realized she had attempted to shake the hand with her own missing right. The sensation of it missing was a still rather raw feeling, but it was easily overcome by how awkward she felt when an attempt was made with her left hand.

Turning it slightly to grasp the gloved hand Ariana also felt something else was off, she thought it was just strangeness of using her left but upon closer inspection the young woman, Iris she called herself, also suffered terrible battles. Ariana released the other’s hand and quickly scratched the back of her head unsure how to accurately answer the Iris’ question.

“E-heh, it’s nothing really special honestly.” Ariana began, wincing a tad as she spoke, “-After training with my father it became apparent my talent with sabers was rather bleak. So I studied Martial Arts and other forms of Close Quarter Combat Techniques.” She further explained. Her eyes caught someone else gesturing with their hand, showcasing a familiar technique. The act itself of course reminded her of the second part of the answer to Iris’ question.

“In order to grant myself protection against lightsabers and the like I also studied a Force Technique known as Convection; I am no master, hardly an adept, but combined with Bakuuni Hand technique it gives me some confidence.” She added to her explanation, a tad long winded in her opinion but it had been quite sometime since she had been asked of her talents with the Force.

It was mostly truthful, her father was nearly out of ideas on how to properly instruct her in the ways of the blade, so fists were the next best thing. He taught her other forms such as Zavat and the ways of the Echani, something of a relic from his days as an Imperial. Though those techniques took a mostly backseat role as Convection and the Bakuuni Hand were the two most influential in her studies and lessons.

“My name is Ariana!” She introduced herself finally, bowing her head in greeting as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment for forgetting such standard common courtesy. She could already see her brother’s disapproving expression for being so thoughtless, countless days schooled by their father simply dashed by a simple moment of forgetfulness.

“Are you also taking part in the Sparring matches? If so, are you to be my Sparring Partner?” Ariana asked, curious to see if Iris was indeed going to be her opponent.

In old ruins that had become as much before his time, that was what Corin remembered of his time inside the Jedi Temple. Somewhere to roam in silent adulation, the vastness of it all, reduced to mere rubble. For a time. He first entered with widened eyes that scanned about to see the complete construction; the Sith and other less Jedi-suited responsibilities had taken him from Coruscant in the latter stages, but Corin had since become involved in various duels. He allowed himself to become lost in them, even if there was some strange sense of guilt in succeeding against those that remained without a master of their own.

Had taking a dive been the kindest thing he could do?

Corin had not considered it as he swept a fellow Padawan off of his feet, sent tumbling on down. He reached out and offered a hand after his forearm wiped away the sweat that fell from his brow, "Maybe next time." He remarked smugly. His other self on Denon honed his skills more so than others, or most. He liked to think so, at least.

The Padawan refreshed himself and took in the newcomers. It was all familiar faces, mostly, and one he regarded with a faint scowl. "The Silver Jedi," he huffed dismissively to no one other than himself, "Back to make good on their alliance with the Sith." Corin half-joked yet with bile in his tone. He held no love for them, of that he was more than content to make known.

He sat by and watched the room in the meantime.


Temple Training Room,
Open to interaction

Kirie stepped into the training hall surprisingly calm, considering the horror that had been her time in the Temple before the day of the attack, and the guilt that had weighed on her after. Something was different about her now, stronger than the woman who had first come here for answers years ago. Besides, the space was full of bright young faces and eager chatter. Hardly conducive to wallowing, not that it usually stopped her.

The reason for the lightness of her mood stood beside her, in the form of a small girl named Hana, who was at that moment staring wide-eyed at the scene before her. It was a lot to take in. Kirie remembered how she had been overwhelmed stepping into these halls herself, and she had been an adult then, not a traumatised child scooped up from the middle of a warzone.

Kirie looked down and gave the girl a reassuring smile. Her injuries from the attack on New Aldera were nearly healed, but it was clear that the violence of the attack, the loss of her home and her normal life was still affecting her greatly. Kirie was sure it would be for a long time yet. That was her purpose now, pulling this kid through this moment. So she wouldn’t be alone. It had given her direction again, and with that everything else had fallen into place.

What do you think, Kirie’s hands flashed through familiar signs with practised ease. Shall we go have a look around?

Hana looked back up at her and nodded slightly, and Kirie took her by the hand, leading her to the centre of the room, where they joined a gaggle of onlookers by the training mats, close by where two Padawans ( Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau and Iris Arani Iris Arani ) were getting ready to spar.

She couldn’t see anyone she had formally met before, but this could be a good opportunity to make some new ties with the Order and, importantly, get some advice on her ward.

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Another Padawan sitting across the training hall had caught Jasper's attention, his icy blue eyes locking with his stone-grey eyes. With a tilt of his head, Jasper already understood what this was: A challenge. He hadn't expected a duel so quickly, but there was a first for everything.

"Is he communicating with you?" Pyf asked, who had apparently caught on as well. "Like that telepathy thing?"

"Kinda," Jasper explained, "But it's more just a gut feeling. It's hard to explain."

Jasper made his way over to where Silas was sitting, positioning himself across from the Padawan. Without words, he in turn accepted the duel. Jasper preferred it that way anyways. He was notoriously bad in social situations. From a glance, the boy seemed maybe a year or two younger and a good three to four inches shorter. It was something Jasper took into consideration, but not something he would let get to his head. Jasper knew all to well that height wasn't the deciding factor of a duel. It boiled down to skill.

In a last minute decision, Jasper kicked off his shoes. After breaking both legs on Empress Teta, Jasper was starting to have a new found appreciation for his legs. They were crucial in a duel, after all. Besides that, Jasper liked to feel the ground beneath his feet. It made dueling feel more organic and gave better traction. Jasper placed his dueling hand on his lightsaber. He was ready.

Caedyn Arenais


APPAREL: Jedi Garments of Rebirth | Armistice Staff Lightsaber.
OBJECTIVE: Observe and gauge the potential of a prospective Padawan Learner.

Since his arrival on Coruscant, Caedyn Arenais had been primarily focused on getting himself situated, adapting to the massive size of the Jedi Temple compared to others he had spent time within, and preparing himself for the first week of official duty within the New Jedi Order. He had been given the pleasure of first meeting with Valery Noble Valery Noble , who had inducted him into the Order there and given him a tour of the grand Jedi Temple whilst discussing their experience and recent troubles with the Brotherhood of the Maw.

Somewhere along the way, Caedyn had caught wind of the meet and greet between Knights, Masters and the Jedi Students who had been allowed to spar with one another. The idea behind it all was mainly for prospective apprenticeships and the opportunity for Jedi Knights and Masters to gauge the students' potential for personal mentorship. For Caedyn, this sounded perfect, it had been quite some time since he had trained a student, but he had thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and his former Padawan Kyra Perl Kyra Perl had left lasting impressions over the years they had spent training and serving the Galaxy together. While no single apprentice was comparable to another, Caedyn was hopeful that he might one day see the same potential in a new Padawan as he had in their early days.

Moving into the Training Wing of the vast Temple, the facilities were significantly more elaborate and well-financed than sites like the Enclave on Svivren, the Temple on Jutrand or Mnemosyne and even the Silver Rest back on Kashyyyk; it paid well to be situated on Coruscant, the heart of the Galaxy and that of the Galactic Alliance.

While still finding his feet within the Coruscanti Order, Caedyn was pleasantly surprised to spot some familiar faces among those present for the social gathering. Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor was the first, taller and stronger built than most, he stood out in a crowd, and Caedyn grinned to himself in response. Starlin Rand Starlin Rand was also present, another who Caedyn had met and gotten to know from the Order of the Silver Jedi; and finally Amani Serys Amani Serys among them also.

As for the rest, Caedyn was eager to get to know. Naturally, the first move was always the more difficult and awkward to make when facing new places and persons, but as he walked further into the training hall, the Jedi Knight smiled and bid a respectful nod to those who might have glanced his way.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Titi Rokari Titi Rokari | Amanda Amanda | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | @Corin Trenor| Kirie Kirie | Amani Serys Amani Serys


Iris nodded once. Smiled brighter. She understood little of what the other girl just said, but it seemed more like there'd be some kind of hand to hand? Against a lightsaber? Well, she doubted Valery would let that happen without safe guards. And at least her own saber had it's non lethal setting. Which she flipped it to as she pulled her saber from her hip. The blue blade burned into existence. Well, cool blade. The non lethal setting wouldn't burn a soul.

The Keshain lifted the blade, in a usual Makashi salute. "Mhmm! I'll be your opponent. It's been a bit though, so don't hold it against me if I'm a little rusty, heh."

Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau
Outfit: Hooded cloak attire
Equipment: Lightsaber pike
Interactions: Open

Being around Jedi, it was still something that Kat was not use to. She had been spending a decent amount of her time away from Force Users and avoiding the ongoing war but after her binge fest on Zeltron, it was clear that she needed some direction and being around Jedi had always provided that for her. She still didn't have any form of Jedi robes or any garb that wasn't street clothing so she was hoping the large hooded cloak would at least make her look somewhat like a Jedi or Force User instead of a random person from the street watching the match. Her stark white hair was tied into bun to remain out of the way since her hair was getting fairly long now. Kat looked in the mirror before she left her room and sighed, should she even be attending this sparring ceremony, she wasn't calling herself a Jedi and she wasn't exactly helping the New Jedi Order out much. She found their willingness to leap into war a concern, it was a concern she held for the Silver Jedi before she left that Order.

No. She needed to try and be more involved in things. To step up and figure out her path, she might not be a Jedi in name but she understood what it took to become one and she knew that she could provide that guidance, as well as avoiding the hardships that she went through. After hiding her face in her hands and making all kinds of frustrated groaning noises, she shook her head and resigned to the fact that she would attend the sparring session. It was a good way to see how the Padawans fought, who would need to be kept an eye on and to see how these Jedi sparred. For her, fighting was a love language, Kat rarely sparred unless she was courting a woman so to see people spar for testing skills or demonstrating their talents to someone outside of the spar, it was sort of alien thinking for her.

Arriving at the training area, Kat spotted several faces she knew both in the Padawans sparring and in the Masters observing. Kat held back, not seeking to jump into conversation at the moment since she was still nervous. Last time she was around Jedi like this, she had been a Padawan herself, which was a good decade or more ago. It made Kat cringe thinking about how long ago it all was. How different things were in the galaxy now from then. Her eyes were fixated on the sparring, arms folded against her chest as she observed the fighting in the way only an Echani could.
Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Action: Combat Initiated, Sparring begun.
Outfit (Minus the right arm)


Ariana took a step back, seeing the lightsaber ignited and reflexively held her hand out in a defensive position. With a tad sheepish, more so embarrassed, expression she corrected her stance to take into account she didn’t have her right arm to actually help with any defensive posture. The next moment Ariana took a deliberate breath of air, her focus realigning to allow the Force to flow through her body and collect into her left arm and both of legs below the knee. White embers emitted a low but steady white light, it appeared like white flames that hummed across her forearm and fists, and embers would fall down to only disappear in the air around her.

“Huh,” Ariana realized she couldn’t give her standard salute with only her left hand, so she straightened and bowed her head to Iris’ salute. “-Just as you don’t hold it against me for trying to figure out how to fight with only my left arm.” She returned the smiled as she spoke, a growing sense of confidence swelled as she repositioned her feet and extended her left arm forward, ready.

The young Du Couteau crouched slightly and launched herself forward with a small jump, her left leg firmly planted as her right swung out to catch Iris directly against her left thigh. Embers spilled out of her leg kick, mostly around her foot and shin area; it added an almost after-image effect of the attack. A mostly unintended feature that Ariana intended with her convection Force ability, but she knew to even match effective combat reach against a saber she would need to use the reach of her kicks. And to make sure I keep my pair of legs, best to keep them protected with my Force ability. She’d make plans for apologies afterwards should the kick be a tad too strong.

There is, after all, a light at the end of the tunnel.

The war was far from over and much could still turn the tide against the Alliance and its protectors the New Jedi Order, now with the ascendance of Darth Mori to claim Solipsis’ mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.

And yet, to see the temple not only rebuilt, but brimming with life was something Dagon Kaze had never imagined to ever witness. He recalled vividly the empty, almost decrepit halls of the past and the very few young faces, among which himself, carrying the torch of the Jedi here. While most of the Jedi in the galaxy had remained distant, or rather apprehensive to combating the darkness of the Sith and their now crumbled Empire. Some even stretching to the extremities of vilifying the fledgling New Jedi at the time.

His eyes settled on his apprentice — Corin Trenor Corin Trenor ; clearly relishing the physical fight. For some reason, Kaze’s padawans almost always preferred to take on his worst sides than anything else. Maybe if Corin would take some of the better traits of his mentor, that would be great.

Like working in a team, or something.

You two sound way more excited about this than the kids here.” the raven-haired Knight softly scoffed at Aaran and Amani.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Amani Serys Amani Serys Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor @everyoneelseig

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