Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kaleleon

    Approved Melee Weapon  Resolute, Force-Imbued Blade of Kyric

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a force imbued blade with modern technology for a friend. Image Source: Artstation - Firestorm Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Kaleleon Seleare Kyric Affiliation: Kyric Market Status...
  2. Halsia Hewitt

    Private  Correspondence | Kyric

    Kyric Eight hundred and eighty-seven layers deep wasn't really the underworld, but it was hardly the surface. Halsia had lived her entire life places she could at least see the sun from time to time. The darkness here was the first thing she'd needed to adjust to. The places that were lit...
  3. Efret Farr

    Private  Stolen: All's Fair Under Threat of a Dark Empire

    fa-play fa-pause Of all the places on Coruscant, she hadn't thought the Galactic Museum among those where one ought keep their guard up. The embarrassment she felt about her oversight rivaled the pounding at the back of her head where she had been stuck by an unknown assailant. She knew she...
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