Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stolen: All's Fair Under Threat of a Dark Empire

universe entire with-you

Of all the places on Coruscant, she hadn't thought the Galactic Museum among those where one ought keep their guard up. The embarrassment she felt about her oversight rivaled the pounding at the back of her head where she had been stuck by an unknown assailant. She knew she was going to get at least one, likely a few, figurative earfuls about this today, plus into the foreseeable future as she was unlikely to live the mistake down anytime soon.

Yes, she was a Jedi master, but she was still Deaf.

Someone had used the latter to their advantage. She had been augmenting the senses she did have through the Force for most of her life even when she didn't realize she was in her youth before joining the Order. Though she was used to it, it required a great deal of effort which she was more than happy to not expend when she felt it was not necessary. Most times, she was right in her assessment; today happened to be an occasion where relaxing had unwittingly made her an easy target.

Efret grunted audibly as she rolled over on the floor, a sound that turned into a short, sharp yelp as she put pressure on the welt forming when she had been hit. She walked back with her hands to pull herself up and brace against a nearby display case.

"Nirrah?" she asked into the empty exhibit room, aided by the voice of the clip on her tunic lapel.

There was no response auditable or otherwise.

She tried calling to her convor once more.

Still nothing.

"Dammit." The computerized, feminine voice interpreting for her was not very intonated, but Efret's signing was especially expressive now.

Down a short hall from the exhibit Efret was in, business as usual in the Galactic Museum continued. Both patrons and staff were very much unaware that an artifact had been stolen not long ago.

Outfit + equipment; lapel translation clip (currently switched on); lightsaber (green blade color)
Kyric Kyric
Kyric stood in the entry hall when he felt the slightest twinge of violent intent from deeper into the museum. Then the faintest thud reached him from across the building. A quick look around revealed no one else noticed. Odd.

The boy stepped away from the display showcasing war memorabilia from the Third Sith-Imperial Civil War and quietly strode toward the disturbance. Turning the corner into an otherwise empty display room the Wayseeker spotted Efret climbing to her feet. His eyes narrowed on the woman, taking in every detail of her.

Sluggish. Like she recently received a head wound. Her fingers signed alongside a feminine voice projected from a device clipped to her lapel. The lightsaber did not go unnoticed.

She's deaf, huh?

Kyric rather unceremoniously sent a surge of intention into the room. His emotions rolled through the space in a way a practiced empath could discern both curiosity and concern woven into his thoughts. If Efret would turn to him, the young Wayseeker would lift his hands and begin to sign.

"Evenin', ma'am." His hands and fingers moved in tandem with his words and expression. The boy was practiced with GSBL. "Is everything okay? I felt somethin' off over here."

Efret Farr Efret Farr

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