Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Rorlin Kos

    LFG  Dark Jedi Mercenary(s) Looking for Threads

    Rorlin Kos And Sars Sarad are force-using sell-swords looking to be part of your story! For better or worse!
  2. Spek Zhio

    LFG  Looking for some PvP

    Like everyone else in here, I really like writing stories and developing characters. "Fight scenes" are just a means to an end, in that regard. However, there's something to be gained in a writer-vs-writer action-packed confrontation. And I've just realized how I haven't done that in ages. So...
  3. Drego Ruus

    LFG  Looking to get my character started properly

    Been kinda throwing Drego around looking for bounties thus far, but I wanna get a proper plot going for him. So far, here's my plot hooks: Former GADF reunion, Drego goes into his time and his reasoning for becoming a mando. (Social Thread) Continue with bounties, maybe look into stuff...
  4. Liam Nargon

    LFG  Looking for the right Order

    I have recreated my "legacy" character from a Old Republic character. In my first attempt I wanted to be roaming Force Student. This did not amount to much. This time I'm looking to join an Order. That said it would need to be something between traditional Jedi (so probably not the NJO) and...
  5. Drego Ruus

    LFG  Looking for bounties within the GA Space.

    Anything and everything. Wanna get some PvP in with this character, or some heavy RP that will allow me to really get a feel for a character that I haven't had the chance to play much.
  6. Vitiion Daivik

    LFG  Lonely Sniper looking for encounters!

    Thought I should try and post this for Vitiion, since I've started to enjoy using her. As an Atoan exiled from her homeworld, she feels quite out of place in the Galaxy right now so I feel like I should try to have her encounter more types of people right now. She also found out about her force...
  7. "Jackal"

    LFG  Anyone looking to get captured?

    Hey you, ya you! The dork reading this, are you looking for some bounty action? It isn't often I see bounty hunting going on, and I just so happen to have the intense desire to beat you up and tie you up. If you got ideas hit me up, dms are always open.
  8. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Looking for friends on Naboo

    Hi y'all. I've got the room for one or two more threads, and it's occured to me that Gatz has yet to meet anyone from his home world of Naboo. Gatz was born to a lower class family living in the city of Theed, but was given to the Jedi Order when he was three years old. He spent six years on...
  9. Ata Jairt

    LFG  Looking to join a nice fun story

    Been away and decided to finally get back into things. Looking for something nice and fun. Mando, merc, or bounty hunter related. Maybe join a band of fellow mercs.
  10. L

    Returning player looking for writers!

    Hey! I'm a returning player from quite some time ago (not a big name, I dipped pretty fast for RL reasons), and I'm hoping to start just one character! Truthfully I'm not sure what species I even want to play yet, but some of the Sith Spawn or Vampiric (does my name give it away?) Species...
  11. Lily Decoria

    LFG  Looking for Stories to Explore!

    Hey, So, want to do some post imprisonment stories with Lily. Definitely one who won't be recovering lying down so wanting to get some threads of her pushing herself too hard and attempting to jump back into the Jedi life much quicker than she should. Also happy to explore stories of her...
  12. Braze

    LFG  Looking for dark threads

    Hello. Looking for some threads with Braze to push the envelope on a dark , angsty, pain-filled kinda thematic. Trouble is a bonus.
  13. Dominic Shiro

    LFG  Looking to get back into it

    Last time I did anything here was back in 2020 and I kinda miss it. There's a lot I meant to flesh out with this character but never got around to, so I wanna try and breath some life into him. I wanted to write Dominic as a person who has gone through so much trauma that he's erected some...
  14. Tibera Jessen

    Looking to get started

    Just made my character and wouldn't mind trying her out.
  15. Ceth Lintom

    LFG  Looking for Jedi Mentors or Anyone willing to go on an Adventure

    Soo just created this bad boy over the weekend and I'm eager to develop him! I'm open to anything though I do prefer some Jedi Training or some adventures!
  16. Tragic Writer

    LFG  Looking for Jedi Friends

    I feel I have been neutral enough, I need to make some friends on both sides, before I finally write which side dorian is going to take in the end. I want to start with making some friends with Jedi and Other members of the overall "good guys" I will gladly write back to any one here or in...
  17. Drego Ruus

    Bounty  Looking to break in a new bounty hunter.

    Looking to break in my new mando, with a bang. Anyone up to be hunted down (and potentially killed)? Not gonna go around asking for PC kills, but the character is very much a 'I only go for WANTED DEAD' kinda contracts.
  18. Domina Prime

    LFG  Need Some Martial Art Masters or Teachers

    "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." ~ Mike Tyson Figured with all the fun coming up here soon on the site that i should try to get some threads involving my Mandalorian lass seeking skilled and talented fighters in order to further advance her understanding of hand to...
  19. Darth Laesis

    LFG  Looking for an experienced Jedi master to go against! I am back and finally ready to start foruming again!

    I would love to have a duel, not to any death though! After quite some time I am finally back and Laesis is ready and ever....finally breathing once again.
  20. Nrarsk Tradrorn

    LFG  Hunter Looking For Something to Hunt

    Hey there, I’m kinda new around here and am just looking to try and see if anyone would be interested in having a Trandoshan around who likes to hunt for sport. I am pretty open to most stuff at the moment as I haven’t really decided where I want this character to go yet so I thought I would...
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