Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Die Shize

    I came to play

    Hey, I may have a proper workshop thread down the road tallying my thread needs depending on how long I'm here, but for now just wanted to shout out that I'm looking for roleplays with my Sith character Drane T'keen. Pretty much down for anything with him, whether a Sith mission, casual...
  2. Volya Sasiq

    LFG  Twi'lek force sensative looking for light side master

    Title honestly says it all. At first I was somewhat indecisive for what I wanted this character to be but now I made up my mind. I want her to be part of the Jedi Order and think it would be interesting to see how she would interact with other force users
  3. Ibra Sest

    LFG  Looking for an alliance unit

    So since the bad batch season 2 is coming out soon I've been in a huge mood to have a character be in similar if not more normal sort of group. Something sort of like bad company from battlefield or the band of brothers.
  4. Koyi Mateil

    LFG  Looking for dark side master

    Title honestly says it all. Wanting a dark side master for this character, break this one into the server even though I made it forever ago.
  5. Tilly

    LFG  Looking for a 1-1 rp

    Hello I’ve been gone from here from quite some time due to life and was wanting to get back into it, though if anyone responses I was wondering if you’d like to move to discord due to I get notifications from there if not it’s fine! Onto a bit about my Character Tilly: Tilly is an exiled...
  6. Gatz Derrevar

    LFG  Smuggler, looking to do a little business.

    Looking to dive headfirst into some roleplay. Gatz is a former Jedi Youngling turned smuggler who spends most of his time ferrying spice from Nar Shaddaa into more civilized parts of the galaxy. He's no stranger to seedy jobs, and risking his neck for profit. He does, however, draw the line at...
  7. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Request  Looking for any lightsider to be captured Looking to fulfill this bounty, any and all lightsiders are welcome. Note: As the bounty says, you'd need to be fine being captured and be fine with whatever Adeline wishes to do with you. Though for the record, this does not mean your...
  8. Darth Malum of House Marr

    LFG  Looking for any and all RPs

    Howdy, I'm playing a Sith apprentice, and currently am supremely bored, also going for a certain monthly objective. So for anyone that wants to write with a Sithy boi, I'd love to chat and make a thread with any and all of you.
  9. Fi'nn Arkun

    Fi'nn looking for trouble

    Fi'nn is currently trying to blen in, maybe someone on either side finds him?
  10. T

    Anyone Want to Break a Jedi?

    My boi Tarus is locked up on Sevaris and could use some Sith torture to help him ‘see the way’, if anyone is interested in a darker plot. Discord me or PM here! (Patton#7652)
  11. Sevatar Vizsla

    LFG  Looking For Teacher

    Hello I'm wondering if there are any Jedi out there looking to take on a Padawan?
  12. Raphael Gallustrade

    LFG  Looking for a jedi healer for threading purposes

    Looking for a jedi healer to have a thread with for...reasons. >_> Reach out here or dms!
  13. Ata Jairt

    LFG  Bounty Hunter looking for a squad/party to join up with

    So, this character doesn't really have any real experience doing bounty hunter/merc work so I think it would be fun to join up with someone or some small group to go after some bounties or contracts.
  14. Kitter Bitters

    LFG  Jedi Padawan Looking for Master

    I am designing a new character and trying to decide if I should make them a padawan or a knight. I figured it would largely depend on if there were any available Jedi masters. I know sometimes it's hard to find one because they are swamped with so many padawans. The character will be joining...
  15. Elias Edo

    LFG  Jedi Master | Looking for a Padawan!

    Hello! Like it says on the tin, my Jedi Master Elias is in search of a new Padawan to bring under his wing. No preference on the NJO or SJC, so bring it on! Elias prizes patience, study, and meditation, while also valuing swordplay, physical training, and field missions to teach his Padawans...
  16. Old Man Eijin

    Request  Looking for an artist

    For a border or 2 for profile pictures
  17. Kalira Aldan

    Private  Looking For a Bad Man

    Location: Klatooine Tags: Markus Kortu Outfit: Cloaked Kalira pulled the front of her cowl up to cover as much of her face as possible. With so much wavy red hair it was impossible to keep it all in, but there was little chance that someone would recognize her quickly enough from just a wisp of...
  18. Jelan Sota

    LFG  Looking for Alliance navy related threads.

    Wanting to be part of a crew of a ship, hopefully plan to work this character up the ranks
  19. Bazette Royalblaze

    LFG  Bartender from a Sith-like Cult looking for business... somewhere

    Looking for a public RP to either make or join honestly
  20. GreyJedi

    Jedi Master looking for Play

    Looking to get back into playing. All my previous SL's have dried up and nothing is really going on. Looking for new people to play with. I am in School so it takes a couple days to respond and also work 40 hours a week. I do respond but it just takes a couple days, depending on the homework...
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