Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Ra Vizsla

    Death Watch | Minor Faction Advertisement

    Faction Link: Story Blog Link: First Roleplay Thread Link: Death of the Clans Discord Link: Welcome to Death Watch. If you're a Mandalorian...
  2. Xin Boa

    Objects in Space

    [member="Drake Jast"] [member="Aeshi Tillian"] [member="Formorta"] [member="Bann Sundorah"] [member="Mirax"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Kinsey Starchaser"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Bastin Arenais"] The Agora It was the crack of a conduit bursting that woke him. As it went it...
  3. Tour Sera

    Good Hunting (RP Concept)

    Throughout the Star Wars lore (mainly the EU), we come across numerous instances of Mandalorian warbands and raiding parties terrorizing even non-border worlds. In the first KOTOR game for example, the player has the option of dealing with Mandalorians in the Dantooine plains, despite the planet...
  4. Michael Shado

    Clan Shado Returns

    Clan Shado The Bloodguards of the Mando'ade IC: Once a upon a time, Shado was under the Kyr'stad also known as Deathwatch, and removed from the Clans of Mandalor. But this is no longer a thing, with honor renewed, and under a new alor, Clan Shado has returned stronger than ever, and with...
  5. Ruug'la Jag

    Eulogy for a Warrior [All Mando Open|Ures Alor]

    Mandalore Olankur Region Theme The old Mandalorian warrior, simply known as Ruug'la Jag (the Old Man), wandered the Olankur frost heights. He was surrounded by veshok evergreen trees and cold winter winds that cut like daggers. He wore a long worn out pancho over his battle withered green...
  6. Janeth Farr

    Too Farr to Fall

    FARR COMPOUND, PLANET AGAMAR Although beautiful, Agamar is a world renowned for its ruthless wilderness and often hazardous landscape. It is also the home of Clan Farr, a Mandalorian clan who gained their fame in the waning days of the Neo-Crusaders. Their ancestors battled the Jedi Revan and...
  7. Gilamar Skirata

    Better, Worse, No Growth

    So I've been on this site for...a long time and for I think...longer than any before in my faction, I led the Mandalorians, one of the oldest factions on the board. But I never thought I was AS good a writer as faction owners and admins in the other larger factions of the time (Omega Pyre, The...
  8. Yusana Fenni

    Danger Close

    Talasea Base (Reconstructed), Central Regions Planet Talasea, CSA Space As the transport touched down on its landing pad, one of many that lay on the outskirts of this large military outpost, a multitude of protocol droids, servitor droids and combat droids approached from the central walkway...
  9. Lok Xiangu

    Late Due Retribution [Mandalorians vs. Galactic Empire]

    Krant The incident and battle of Mandalore was still something that all Mandalorians still had not forgotten and it was something that had to be paid in blood. That was the only way how they could avenge their fallen. Not by credits, a letter of apology, or any other form of currency save for...
  10. Atin Vendet

    Mandalorian Government: The House System

    What: The House System, a continuation of government that is tested by time to be effective in the event of collapse. Why: With so many cataclysmic events, and no due course for a SET determination of Mand'alor, this proposition is to help create a continuity of government in case of the...
  11. 010

    Regarding Mandalorians

    For a Mandalorian to make a clan, like Clan Visla, Fett, etc., would he or she have to make a faction or codex entry? Or would he or she just have to mention the group?
  12. Eugen Aker

    The Dominion of Bastion (Tekkadan vs TSA)

    What sort of resistance should I expect as I launch my generic Mandalorian raid against Bastion? I know the Ascendency has been hard at work reinforcing the mighty fortress world back to its original stature, and I would like to respect those efforts. If you just want to give me a general idea...
  13. Strider Garon

    Clan Garon(Recruitment)

    “Here we stand!”~ The words of Clan Garon Clan Garon was an old Mandalorian clan that could trace its lineage back to great Galactic Civil War, to a heavily mandalorian influenced clone commando named Drake (CC-8513-26) and wife Shyla Garon in where They took her name. The name itself means...
  14. Darth Metus

    A Colony Rising [ The Mando'ade & Friends ]

    O N D E R O N They came at Dawn. As the waking rays of light washed over the planet Onderon, so too did an iron congregation descend from on high. The gathering of vessels was not a martial fleet, but rather an assortment of civilian shuttles, freighters, and few escort capitals. Today, the...
  15. Darth Metus

    Major Faction Application: The Mando'ade

    Name: The Mando'ade OOC Hierarchy: [member="The Faithful"] - Faction Owner [member="Vilaz Munin"] - Faction Admin [member="Agenor Dyre"] - Faction Admin IC Hierarchy: The Mando'ade consists of numerous, Mandalorian Colonies upon several worlds. Every Colony is essentially sovereign its own...
  16. Eugen Aker

    The Thunderbolts (37th Airborne Division)

    Image Credit: Name: 37th Airborne Division, The Thunderbolts Intent: To create an effective airborne unit. Affiliation: Arisa Yune, Kiribian Systems Union, The Silver Jedi Availability: Uncommon Quality: B Type: Airborne Infantry Unit...
  17. Darth Metus

    Parable of the Sower [ Aka'liit & Mandalorians ]

    D X U N Onderon Orbit, Japrael Sector It takes much to cultivate a fruitful harvest. Planning. Diligence. Care. All and more are required to see a bounty come into being. Yet, once sloth infects the heart, cultivation comes to an end. Stagnation seeps into the bones, slumber weighs upon the...
  18. Bethany Kismet

    Broken Core (Rebuilding Mandalore)

    M A N D A L O R E As the small fleet of aid ships slipped into orbit around the Mandalorian homeworld, Bethany Kismet looked out over the view beneath them. She and [member="Vilaz Munin"] had spoken two days before, but even his report had not truly prepared her for the devastation on the...
  19. Vilaz Munin

    The Road Ahead of Us

    C O N C O R D I A They were broken and fractured...again. The sense of unity was up in the air and had no meaning or significance to it. So much work to be done, yet there was no major progress being made for the wellbeing and welfare of all Mandalorians despite what clan they belonged to...
  20. Preliat Mantis


    Concord Dawn So, there Preliat was. An angry, middle-aged man. He had nothing left. No family. Barely and friends left. And his home- gone. His life had been torn apart before, but this time it was different- an act of betrayal destroyed his life. An act of betrayal buried his wife and child...
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