Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. V

    Private  Meeting With a Witch

    Travel was quite hard without owning a ship, but Vakim had found a way and started to take a few outings to various planets. His most recent one was to Dathomir. A remote, but well known planet that he had been curious of for a while, having heard and read stories about the night sisters, and...
  2. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  Recovered From Dirt

    He was swimming in the warm ocean, or at the very least he thought it was the ocean, it could have easily been a lake, a river perhaps, he could not quite say, all he could see was darkness. He had heard many people discuss such experiences, of being warm in water, and said it reminded them of...
  3. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  A Serendipitous Meeting

    He would leave today... at some point. He had gotten his emotions out last night... in a night he could not exactly remember. Too drunk, and he nursed the consequences of that as he held his head low on the cafe table. You didn't see many cafes on Jutrand, in a city world like this, space was at...
  4. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  An Accidental Meeting

    Malum held a cloak over his face, a hood over his head, as he surveyed the vial before him. Instead of immediately leaving Jutrand after the meeting with Darth Empyrean, he had found himself walking along the darkened city, perhaps he was here to make his way to meet his family at their manse in...
  5. Darth Malum of House Marr

    Private  A Meeting With A Triumvir

    The shower had refreshed him immediately, wiping away the grime and blood, and aches of his last battle. The Lochris again served as his home away from home, with all the creature comforts he would need to live independently on the ship. A kitchenette, bathroom, and toilet were the least of the...
  6. I

    Private  Down in Dolly Lane

    Club VerSin The Exclusive Club located on Damascus Station was only accessible to those within the Criminal Underworld. Normal civilians looking to enter would quickly find themselves shooed away by the Bouncers at the door or in the worst possible scenario find themselves dead on the street...
  7. A

    Private  A troubled meeting

    Corusant Jedi Temple Hallway Appearance Lukan Rath Amanda walked down the hall towards her room in the temple not really paying much mind at the moment but paying enough attention to not run into someone. It was a little to quiet in the temple today but she preferred the quiet to that of a...
  8. J

    Private  A Meeting, Warlike Of Course

    James tapped on the holopad, casually swiping up and down. fourteen shipments had made it to Pelagon. Only Fourteen. Considering that they sent out about twenty-five, that was quite concerning. Thyferra wasn't all too far from the other planet, but pirates had become an increasing problem...
  9. Yenna

    Private  Meeting the Future

    CORUSCANT | JEDI TEMPLE TAGS: Callista Tal'Vera Between more focus on Kyell Laysel to help him get stronger, as well as her new duties as a Jedi Master, Yenna's time for research and learning had lessened dramatically in favour of of helping other younglings and padawans. Not that the little...
  10. K

    Private  The Winter Meeting

    Kanollic II Vethres Chief Inspector Patriarch of House Vethres Moff of Bal Talmshaa Location: Fortress Delzotto, Bal Talmshaa Tags: Julius Haskler Post Number: One Frozen rain and powerful winds swept across the tundra landscape of Bal Talmshaa as the roaring sound of TIE Fighters could be...
  11. Mairéad Solus

    Private  Meeting with the Donna

    Location: Star Lounge, Denon Objective: Meet with the Donna Tags: Ivory Stroud Mairéad looked at her watch, she was running a little early for her meeting with Ivory Stroud at the The Star Lounge. Earlier than she would have liked, but her meeting with the bank had gone more quickly than...
  12. Valery Noble

    Private  NJO Council Meeting

    876 ABY - NJO Council Meeting Era of Reclamation Zark San Tekka | Valery Noble | Asmundr Varobalder | Dagon Kaze The Era of Reclamation has begun. The Galactic Alliance has initiated its new campaign to liberate the core with a first move against Maw-held Empress Teta, but this is only the...
  13. Diana Sophistica

    Private  Meeting New Faces

    -=Diana Sophistica=- Location: Verun - Medjai Temple Tags: Dreidi Xeraic Ship: "The Red Hare" Equipment: Prosthetics, Diana original lightsaber +attachment rods, Diana's master ligthsaber, training objects, Battle armor. Droids: Orange Kitten, Blue Squid Objective: Train Inspirational music...
  14. Sazaku

    Private  Walking a different path

    Location: The Wheel “Another round barkeep… “ Sazaku said as his glass of Corellian brandy was empty. He was too broke for spice, so instead the liquor was cheaper. One way or another he always found himself like this, in some another chithole of a cantina. “I think you had enough..” Came the...
  15. Naivia Ri

    Private  Strange meeting

    A world shattered and split into day and night, into second and minute, into taste and smell, into light and darkness, like multicoloured glass, all is but a beautiful puzzle, and the mind, a little child, sitting in the unknown, and in the meek but disconcerting silence, folding piece by piece...
  16. Valery Noble

    Private  An Unexpected Meeting

    Location: Coruscant | Cantina Appearance: Link Outfit: Factory Link Weapon: Lightsaber Ship: Link Tag: Khal "Kal" Garran It wasn't often that Valery's assignments brought her back to Coruscant, but when they did, they tended to take much longer than expected. It was supposed to be just...
  17. Corin Trenor

    LFG  More Interactions

    So, after some time with this character I've been able to sort out a lot about him and come to cement ideas to then move forward with. However, that said I've written with a fairly small circle of writers/characters, and now aim to branch out and interact with some new characters in some new...
  18. B

    First Reply  Meeting at the Huttball Arena

    Objective: Meeting at Arena Location: Nar Shaddaa Tags: [First Reply or DM] If there was one sport that was more dangerous than Podracing would be the Ancient Old Republic Sport known as Huttball. The game pitted two randomly selected teams against one another in a no-holds barred attempt to...
  19. K

    Private  A Meeting Foretold-[DoS]

    The Darkhold was cold today, though this was nothing unusual. Located high up in the mountains of Icarus, near the outskirts of the Three Fold Lands, the Darkhold sat at the very peak of Mergoth Shul, the Leviathan Temple that Kathal oversaw as a Shaman within the Scions of the Truth. The...
  20. A

    LFG  Sithies for Sithy Meeting

    So I noticed there are a lot of new Sith characters popping up, and I thought hey it'd be kinda neat if we all did a thread together. Therefore, if you are a Sith character seeking out other Sith characters please let me know. You can DM me at Jae#7838 or reply here to this thread. I'm going to...
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