Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Mazrith Drihl

    Private  A meeting in the Shadows

    Location: Farstine Tags: Kathal Mazrith marched through the barren landscape of Farstine, his legs stumbling over the rocky terrain, his breathe mechanical from the mask he wore to process the methane air. His grey cloak blowed behind him as wind wiped around him, his hood barely covering his...
  2. Kimiko Taiyou

    Private  Meeting of Queens

    Imperial Palace Akarui Ki groaned with discomfort as the attendant, a crimson haired Kitsune, Itsuki, tightened the corset around her waist in preparation for donning a set of ceremonial robes. The stoic Nakano sister was dutifully going about her task, despite the Empress' gripes and pouting...
  3. X

    Private  A Tale of Two

    - [Nar Shaddaa] [Morbo's Paradise] [Red Light Sector] The Wookiee Bounty Hunter had recently got off a mission for the Qunaalac Kajidic. They wanted a gamorrean dead for stealing some priceless artifact although it was nothing more than a ceremonial war club. Sewboa had entered into the...
  4. Ivory Stroud

    Private  The Star Lounge - Private Meeting 2

    The Star Lounge - Private Area, Upstairs fa-play fa-pause (Parla Pui Piano, Slow) Upon speaking with the Zeltron bartender, you are escorted upstairs into the Star Lounge’s intimate dining area. Numerous booths & tables provide private seating and a quiet escape from the music below...
  5. Marcella Fiora

    Private  An Ominous Consultation

    M A R C E L L AㅤF I O R A Objective: Meet with The Donna at the 'Star Lounge' Tag: Ivory Stroud (The Donna) The Meeting! Marcella paced back and forth outside of The Donna's office within the Sanctum, The Family's private section of the Star Lounge. She straightened her cardigan, checking over...
  6. Faith Organa

    Private  The Meeting After

    The party was fun well wishers, visitors, nobles, the people of Alderaan Faith felt blesse by it all. And most of all Draco had made an appearance even though he hated parties. He was full of surprises but now was a time for the behind the scenes meeting, the twist so to speak. A room had been...
  7. K

    Private  Meeting over Kamsul

    Arzon City Station Over Kamsul Arzon City Station was a massive space station constructed by several corporations with the backing of Galactic Alliance Officials. Built over the world of Kamsul within the Stenness Node because of the world's less strategic position in the grand scheme of...
  8. Coren Starchaser

    Private  A Meeting of Pillars

    It took him a bit but Coren Starchaser was landing on Pagodon, to the Ferryman's Reach. He was a native son of Corellia, and the stars, and while he spent much of his early years on Csilla, the Jedi Retirement Program (Trademark pending) had other plans and he and the Starchaser Clan had found...
  9. B

    Public  Meetings with the Underworld [Casino Thread]

    MEETINGS WITH THE UNDERWORLD SEA OF HEARTS CASINO: CANTO BIGHT While the world of of Cantonica might not be so famous around the galaxy, a single city upon the planet had drawn the most attention from the galactic elite. From crime syndicates to megacorporations and everything in between all...
  10. hado

    Private  Business meeting with hado

    Accessing log... Location: Ao'Tuin, Atrisia system Time: █████, ███ Junko Ike A small ship flies into a hangar bay within the large, living mobile space port, landing quickly and urgently. Once landed, the ship dropped its boarding ramp, and out walked a small man. He quickly made his way...
  11. M

    Private  A Meeting Of Similar Standards

    Stars dotted the galaxy, coating everything as far as the eye could see. As Martin adjusted himself in the seat, he looked out into the great expanse. I lesser man would have felt lost, trapped, but not him. The small transport shuttle he'd received for travel was exactly what he needed to enjoy...
  12. S

    Private  A Meeting of the Assembly

    New Footprints on an Old Path Location: Pantora, Pantoran Assembly Time: Morning Tag: Chu Bornbazin Tin Zeer @Pantoran Members The officials of Pantora gathered within the capital city as the Assembly meeting was due to commence, amongst them, many wore fine clothes made of traditional fabrics...
  13. Draco Miles

    LFG  Meeting new people!

    Been trying to look for people my character, Draco, can meet up with! She’s friendly enough to not be a murder hobo despite being Sith, and is even willing to meet with Jedi. Either casual chit chat or even a combat scenario would be welcome! Just something to get rid of this boredom lol
  14. C

    Private  A Meeting of Two Imperials

    A MEETING OF TWO IMPERIALS TAGS: Julius Haskler LOCATION: Over the World of Karideph, Imperial Station Everon, Imperial Concordat of Powers. RELEVANT LINKS: Cephiro Pagaarch The Imperial Concordat of Powers was a relativity new faction that has sprung up to some galactic prominence...
  15. V

    LFG  Jedi or Sith Meeting Anyone?

    Greeting to all the Sith Lords and Darths, Jedi and Neutral Force Users within the Chaos Galaxy. I am looking for sith and jedi interaction with my character, either through joining a faction or working with other characters against my necromancy experiments or working with me to bring terror...
  16. A

    Private  A beautiful meeting

    Alexandras House Her outfit: xx tag: Naivia Neryn On alderaan Alexandra was doing martial arts in her workout room she wasn't particularly paying attention to the door but she had her butler and cleaning staff currently for that plus some guards. Not that she cared if they where here but...
  17. Asaaj En Kelsani

    Private  A chance meeting of queens

    Location: aboard her EE registered Coda assault frigate Objective: Follow her nose Equipment: Empyrean Gland | Pulvisa body-suit | Blades of the Sanguine Queen Tag: Persephone Ambrosia The Assault frigate searched through the system a second time. There had been reports of strange...
  18. Valery Noble

    Private  An unforeseen meeting

    Location: Dromund Kaas Valery: Appearance Ship: Factory link Tag: Naivia Neryn Prelude Thousands of years ago, when Valery was first active in the Galaxy, she couldn't have imagined setting foot on this planet the way she was able to now. The former heart of the Sith Empire had gone through a...
  19. Dired Mieflow

    Private  A chance meeting in Bespin

    Bespin, the cloud city. There was something about staring out into the clouds, and looking down to see nothing but death staring back up at you. He had his Mandalorian helmet off. He was smiling, he took in a deep, longing breath. He admired the scenery a little longer before someone shouted...
  20. Jacob Calhan

    Private  Meeting of the Minds

    "Note to self..." Jacob thought as he put the cup down on the table "next time you choose a location for a secret meeting with an unscrupulous individual, make sure they have good coffee." He stared at the disappointing black liquid and sighed. He was taking an awful risk here. Well, actually it...
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