Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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nar shaddaa

  1. Avra Elru

    Public  Factotum of Sorrow

    Krayt Pearl Cantina Like insects to the flame, addicts, criminals, and gamblers of all types flocked to Nar Shaddaa. Avra was none of those things, and yet she had come to this world not by choice, but out of pure necessity to escape from Dathomir. Her family had fallen, and in one violent...
  2. Uxagi Xatash

    Private  An Innocent Night Out

    Location: Nar Shaddaa Mood: Slightly drunk, slightly tired Tags: Darth Metus Post: #1 One of her favorite bars, the Jade Nova, was running a special on various ales and some of the harder liquors in their stock. Of course, they would be on the weekend that sector was running a local trade and...
  3. Viktoria Anetheas

    Private  Following A Cat's Trail

    Location: Nar Shaddaa Tag: Talohn Atar As the Tau-class shuttle descended through the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa, the notorious criminal moon, Viktoria Elyssia Anetheas went over all of the information she had available on her datapad. This wasn't Imperial space, though none of the other...
  4. Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr

    Panty Raid Tattoo Parlor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Myself. Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Panty Raid Tattoo Headquarters: Nar Shaddaa Locations: Nar Shaddaa Operations: Tattoo fabrication, Piercing installation, Cybernetic Modifications, (Tattoo parlor...
  5. Jagen Danner

    Private  To Become a Foundling

    NAR SHADDAA LOWER LEVELS SOME TIME AGO Anything that glistened down here was usually covered in water, oil, or blood. This thing, though, this thing was actually shiny. Jagen cradled it in the cracked palms of his small hands and regarded its alien beauty with fascinated eyes for a long...
  6. Scherezade deWinter

    Dinner and a Knife

    [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] Her meeting with the Black Suns concluded, Scherezade could have theoretically leave back for the Unknown Regions, go and take a look how construction on Eve was advancing, and more. But no. She smiled, walking into the hangar of the flagship so she could board her own...
  7. Tan'yill Vizsla

    Old Games

    ’’Set him down. And tie him behind the back.’’ she commanded callously as the two human enforcers the chiss lady had sent with them forced the blindfolded guy into the chair, and tied him tightly behind its backrest. Only a few flickering strip lights lit up the since long closed down warehouse...
  8. B

    Rough House

    OOC: Image belongs to the SWTOR series Nar Shaddaa is not for the faint of heart. Nor any place within former Hutt Space even so countless end up one way or another. Bruticus silently observed the crowded and music playing bar from a back corner with his first mate Falso. The Transdosen raised...
  9. Malicar

    Wardens of the Black Sun

    OPEN to all members of Black Sun Cartels ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Eclipse Consortium Compound Nar Shaddaa Nar Shaddaa, nicknamed the "Smuggler's Moon", is home to the...
  10. Kuzo

    Nar Sha-DON'T - Open Skirmish

    Nar Shaddaa It came without warning. When the Sith Empire seeks out vengeance for transgressions across the galaxy, bringing fleets from Bastion to Pantora, others might expect a certain relief that the attention would be focused on others. So when a portion of the Sith fleet dropped out of...
  11. EllieEx

    Duula the Hutt

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit an NPC that plays a role in the history and ongoing story of @Voska Naudir and [member="Thiavi"] ​Image Credit: Phraggle on devientart[/url[ Role: Crime lord, frequent employer of the Bounty Hunter Voska Naudir, and previous owner of the escaped...
  12. Christine Dellard

    Christine Dellard

    NAME: Christine 'Chris' Dellard FACTION: The Galactic Alliance RANK: Musician (lead guitar and vocals of the De'Rifts), AMS Deputy Marshal SPECIES: Human/Epicanthix AGE: 28 GSY SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5' 7''/170 cm WEIGHT: Fit EYES: Green HAIR: Blonde SKIN: Pale MARTIAL STATUS: Devoted to...
  13. Ciri Jade

    Cirinna 'Ciri' Jade

    Authenticating . . . . . . . . . Access Granted Retrieving Data File #526041 Full Name: Cirinna 'Ciri' Jade Callsign: Calypso Affiliation: Starfall Squadron, Confederacy of Independent Systems Division: .//data_corrupted Rank: .//data_corrupted Species: Human Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa Age...
  14. Henne Bastra

    Bad Moon Rising: A Short Star Wars Story[hr] In the main hold of the Mynock 30min to hyperspace exit to Nar Shaddaa Dressed in her grey-to-black robes and with her blonde hair tied up in a bun, Jedi Knight Henne Bastra stood before a...
  15. Henne Bastra

    LFG: First Strike What's up, family! I'm looking for people (maximum of 4; so plus me that's a max of 5 for this RP) who'd be interested in joining Henne Brasta as she hunts down a minor Jedi...
  16. The Amalgam

    In Darkness

    Arrived on Nar Shaddaa in: Corrupted Flesh (X-70B Phantom Class Yacht) Wearing: Resistance Epidermis Armed with: Skin Shears (Purple Double Bladed Lightsaber) First Degree Burn (High Capacity Laser Pistol) Novastreak...
  17. D


    Nar Shaddaa (The Smugglers Moon) Nar Shaddaa, what was there to say that hadn't been said? This great titan, beast of a planet. Every inch of this moon was covered in beauty hiding rot. This was a place morality and restrain came to die, as it gave way to bleeding excess and want. The modern...
  18. Delsin Shaw

    Turning a House, Into a Home [The Family]

    Undercity, Lower Nar Shaddaa Fairy's Tail Pawn Shop 37:45 At the current moment, I was Shaun Castanic. Using my real name as just a normal member of the family. Not actually the Capo, and the go to hunter for the Donna. Shaun came with just a nice looking t-shirt and smuggler pants with a...
  19. Lynnori Cruz

    Esprit D'escalier

    espirit d'escalier, phrase; a comeback one thinks of after the time has passed to use it. Hutt Dreadnought, Nar Shaddaa Orbit, Open Bar, Undetermined Time Make It Rain | Interacting with [member="Omi Henata"] ~ Hurricane ~ "There's a place way down in Brooklyn." —————————————————————— Well...
  20. Irella Toldreyn


    diablerie, noun; reckless mischief, charismatic wildness, deals with the devil. Nar Shaddaa, The Red Light Sector, A Particularly Unsavory Corner Of It, Twilight Hell Hath No Fury-- | Interacting with [member="Aryn Teth"] ~ Arsonist's Lullabye ~ "When I was a child, I heard voices."...
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