Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. A

    LFG  Don't need a Pack of 'em, just one will do.

    Hello. My name is [insert writer's name here]. As you can see I write this kindly Jedi Master, Ala Quin. I am going to be writing her on a longish running story set on a single planet. This planet will be subbed eventually, as will the inhabitants, locales, anomalies, flora, and fauna as time...
  2. Darth Strosius

    Private  On A Need To Know Basis

    The Outer Rim held no shortage of scum and villainy, of rumors and mysteries, of adventurers and criminals. Amidst the various planets that housed criminal underbellies in their own right lay stations hidden away from common patrol routes but just close enough to the hyperlanes to allow for...
  3. Caltin Vanagor

    LOA  Need no more than the weekend.

    So... you're going to laugh... I have two dogs, both GREAT buddies. I made the mistake (lol) of letting my wife know that they are great around other animals Yeah. She brought home two kittens the other day and a ferret for my son (he always wanted one) My house is a zoo! Lol The thing...
  4. K

    Private  In My Time Of Need

    The grass swayed with a direct purpose as the wind brushed across the field. It was a special kind of beauty Epica had, something that seemed all too familiar to Kel, yet intensely alien. The sun seemed so set in the sky, so clear. Kalee had never been like that, growing up. It was a jungle...
  5. Dorin & Darin

    Private  We need your help.

    “Let me see that one,” Darin said, yanking a sheet of flimsi from his brother’s hand. “It’s all yours. Shame it won't say anything new.” Dorin told him. They had been at this for hours, pouring over the documents and datapads they had recovered from their hunt. Scant few sheets of flimsi and a...
  6. cryptotha kelsthryxa

    LFG  Need a sith faction

    I am looking for a sith faction.
  7. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Private  I'm Not Drowning, No Need To Save Me

    How long had she been in this place? Constantly in some kind of pain, tested on too frequently. Really, between the blacking out and torture, she had no time to question things such as how she got here, or how to get out. Currently, she was writhing after another sample of DNA was sawed off her...
  8. Caltin Vanagor

    Need to stop at a (Muse) Gas station

    Still technically on a cruise with the fam, so naturally my mind is elsewhere. So this is not an LOA by any means. Just me taking a chill for a few, Still in the threads I'm in, just taking more time than I usually do.
  9. Alina Tremiru

    LFG  Need More Stories

    Looking to write more with Alina here. She's been artifact hunting and such to rebuild her influence and power. Wheelin and dealin alliances with folks who'll help with that. Making some enemies with Jedi. But I'm a greedy writer and want to keep going. Got nothing specific in mind for this one...
  10. Kal Harris

    Need someone to be my characters parent

    Ok so this sounds strange but i want to make a RP where my character meets one of his parents who abandoned him (check my character page for full details) only request is you need to be human (if this is like a super weird request i apologise ive got no idea what might be weird to post lol)
  11. C

    Private  We need to talk!

    Location: Islimore Outfit: Dress Tag: Myrella Sabathian Ceri was stressed, she had spent another day being dragged around to meet suitors and having to strike polite conversation with everyone that was just incredibly boring and predictable. Ah, yes, Princess Ceri your beauty outshines all the...
  12. Yaha-Kui ZaShunina Kitsune

    Need an Advice or an opinion on how you think of this planet government structure.

    (Please write your opinion here, not on my "planet" template....) Hello! I'm having some trouble proceeding on my planet (Link Here, but don't write in there but here, please!), though I need some advice or opinions. You are not allowed: to be rude, judgmental, or bring real politics into...
  13. Gwyneira Vizsla

    Are You A Sith Alchemist In Need of a Runaway Pet?

    Hello there, GENERAL KENOBI! I have an idea for a character. A sithspawn that breaks away from the Sith and tries to find redemption, steadily turning lightside or, even cooler, grey. But I was wondering if any Sith players wanted to RP being her creator. I was thinking of her being a unique...
  14. Ko Zan

    Question  Need DIV Assistance

    Need help with the coding on my DIV. I have been playing with the BBCode and can't seem to make the thing do what I want. This DIV here I want to have the slide tabs on the top like I have them and the different NPC profiles in each tab, with the Character STATS on the Right side and the writing...
  15. Corbin Vasher

    Request  Need a Detailed Avatar

    I would to know if anyone is willing to put in the effort to draw my designed character based on the details I give. I would like it as detailed as possible, and it's fairly complex, as he uses Mandolorian armor. The character is 6' tall, 185lbs and lean. He wears full-body, heavy beskar'gam...
  16. Marissa Shoda

    Private  A Friend in Need

    Denon/Doc's Office Late Evening/Rain It was quite late in the evening when the battered speeder came to a halt outside of the office in the Slums. It was riddled with blaster marks, smoking, and its driver didn't look any better. Her armour was scorched and a towel was taped to her neck while...
  17. Mazrith Drihl

    In need of an Attacker

    Hello! So I have recently made this character and am looking for an attacker to build the backstory behind Mazrith's wounds. Basically beat my guy up a bit. I don't have any requirements for the said assasin or attacker, though I am hoping to keep up a brief encounter. Any world(preferably...
  18. hado

    LFG  hado is of the need of business partner and meet people yes

    yes hello yes i am hado of course yes. so hado do the thinking and hado think "what is best way for hado to become big business and master of enterprise". then it strike hado. hado need more business partner for hado fine business. so hado is of the looking for business partner to buy things...
  19. Vega Ardellian

    Public  Filling in the gaps.

    As I return to the land of Chaos, I decided to go with a new face and a new name. Meet Vega Ardellian, a noble born pirate that is looking to exact his revenge. Within the history that I have written, he was befriended by a seemingly friendly business associate, to help him enact a new trade...
  20. Lothaire

    LFG  Need work

    Your usual mercenary with a spotty track record and an otherwise untraceable past. Roach has very few moral scruples. Open to working for all parties.
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