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Master is a little tied up/indisposed right now. Maybe even just dead.
New Jedi Order is still trying to find itself.
Thalia needs a master that knows what they are about at least and can guide her on a path to being a Jedi Knight.
Between Kattada and the Dawn Treader the Starchaser seat of power was constantly changing. Coren would always claim they were from Corellia, and that was true, to a degree. But what the Jedi Master knew nowadays was it was wherever the family congregated. Maybe that was what it was all about...
I'm looking for a group of people, from many different organisations like the Jedi Order, Political standing, Weapons Manufacturing, Spice Trade, etc....
This is so Evelynn can have a lot of info/ small influence in each business.
Anyone who wants to join as a Covert Spy, then let me know!
I build 3D worlds/scenes with the Unity3D game engine and it's mostly influenced by Mandalorian lore, legend and cannon.
You can see some of my work here.
I also recently started my Mandalorian cosplay armor build which I 3D printed myself and I'm...
Kohlo was not a big fan of the deep core. Something about the way the Galactic Alliance seemed to uphold itself as the bastion of righteousness rankled in the worst ways for the Togruta. No government was ever innocent, and the Galactic Alliance for all of its positive benefits still has a huge...
Why was he doing this again?
It seemed.. Odd. Him having folks he knew meet. Introducing friends to one another. How long had he even had friends? .. Or was it more the fact that he wasn't sure if Jenn Kryze was a friend? And that Gwyneira Craft was something far more than a friend? Man, he...
The voice echoed through the hospital wing yet again, though this time it was accompanied by a loud crash as something was flung. Inside his room the Half Chiss stared at the robotic arm. His robotic arm. The replacement for the one he lost. All he had was.. Anger. How could he have...
Location: Eternity Bar Nar Shaada
Equipment: A blue jacket, blue jeans and a grey shirt
Tag: Jaeviko Fitzsix
Nichos Velt danced his heart out.
He made a lot of money from this last job he took from a client: An Twilek merchant who has been harassed by some thugs. The gang has been stealing...
Just finished Minxi's Bio and want to get her going instantly.
I do have a few factory sub to do, but I do want her to start getting some threads under her belt
Let me know if you need someone who loves explosives.
niner was in an imperial cell for refusing to listen to orders and trying to leave the base he was able to get a transmission out to a friend "i need help please come to get me out, i will pay you credits, plus you owe me for back in the clone wars for helping you out, oh and use stun only"...
Hey there, so in wake of the Great Hunt some Cha'ta'ri from the Mithrax tribe set off to aid their buddy Rocho in catching a Krayt dragon and gift it to the Mandos, since we are waaay to late to submit at this point I was wondering/hoping if any other Mandos want to take it off our hands IC and...
So I am starting to want to write more stories with Kat, she has been side lined for awhile now and been struggling to find the best way to push her story next. Currently, she is a Healer, not looking for any romantic relationships bar the casual fun and has been actively avoiding the...
My intention is to create a force using character who's a talented mineralogist, metal worker, lapidary enthusiast who's a talented armorer and who doubles as an antiquities dealer.
Any faction or group want the services of such an individual?
Hey all,
I want to make a new character and can't think of any way to make them more unique or interesting aside from the initial idea.
The whole thing is that they are a low level Merc that is often hired as a bodyguard or for security work. However, they are unwittingly a Sleeper Agent style...
Wanted to ask around since I got everything approved sub wise, if anyone wanted a Crime Boss of Coruscant for anything? Threads? Factions? anything
Message here if interested
The title.
The Elysium Empire, despite being an Imperial faction that has done some shady things in the past, has good intentions. We have taken on refugees, helped rebuild Mandalore, and combated the truly evil forces in the galaxy.
I would like to send some of our characters on a...
"Hi there, I'm Kava Koyote. I kind of left the jedi because I didn't fit in with their family type learning structure.... that and I may have tinkered with a master's ship to make it better and caused it to lock up... permanently. So anyway, looking for a patient yet supportive master to teach...
Location: Commenor
Tag: Ala
Sitting in one of the showroom corporate locations of Guardian Authority Ltd., Caltin was actually on the stairs lifting and setting down a Jedi Interceptor. The showroom was closed and the security staff knew exactly who...