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Credits -
NAME: Aeksurdirr
AGE: 700
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7'5''
WEIGHT: 200 something kg.
EYES: His eyes, while hidden most of the time, have a orange, almost glowing hue...
"There, there, there." Tellu Nysana Talon ordered several of the Confederate troops to move the wounded to a new tent. "Take them there, there's food and water in tent four. Wounded to the medical compound follow them." She took a deep breath and...
Dear Members of Lightside/Neutral Aligned Factions,
You are cordially invited to a meeting and gala on the Republic's newly christened civilian station, The Galaxy Tree. You will be treated to pleasant accommodations, a tour of the station, food and drink, a concert by the Republic's Premier...
Hi, everyone!
I'm looking for a neutral character, Force sensitive, who's interested in learning from a former Ren who's learning how to not be so dependant on the dark side. I feel like it'll be a good opportunity to flesh out both my character and the apprentice. In terms of what I can offer...
Hello, my name is GUNK-44. I’m a GUNK droid that really wants to help out within a faction. I’m a neutral droid so my loyalties will always lie with the faction that I join. Thanks to all that read this!
Intent: Making this race to replace my current one.
Image Credit:Deviantart-Naznemati
Canon: N/A
Links: N/A
Name: Zauberlord
Language: Telepathy
Average Lifespan: 250 Years.
Estimated Population: Rare...
Near Roche
An red alarm sounding off for a few seconds as Kiran did his best to fix the problem as the young man's vessel or fighter you could say, as it fell out of hyperspace. "See if you can fix it from their?" Kiran inquired to the astro droid that had accompanied him on this...
Kiran Arlos
iron empire
Founded: 15th of August, 2017
Current Status: Minor Faction
Head of State: Lord of the Shroud [member="Kainan Wolfe"]
Faction Page: The Shrouded Republic
Description: Ession has fallen. The sun has set over the Dominion for the final time. But we endure. We remember. We live on.
From the fire...
♫ ♪
General Overview
Name: Kära Hearthfire, Previously Kära Vi'dreya
The Lady Kyros
The Queen of Midvinter
The Lady of Thàinbroek
The High Queen of Aurum
Saviour of the Togorians
The White Lady
The Transcendent Lady
She Who Was Promised
Captain of the Ysmir
Locke Moradan
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"The galaxy looks different to someone bereft of time. I would be lying if I said I would put another before myself, but at the surgery table it's hard to distinguish the patient's agony from my own"
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Name - Locke Moradan
Sex -...
[ Homepage ]
We are a people borne not from some blind crusade to conquer, but from a desire to learn, to grow, to understand the universe we were born into
The Je'daii were founded with the core principles of balance, moderation, knowledge, and power.* They strive to understand the...
Link To Faction
Link to Discord
Hey, welcome to my advertisement thread for a droid-centric minor faction I've been working on called "The Metal Lords Of The Void", a faction based around the intrigues of nomadic micro-nations comprised of mismatched ships acquired through any means...
Hello everyone, I'm looking to get this character up and going and am looking for some folks that would be interested in writing with the character.
As the title suggests she's dedicated her life to the medical arts, she's currently working as a independant Doctor, has years of experience as a...
Taji is a painfully shy individual, and an introvert. He's Force Sensitive, and loves to work with machinery. Eventually I'd like him to become Neutral, or Lightsides but I'd also like him to taste the corruption of the Dark Side. This is why I am asking if anyone would like to be a Positive or...
From far above and far away, the world of Takodana is singularly beautiful. It strikes a balance between civilized and wild, Mid Rim and Outer Rim, rampant criminal and peaceful ascetic. A few kilometers into the wilderness, away from a town, Sintel Kay...
"The War To End All Wars." - The Nine
There are some who believe that peace can only be achieved by pacifistic ideologies and tenets designed to ensure good. There are others who believe dominance over all other lesser beings is another way to achieve this everlasting peace through control and...