Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sandalu

    Looking for Grey Jedi Faction

    Looking for a Faction for my upcoming Grey Jedi Kyla Rourke. She tries to help people who can't defend themselves but for reasons relating to her past, she has long since left the Jedi Order. She, unlike some Grey Jedi, isn't against using the Light and Dark Sides of the Force and their...
  2. Voices of The Deep

    Interest Check: The Awoken

    The Awoken Faction Link "The Galaxy is asleep...wake up and see the truth." The Awoken is a new faction dedicated to the study & practice of witchcraft and force magic from all cultures of the galaxy. Dedicated towards the hybridization and revitalization of a withering art in hopes of giving...
  3. The Red of Sinner

    The Shadow Dynasty's Return/Advertisement

    The Shadow Dynasty is the Aftermath of what was once a kingdom ruled by a Force Hound left behind the Infinite Empire, and though the Dynasty has no remnants of the Infinity within it, it holds it's own, and very unique sense of technology. The dynasty is ruled by one Queen, or King...
  4. S

    Serco Savar

    Imagine create: Tite Kubo/Shogen Jump NAME: Serco Savar FACTION: TBD RANK: Apprentice SPECIES: Human (Ansion) AGE: 16 SEX: male HEIGHT: 5 foot 10 WEIGHT: 185 EYES: Green HAIR: Light Red almost Orange SKIN: Lightly Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes...
  5. CHANI

    The Galactic Order

    Welcome to the Galactic Order "We are a Galactic Order ruled by the Minority! An Order ruled by a new Vision! An Order of Art, not of politicians! Not of Codes! An Order devoted to the preservation of Monuments, of a safe and secure History! We are a Galactic Order that will stand for ten...
  6. Aeon Erantes

    Aeon Erantes

    . . . [ Welcome to Coruscant Security Force's Records. ] [ Search | Information | Contact | Exit ] [ "Aeon Erantes" ] [ Searching... ] [ Profile found. Displaying.] ____________________________________________________________________________________ (Last recorded appearance.)...
  7. Ayden Cater

    OmegaPyre: We're back, schuttas!

    Who Are We? We are OmegaPyre. Those familiar with the site's history will recognize this as the original name of the faction, prior to its rebranding into the Omega Protectorate. OmegaPyre was originally a private military company (PMC) that sold its services to any interested members. In its...
  8. James Mathison

    Looking For A Master

    Looking for a master to train me in the ways of the Force, any alignment will do. Contact me for more info, or interest.
  9. Neth Volshayal

    Neth Volshayal

    "All of life is but a story for our children - and I intend to make mine worth the read." NAME: Nethaniel Volshayal FACTION: - RANK: - CAREER: Smuggler Other assorted criminal activity SPECIES: Human AGE: Twenty-six GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6'0'' WEIGHT: Approx. 180lbs EYES: Grey HAIR...
  10. Onrai

    Veron'Icka Stormson

    NAME: Veron'Icka Stormson FACTION: None at the moment. RANK: N/A SPECIES: Human AGE: 23 GENDER: Female HEIGHT: 5ft 5in WEIGHT: 147 lbs EYES: Cyan/Greenish blue HAIR: Black and white. SKIN: Pale white. Not quite ghostly/sickly. FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but doesn't know it...
  11. B

    B7-T8, Assassin Droid

    NAME: B7-T8 FACTION: None/Neutral RANK: N/A SPECIES: N/A, Assassin droid. AGE: 9 Standard years GENDER: N/A, Droid, Masculine "Personality" HEIGHT: 6ft 6in WEIGHT: 275 lbs EYES: Red lens over where 'eyes' would be. HAIR: N/A SKIN: Green, Grey and Black metal plating. FORCE SENSITIVE: Nope...
  12. Casteel Mer'taal

    Chloe Van Derveld

    Chloe Van Derveld " Wanna play a game?! ." " Put a slug to me. Slug in the brain pan. Squish! ." ~Chloe Van Derveld Chloe Van Derveld Hawk is never one to do things by half measures. She possesses an unparalleled brilliance and shows aptitude for extraordinary assimilation of knowledge, data...
  13. Darth Metus

    In Plain Sight

    Only a handful of months had come and gone since the murder of Jor'si's beloved parents. His mother, a Zeltron dancer, was clubbed over the head by a drunken patron one evening at work....and his father, a fallen Jedi, had flown into a race and claimed the life of the drunken murderer; only to...
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