Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Valery Noble

    LFG  Looking for "evil" scientist and Onderon adventure!

    It's me again! This time I'm looking for some folks interested in a slightly bigger story arc, with some simpler one-thread potential as well! The idea My character is a Jedi originally from the Old Republic era but she ended up in this time through a long stasis on Onderon. For this story...
  2. Valery Noble

    Request  Onderon beasts/animals and lore

    Hey there! I'm planning some things for a character story that involves her going back to Onderon. While I got ideas, I figured I'd see if anybody has made creatures or bits of lore that they're fond of and wouldn't mind me possibly using? Can be anything!
  3. Darth Kinrath

    Character  Tarakhe

    NameTheokleia Draste Alias(es)Tarakhe BirthplaceParnassos Age29 GSY FactionBrotherhood of the Maw OccupationMarauder SpeciesNear-Human (Epicanthix / Onderonian Human) GenderFemale Force SensitiveYes Height2.26 Meters Weight119 kg Hair ColorBlack w/ red highlights Eye...
  4. Darth Carnifex

    Campaign  Operation: Dark Vergence - FIRE RISING (Sith vs. Silver Jedi)

    Onderon. A world of contrasting beauty and ferocious wilderness. Though the world had fallen into tranquil obscurity in the recent decade, it had once served multiple groups in the galaxy as a battlefield and refuge. The Galactic Republic and One Sith fought over the world during the...
  5. Darth Carnifex

    Campaign  Operation: Dark Vergence - FIRE RISING (OOC)

    Operation: Dark Vergence FIRE RISING The flames of war consume the galaxy! From the farthest corners of the Tingel Arm to the wealthy worlds of the Western Reaches, chaos reigns and evil triumphs. Onderon, a world of peace and prosperity, is suddenly assailed by the ravenous armies of...
  6. Gaia Sunaris Cadera

    Down with the Bourgeois! (ME Dominion of Onderon, Hex AA28)

    Iziz, Onderon. The wild, untamed, and dangerous jungle world. The world was initially colonized thousands of years before. The brave settlers had to fight for their lives - and built mighty cities with mighty walls. The large, towering walls around their cities were the only saving grace from...
  7. Quietus

    The Exegetic Episodes of the Bloodtrailed Bashtok and the Emergent Matriarch

    Though this planet was not known for its cooler climate, it was safe to say that the latest storms had brought with them a curious chill to the air. Not so unwelcome, after a long and oppressive summer of which [member="Aver Brand"] had missed much. Nearly three months had passed since the...
  8. Sunblade

    Approved Location  Irontown

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To consolidate information about a location that has been roleplayed across a number of threads. Image Credit: Terra Nova Canon: / Links: Deals of the Past Claim the Beast The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks Probably Daggers SETTING...
  9. Gray Raxis

    For Onderon! For Clan Raxis! OOC (Clan Raxis Rebellion of the FWC Onderon hex)

    Onderon, Former Capital of the Late 2nd Mandalorian Empire With the Free Worlds Coalition in turmoil, Onderon has found itself broken out into war. The Natives of Onderon have begun to riot against their chosen Coalition leaders and the Mandalorians who stayed after the collapse of the 2nd...
  10. LT-137

    Here, There Be Dragons.

    Inner Rim // Japrael Sector // Japrael System Onderon // Iziz City // Some Seedy Cantina. Although the Golden Company had carved out an infamous reputation amongst the stars for being brutally effective shock troops in service to the highest bidder, they were often hired for other...
  11. Rann Thress

    The Amazing Rann!

    "Gather 'round! Gather 'round." The Marketplace bustled with hundreds of Iziz citizens crowding the area. In one spot, the area with the least amount of traffic, a young man stood on top of a small box waving his arms around wildly. Around him lay a small metal table on top of which sit...
  12. Cecily Demici

    Approved Location  The Cloister of St. Cecily of Onderon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION: INTENT: To create a safe haven for my character and to further establish the Church of Light. IMAGE CREDIT: "Jungle Palace" by Pablo Palomeque CANON: No LINKS: The Cloister of St. Cecily of Naboo (Sister Cloister) SETTING INFORMATION NAME: The Cloister of St...
  13. L

    In Time [FWC Dominion of Onderon]

    The Free World's Coalition was sending representatives to meet with the aristocracy of Onderon, promising to assist the planet in the wake of the collapse of the Mando'ade, bringing with them economic stability and protection. However, Laira had wanted no part in attending a gala in a frilly...
  14. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  Dzwolsûjen (Exist in Shadow)

    Intent: Create a series of hidden Sith academies beneath the major galactic capitals Image Credit: Click - Andrew Palyanov Headers - Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A Structure Name: Dzwolsûjen (Exist in Shadow) Classification: Hidden Sith Academies Location...
  15. Allan

    Lock, Stock, and probably Alcohol Poisoning

    Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Diz awkwardly stared at the wooden table they'd procured at their faithful brute, Allan. "By-the-force, you fat bastard! Watch your fingers or you'll eat them too!" Allan stared back as he finished off the cut-and-cooked starch he'd ordered. "Fuck you, Diz. I do to...
  16. Lucianus Adair

    Eordahn Shamalain [Greyhide]

    G R E Y H I D E NAME: Eordahn Issantir Shamalain, AKA "Greyhide" FACTION: N/A RANK: Master SPECIES: K'paur / Garhoon / Negligible Human AGE: Adult SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6'4" WEIGHT: 176lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Black SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes PLAYBY: Ben Barnes F A M I L Y Mother: Desdemona...
  17. Blackthorne

    Dahldesa Shamalain [Blackthorne]

    B L A C K T H O R N E NAME: Dahldesa Aeridne Shamalain AKA "Blackthorne" FACTION: Unaffiliated RANK: Master SPECIES: Kpaur / Garhan / Negligible Human AGE: Adult SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'10'' WEIGHT: 170lbs EYES: Green HAIR: Black SKIN: Fair FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes F A M I L Y Mother...
  18. Nate Phantoms

    Hot to the Touch

    He finished pouring ice water into a large glass, and took a sip of it, sighing appreciatively. The two unconscious gang members sat limply in their chairs, and after his sip of the water he splashed it on the male in front of him. The man woke with a startled cry as the cold water drenched...
  19. Thalia Rist

    Thalia Rist, Princess in Exile.

    Dossier NAME: Thalia Rist ALIASES: Jewel of Onderon SPECIES: Human RACE: Alderaanian and Onderonian AGE: Twenty Four SEX: Female HOME-WORLD: Onderon FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes Physical Description EYES: Deep sapphire rings around an obsidian iris, a faint tint of icy blue accenting them...
  20. Quietus

    Approved Location  Halcyon Citadel

    Name: Halcyon Citadel Image Source: Southern Road Approach "Mountain Citadel" by Andreas Rocha Northern Face Approach - "High Sanctum" suspended between the Hatchery [left] and the Pillar [right] "Fantasy Environment" by Lee Dongick Classification: Walled City - place of education...
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