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A pair of boots made a small noise as the feet bearing them touched the ground, crushing dirt beneath the metal heel. Dirt that may very well have been cracked and burned if the negotiations all those months ago hadn't gone so… smoothly.
The owner of the boots smiled as she dusted off the heavy...
Dxun, Onderon
Manda Ka'ra Operation: Moon Siege
- Regain old Mandalorian Base
- Clear out Renegade Mandos
- Possible new objectives as the operation goes on
The frigate, the Grim, came out of hyperspace just has it neared Onderon, a planet with Sith history so far...
It was a bright sunny day, with birds chirping in the trees and beasts grazing the plains outside Iziz.
Then the Sith came, and though the weather was perfect for the classic 'blot out the sun' routine, the appendage of the Dark Lord leading this...
Onderon - Irontown - Market District
"Welcome to Irontown, Arathul."
For his first true venture out into the untamed wilds of Onderon, the young boy Arathul would be tested to limits of which he wasn't even aware existed. Irontown was a place he'd long known of, heard stories about, and...
Onderon - Halcyon Citadel
Blackthorne Beastiary Headquarters
[member="Michael Steelfang"]
"Coordinates have been sent to your client, Sir, he should be arriving within the next sun cycle."
Volden watched out through the open window of Halcyon Citadel as sheets of rain poured down in continuous...
Halcyon Citadel
Early Morning
The terentatek wasn't a creature native to Onderon, at least not originally, but by now enough time had passed that hardly anyone thought about this fact anymore. The wilds of the planet had proven a good home for such a vicious beast, if not a bit lacking...