Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Beltran Rarr

    LFG  Who's up for a little treasure hunting? (Exploration of General Grievous' Fortress interest check)

    You know what I haven't done in a while? Gone treasure hunting! I love me a good exploration/treasure hunting thread, so I'm proposing one! Thread name: Into Grievous' Depths - Exploration of General Grievous' Fortress Location: Vassek System, Vassek 3, Grievous' Fortress Premise: Centuries...
  2. Zinn Zinn Bink'sa

    Public  Be Thou For The People

    There was no place like home they always said. At last it was time for his exile to end following the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Zinn Zinn finally felt ready to come home, with plans of his own to take back Naboo rightfully to the native Gungan people. Too long over time...
  3. N

    Public  Corellia (RP Open forum for new characters! Sith/Jedi/Merc's/ Pilots/ Engineers)

    Hello all :) . Looking to rp with new characters. My Sith warrior/Acolyte is in need of someone to be assigned to take her under thier wing as an apprentice. Also, This will be open to Jedi looking to free rebels and refugees on the Planet Corellia through secret transport. Pilots could have an...
  4. D

    Public  The Domain Of Dreams (Character Introduction)

    Darth Cyphos was floating in the dark, infinite void, as usual. This was not the void of Space, but the void of Dreams. The Sith Lord had become trapped in this void a very, very long time ago, but that is a story for another time. The one benefit to being a disembodied force-echo trapped in the...
  5. Sergeant Omen

    Private  Testing the Waters

    Omen sat down on one of the park benches outside of the Enclave's SuperCommando barracks with a duffle bag. The Clone rubbed his eyes after waiting for an hour to get landing clearance. The Enclave wanted to keep this place a secret. It is only after he said that he had a package for Squad...
  6. Xyoz Maji

    Faction  Grand Theft Casino [Krakens - Open To All OOC]

    Pirates are going to steal a casino. You gonna stop em? Feel free! It's time to get some more pirate action on the board. Got questions or looking for opposition for it? Feel free to post here asking em and such. Otherwise, go nuts and have fun.
  7. Xyoz Maji

    Faction  Grand Theft Casino [Krakens - Open To All]

    Sometimes being a pirate had it's benefits. Canto Bight - Cantonica "Welcome welcome! It's truly an honor, Ser Jareami Mittow. We didn't expect you to get here so quickly!" Stealing ships, credentials. Identities. Listen to a spy, and they'd tell tale of a difficult series of events to trick...
  8. Voices of The Deep

    Public  Drifting in The Deep [Open/Enclave]

    Some things are better left at rest~ You know why habit rhymes with rabbit? Because your whole life disappears down a rabbit hole. When you grow long sensitive ears to better hear the sounds of sirens coming for you, it becomes an instinct to escape down that hole before your predators find...
  9. Kadora'Tra

    Faction  Speak Soft, Speakeasy (Darkwire, Open)

    "We should do this again sometime." - Kadora'Tra as "KitKat" to Xan Deesa before her demise Life would never be the same for Kadora'Tra. After spending her entire life climbing the impossible social ladder of the Corporate Authorities as an alien orphan, she had not only squandered her...
  10. A

    Public  The Wild Hunt | Dinner and Hunting on Irmenu | Open to All

    Wild Hunt The Boy Baron and Friends The Free Imperial City of Sólrike, Irmenu Ever since the admission of the Free Imperial City into the New Imperial Order, the entire city-state had been buzzing with arrivals fresh from the depths of space. New Imperial diplomats, Imperial Knights...
  11. Gorthalon

    Resolved  Cargo ship filled with slaves headed to Coruscant? Now? - Open RP idea. Tips welcome!

    Okay so I think I may have an interesting idea brewing, hear me out guys! I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I have made my decision on which faction to join with Gorth'alon. His ideals and goals align most with the Galactic Alliance at this point and I'm planning to join in character...
  12. Chester Mascon

    Public  Getting a drink

    Locale: Eriadu City: Phelnar Chester Had landed on the planet some time ago and, now wandered aimlessly through the many back alleys and side streets. He kept his eyes moving from person to person and, building to building getting glimpses of things he'd no words to describe. Chester had...
  13. OOM-3 "Captain"

    Public  Conspicuous Cargo Captures Contempt!

    Charted Course: 1. Meet contact at Junkfort Junction. 2. Follow Triellus Trade Route to Centares. 3. Collect "Legal Cargo" as Cover; resupply fuel. 4. Follow Perlimian Trade Route to Lantilles. 5. Move Cargo to Furthest Unhabituated Planet in Lantilles System. 6. Meet Contact, Exchange Cargo...
  14. Credit Wizard

    Public  Paranoda's Palace First Opening [Sleheyron-Public]

    Paranoda's Palace of Victory, Sleheyron Link to Palace: [Paranoda's Palace of Victory would be ready to begin operations for the public. The massive temple like structure would loom over the small settlement on this side of Sleheyron...
  15. Darth Tennacus

    Public  The Sleeping Sith

    Location: Outer Rim, upon a lifeless moon System: Unknown, potentially uncharted Moon: Unknown, potentially uncharted Time moved like the waters. Ever onward it flowed, reaching towards ends it may never meet. If time could be reversed- manipulated through some unknown means of the Force -...
  16. Kusana

    Public  Breathe [Open, Character Intro]

    Setting Music CORUSCANT The city bustle faded in from the relative quiet of the walkway Kusana exited from. The insulation from the sounds of so much life had afforded her the opportunity to think on a few things, which was abruptly cut off when she realized the datapad she had had on her...
  17. Zori Kapshan

    Discussion  My character is open to being bounty hunted and caught. Are you?

    I don’t actually care if my character gets caught or not, but he’s a massive walking tax fraud. If any bounty hunter is willing to pursue, we can roll by the seat of our pants. I don’t prefer scripted roleplay, though, so if all these bounty hunter writers complaining there’s no game in town -...
  18. Sidewinder

    Public  Adrift and Alone (Character Intro)

    The ship had fuel, just not enough to go anywhere very fast. It had been drifting for 1,248 days, 19 hours, 26 minutes, and 32 seconds... And time just kept crawling by. For an average sentient being, three and a half years adrift is a miserably long time, but for a being that experiences time...
  19. Jacen Nimdok

    Public  Tython: A Terrible Thing | Open to Jedi

    In a private facility near a Force nexus, Tython A young Arkanian woman sat on the floor in a darkened meditation room. Her head was bowed, strands of white hair hanging over her face, but her pale hands fidgeted in her lap. She was far from serene. Across from her, Nimdok spoke. “I’m not...
  20. Cassus Akovin

    Oblivion  Fixing What Is Lost (Darkwire, Open)

    So as it happens, this latest site event actually massively connects with my own personal storyline. My previous character and this character's mother, Triam Akovin, was once a major ass-kicker who maybe got into a couple of scraps she really shouldn't have survived. Nonetheless, did because it...
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