Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Felix Faraday

    Character  Felix Faraday | | The Maverick (WIP)

    FELIX FARADAY Music The Maverick Playlist Full Name Felix Nero Faraday Aliases Maverick Class(es) Gunslinger Birthplace Myrkr Homeworld Sylvia IV Residence Sundari Age 25 y/o || 193 y/o Personality Traits Sardonic, Laidback, Flirty Education Traits Scientist, Gunsmith, Driver...
  2. Baize Reav

    Character  Kanjarr Xoth

    KANJARR XOTH Faction: Independent Species: Falleen Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa Gender: Male Age: 36 GSY Height: 2.01 Meters Weight: 90 kg Hair: Brown Eyes: Yellow Skin: Green (Natural); Varied (pigmentation shifts) Voice: Timothy Dalton as Rassilon Kanjarr Xoth was born to the lower castes of...
  3. Saraiya Darkstar

    Character  Saraiya Darkstar

    Birthplace: Coruscant Age: 24 Occupation: Engineer & Smuggler Faction: H.S.C. | The Family Home: Coruscant, Level 2269 Species: Human Gender: Female Force Sensitive: Yes Height: 5'10" Weight: 145 lbs Hair Color: Fuchsia Eye Color: Steel Blue Skin Color: Pale Caucasian...
  4. Jsc

    Approved Tech  Jedi Outlaw Gear

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: An exotic armor set for my StarWars waifu Madison Starr Image Source: Photomanip by Jsc. Original Image Here by Brian Matyas. Canon Link: n/a Permissions: n/a Primary Source: n/a PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Madison Starr Affiliation: Madison...
  5. B

    Black Krayts Syndicate

    The Black Krayts Syndicate are a group of pirate captains and crime bosses that operate in a loose alliance inbetween them, in order to be able to engage and despoil greater powers such as planetary targets, or Star Systems. The sole goal of the Syndicate's members is to gain wealth and power...
  6. V

    Character  Victor Carmine

    CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY TEMPLATE VICTOR CARMINE NAME: Carmine, Victor. FACTION: To be added. RANK: Criminal. SPECIES: Corellian. AGE: 32 GSY. SEX: Male. EYES: Pale blue. HAIR: Unknown. SKIN: Caucasian. FORCE SENSITIVE: Negative. STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Describe in moderate detail the...
  7. S

    Character  Kuna- The Outlaw Professor

    NAME: Kuna FACTION: The Unauthorized Guidebook to the Tingel Arm- For the Desperately Discerning (Outlawed in the Entire Corporate Sector) Rimward Trade League RANK: Professor of Life, Musician, Vagrant SPECIES: Ryn AGE: 34 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 1.4 meters WEIGHT: Scrawny EYES: Sometimes eye...
  8. Pierce

    Public  The Ballad of a Disgusting Murderous Lowlife (Character Reintro)

    The Ballad of a Disgusting Murderous Lowlife Part I: The Death of a Saint, and the callous nature of a social outcast. Pierce released the limp corpse of the being, letting it fall to the ground with a large thud. The being, like most who had fallen victim, had simply been at the wrong place...
  9. Lief

    Character  Matila Arkh

    MATILA ARKH NAME: Matila "Mat" Arkh FACTION: Unknown; Possibly Unaffiliated RANK: Civilian Outlaw SPECIES: Presumed Human AGE: Mid 20's GENDER: Female HEIGHT: 5'6 WEIGHT: 154lb EYES: Hazel HAIR: Light Brown SKIN: Caucasian FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown KNOWN TRAITS: Desperate...
  10. S

    DEATH COMPANY [Rouge Outlaw Commandos]

    [THEME] The Imps and Sith sent us all to hell. But we are going even deeper. We aren’t interested in greater good. We have no need for just causes. We have no codes of vainglorious honor. Only revenge. Only our justice. We are a company of the dead. Come back to take back everything that we...
  11. Velen Zaz

    Velen Zaz "IIG-09 First Order Defect and Outlaw on the run

    Velen Zaz “IIG-09” NAME: Give Velen Zaz “IIG-09 FACTION:First Order (Previously" RANK: SPECIES:Bakaran AGE:72 Which is fairly young for this race. SEX:Male HEIGHT:5’11 WEIGHT:189lb EYES: Gray HAIR: Trimmed Swept Back Blonde Hair SKIN: White,Light Tan FORCE SENSITIVE: Unknown...
  12. Loske Treicolt

    Which is the wrong side of the tracks?

    Hey hi hey hi! Looking to mingle with some of the more scruffy-lookin' nerf-herder crowd! Loske's story has kept her with pilots and Jedi mostly, and for a more holistic view of the galaxy it'd be cool to run some stories with some more smuggler/spacer/outlaw/underground characters. Folks that...
  13. H3xle

    Carter Pierce

  14. Jem Reglia

    Jem Reglia

    -GENERAL INFORMATION- Name - Jem Reglia Species - Human [Coruscant] Sex - [F] Age - 21 Height - 5'3 Weight - 126 lbs Eyes - Brown Hair - Dark Brown [Really Short Or None] Skin - Light Occupation - Smuggler Faction - N/A Rank - N/A Force Sensitive - Not...
  15. King Iedolas Solidor

    ACT III: A Protectorate Story

    Location: Somewhere in the Unknown Regions It was interesting how technology worked in his opinion. He was someone that had no idea how to even make his old ship from working and now there he was, sitting in a comfortable chair in the safety of the private chamber in Enfer on Kaikielius. His...
  16. Ursula Vizla

    Crime can pay A LOT

    As they walked past many guards, servants, jesters, court members and common outlaws, Ursula nodded to each of them. Working with and for Hutts was what she did, she had done works for the Anjiliac for many years now, walking alongside the gunslinger all the way to the hangars of the huge...
  17. Tan'yill Vizsla

    Smugglers and other outlaws

    I've been slowly thinking about getting Tan into some sort of loose connected smugglers or other outlaw group, not too big and not too tight as I want it to fit with her torned background and personality as mostly a lone-wolf. It might be a challenge but I realy want her more active than she is...
  18. Ashelia Solidor

    One way ticket to hell

    Soon after they left the Smuggler’s Run, Ashelia and the others went to her ship waiting at the hangar, and while most smugglers prefered to use small and capable ships for taking their products, hers was one of the biggest ones in all the asteroid. A old beauty from MandalMotors, a Tu5k-Class...
  19. Jay Ryko

    Jay Ryko

    Jay Ryko NAME: Jay "Rocket" Ryko Aliases: Mutt, Rocket FACTION: None RANK: Outlaw SPECIES: Human/Unkown Hybrid AGE: 19 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6"1 ft WEIGHT: 160 lbs EYES: Blue HAIR: White SKIN: Pale FORCE SENSITIVE: No...
  20. Zeb

    Character  Zeb

    NAME: Zebadiah FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: TA4 Ultra Battle Droid AGE: 47 GSY SEX: Masculine Programming HEIGHT: 2.0m WEIGHT: 290kg EYES: Orange Photoreceptors HAIR: Silky smooth, platinum blond. SKIN: Metallic, sorta. FORCE SENSITIVE: N/A ---------------------------------- STRENGTHS...
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