Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kanjarr Xoth



    • Faction: Independent
    • Species: Falleen
    • Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 36 GSY
    • Height: 2.01 Meters
    • Weight: 90 kg
    • Hair: Brown
    • Eyes: Yellow
    • Skin: Green (Natural); Varied (pigmentation shifts)
    • Voice: Timothy Dalton as Rassilon

  • Kanjarr Xoth was born to the lower castes of Falleen society, being born on Nar Shaddaa rather than the Falleen homeworld. While many outsiders were familiar with Princes like Xizor, Kanjarr's own parents came from a more lowly merchant caste. Growing up, Kanjarr was constantly reminded of his place in society and the limited opportunities available to him. He yearned for a way out of his situation and dreamed of a life of wealth and freedom from his lot in life. Thankfully, the Smuggler's Moon had plenty of opportunity.

    Determined to escape the constraints of his caste, Kanjarr turned to smuggling after running away from home and joining a smuggling crew. He quickly learned the ins and outs of the trade and became adept at avoiding authorities and rival smugglers. However, Kanjarr's ambitions soon outgrew the limited profits of smuggling.

    Kanjarr, and a crew of like-minded individuals, mutined against the smuggler captain. The comrades began raiding cargo ships throughout the galaxy, comandeering an old Sphyrna-class corvette as their own. Kanjarr quickly gained a reputation as a ruthless and cunning pirate. Admist all the war and chaos in the Galaxy, Kanjarr and his crew took the opportunity to plunder what they could. They now lurk in the starpaths that streak the Outer Rim, edging ever closer to the Rimworld League's borders.

    • Falleen Physiology: Due to his Falleen heritage, Kanjarr has increased agility; an ability to hold his breath underwater for longer than humanly possible; and a greater chance to resist Force mind tricks.
    • Pheromones: Similar to Zeltron, Kanjarr and his species have the ability to exude mind-altering pheromones. Meant to attract mates, these scents can affect non-Falleen should their willpower prove weak enough.
    • Disciplined: Culturally, Kanjarr has followed the tenets of self-discipline over his emotions. He is not one who easily gives his passionate emotions, exhibiting an almost zen-like control of himself.

    • Remorseless: Despite his control over his emotions, the pirate is nonetheless ruthless. In fact, he will operate with cruel efficiency, with unfazed malevolence.
    • Superiority Complex: Because of certain cultural norms in Falleen society, Kanjarr views most non-Falleen as inferior beings. The only ones who are exceptions are his crew, but he does not tolerate repeated failure or outbursts.
    • Greed: Possibly intoxicated from being liberated from the castes, Kanjarr has an avaricious nature. To own all the things that we denied to him because of circumstance of birth.




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