Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion, uprising, or insurrection is a refusal of obedience or order. It refers to the open resistance against the orders of an established authority.A rebellion originates from a sentiment of indignation and disapproval of a situation and then manifests itself by the refusal to submit or to obey the authority responsible for this situation.
Rebellion can be individual or collective, peaceful (civil disobedience, civil resistance, and nonviolent resistance) or violent (terrorism, sabotage and guerrilla warfare).In political terms, rebellion and revolt are often distinguished by their different aims. If rebellion generally seeks to evade and/or gain concessions from an oppressive power, a revolt seeks to overthrow and destroy that power, as well as its accompanying laws. The goal of rebellion is resistance while a revolt seeks a revolution. As power shifts relative to the external adversary, or power shifts within a mixed coalition, or positions harden or soften on either side, an insurrection may seesaw between the two forms.

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  1. Jacen Voidstalker

    First Order Win Rebellion of Kaeshana

    The First Order have been declared victors of the Rebellion of Kaeshana This ended up a slightly exhausting campaign over four weeks, but I think everyone had a great deal of fun with this after a manic start! Congratulations to the First Order on their victory, the judging came right down to...
  2. L

    Independence Day (Royal House of Alderaan vs Mandalorian Clans of Alderaan)

    Location: Alderaan //Sent Via HoloNet //Recipients: Alor Council [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Arrbi Betna"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] //CC: Mand'alor [member="Vilaz Munin"] Given the Destabilization of the Mandalorian Clans infrastructure and the dissipation of their influence over...
  3. L

    Independence Day OOC The Rebellion of the Royal House of Alderaan vs the Mandalorian Clans OOC Thread. LINK TO IC THREAD Given the Mandalorian Clans request to be removed, The Royal House of Alderaan is declaring themselves independent of the Mandalorian Clans and...
  4. Dish

    Approved NPC  Derkolo Unit

    Name: Derkolo Unit Intent: Unite, Resist, Rebel (Provide NPC Support, Train wide-eyed idealists into hardened insurgents) Affiliation: The Rebellion, DG-52 Availability: Unique Quality: A Type: Special Forces, "Advisory" Unit Strength: 5 Description: A unit composed exclusively of veterans...
  5. Jessica Med-Beq

    Approved Starship  Alexandria-class stealth carrier

    Image Source: Affiliation: Commonwealth Manufacturer: Ringovinda StarYards Model: Alexandria-class stealth carrier Modularity: No Production: Limited Material: Alusteel/turadium hull, quadanium frame Classification: Stealth...
  6. Miss Blonde

    Glory to the Commonwealth OOC [Black Tie Syndicate Rebellion of Commonwealth Alexandria]

    I want a clean fight now! No rough housing! Everyone walk don't run! And be sure to drink plenty of water! But in all seriousness this is the ooc thread for the Rebellion have fun and stay classy.
  7. Miss Blonde

    Glory to the Commonwealth [BTS Rebellion of Commonwealth Alexandria]

    Glory To The Commonwealth Failure. It was never a good feeling or situation. It was a constant reminder that you weren't good enough, that you just couldn't quite make the cut. Failure was a real queen and it sucked. Of courts Miss Blonde was no stranger to failure, from the Black Tie...
  8. Xandyr

    Kaeshana Fleeting

    Original Post Fleet Lists Galactic Alliance: [member="Kyrana Gould"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Vilin"] [member="Alexandra Morrow"] [member="Talyn Krane"] [member="Lily Kilia"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] First Order: [member="Basileus Isauros"] [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]...
  9. Tegaea Alcori

    Casus Belli (Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance vs First Order Rebellion of Kaeshana) OOC THREAD [member="Darth Vitium"] could you please change this thread and the one linked above to Rebellion? War has come between the GA and FO! Since both dominions finished so near in...
  10. Tegaea Alcori

    Casus Belli (Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance vs First Order Rebellion of Kaeshana)

    (The First Order and Galactic Alliance Dominions finished within half hour of each other. Therefore there is a rebellion settled on the planet of Kaeshana.) Long simmering tensions had come to a head on the Eldorai homeworld of Kaeshana. There the First Order and Galactic Alliance, eager to...
  11. Kira Vaal

    Rebel Scum.

    The Daalang System. Cosiv Asteroid Field. ------------------------------------------------ “You sure this is the place?” Kira sat with her feet up on the console of the Falcon’s controls. The YT itself had been power down and anchored to one of the larger asteroids in the field that she had...
  12. P

    Rebellion Of Atrisia OOC

    The Full Reach Of Law has reached the point where a rebellion can be done. The Dominion will be rebelling against the Galactic Alliance to decide the fate of Atrisia and its nearby worlds. Force storms are currently surging through the system, and will continue to do so for sometime. Travel...
  13. S

    The Full Reach of Law (GA Dominion of Atrisia Hex)

    (ooc: thread of origin: You receive a priority alert on your data pad. A cadre of Sith warships have been spotted in orbit around Atrisia. SIS agents report more are on the surface. Task Force Fondor is already...
  14. Velok the Younger

    The Sith Order - Rebellion of the Sith Worlds Hex (OSJ)

    So our little Sith crew (The Sith Order, formerly labeled 'Nothing To See Here') has accumulated a surprising amount of momentum. We took stock of our IC assets, motivations, and numbers, and as a faction we decided to swing for the bleachers. I'm sure this comes as zero surprise to the SSC/OSJ...
  15. cheshire_kitty

    Symphony of Steel [The Iron Empire's Rebellion of the One Sith controlled Csilla]

    As the One Sith crumbles, the galaxy burns. Refusing to quietly disappear into the shadows, and releasing their tyrannical grip on the core, the Dark Council has called for mass extermination. For the mighty Sith war machine to set its sights on their own realm. A wave of death, and destruction...
  16. cheshire_kitty

    The Iron Empire's Rebellion of the One Sith controlled Csilla - OOC Thread

    We’ve been in contact with the One Sith’s FO, [member="Darth Ophidia"], with the idea for doing this rebellion for a while now. So, this thread will serve as the OOC thread for the Iron Empire’s Rebellion of the One Sith world of Csilla. If any faction wishes to aid us in defending the people...
  17. Julius Sedaire

    The Times, They Are A Changin [Corellia Rebellion OOC]

    Thread can be found here. Questions asked here. Whilst there aren't really rules to this sort of things, we encourage people to keep their issues between themselves and minimally dramatic in nature. If you must have a mediator, please send a PM to myself and/or [member="Darth Ophidia"]. If we...
  18. Julius Sedaire

    The Times, They Are A Changin... [Corellian League Rebellion of Corellia]

    Rebellion Of Corellia Location: The Rusty Spanner Cantina, Coronet City, Corellia Objective: Aimin to misbehave OOC THREAD "So what was it like back then? Before they came? Was the planet really whole? Were we really free?" Julius looked at the young man in front of him and sighed...
  19. Aithne Charr

    Csillia Rebellion by the Pentastar Alignment.

    Hello, All, Today I have a small announcement for you. The Pentastar Alignment will be doing a Rebellion on the One Sith on September 30th. Now, chosen as a way to give the One Sith a good send off party, while allowing a stronger base for the story of the Pentastar Alignment, this was chosen...
  20. Matsu Ike

    The Silver Jedi Come (Dominion of Malachor V + Sith Order Rebellion) This had been a long time in the making, small prep here and there but Matsu had been waiting, with the thought imposing through of the sith at Ruusan they needed to be safe and protect themselves with a bulwark which...
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