Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion, uprising, or insurrection is a refusal of obedience or order. It refers to the open resistance against the orders of an established authority.A rebellion originates from a sentiment of indignation and disapproval of a situation and then manifests itself by the refusal to submit or to obey the authority responsible for this situation.
Rebellion can be individual or collective, peaceful (civil disobedience, civil resistance, and nonviolent resistance) or violent (terrorism, sabotage and guerrilla warfare).In political terms, rebellion and revolt are often distinguished by their different aims. If rebellion generally seeks to evade and/or gain concessions from an oppressive power, a revolt seeks to overthrow and destroy that power, as well as its accompanying laws. The goal of rebellion is resistance while a revolt seeks a revolution. As power shifts relative to the external adversary, or power shifts within a mixed coalition, or positions harden or soften on either side, an insurrection may seesaw between the two forms.

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  1. Fatty

    Meet The Oversector Coalition! - Belsavis Rebellion

    Greetings Galactic Alliance members! I am Fatty, and I've been for the last week and a half creating a well organized rebellion. Since you are the only faction willing to go to Tier Three, you became a prime target for our insurrection, and we've come up with a compelling story which connects...
  2. Mantic Dorn

    Where the streets are wild [GR dominion for Denon]

    DENON Where the streets are wild Denon, a world covered in its massive city had been caught cut off from the Republic after the loss of Contruum. With a stabile governement and a massive economy Denon held out for a long time on its own. But the planet soon found itself in a sector with...
  3. Jacen Voidstalker

    The Galactic Alliance Dominion of Belsavis

    Objective B The tomb was deep beneath a thick crust of ice. It hadn’t been exposed for over a thousand years, but a shifting glacier had revealed it not that long ago. Unfortunately the Alliance hadn’t even existed at the time. Qorbin Fal had been here with his Vanguard. The brief skirmish in...
  4. Darth Ophidia

    Sith Assassins Rebellion of Dromund Kaas

    "I'm not sure I like the look of that swamp" - Mara Jade on Dromund Kaas. Drommund Kaas was once the capitol planet of the Sith Empire. It was place dedicated to the dark side of the Force. Since then, it has fallen into disarray and disuse, becoming a shadow of its former self. Now, the Jedi...
  5. Quil Sato

    Red Squadrons first flight

    Quil stared into the wasteland of the rebel base, he watched and remembered that he was the only one staring at the Naboo starfighter that Anakin Skywalker fought the trade federation in. He took a sip of coffee. He looked through the list of the new and more powerful X-wings. and walked to...
  6. Mirror Emperor

    Act 2: The Spark of Revolution

    Act 2 starts Sunday the 22nd! The Empire is built on a foundation of lies and must fall. The peace is a lie. The Empire is a lie. It must all come crashing down to bring freedom to the Galaxy. ~ This Sunday writers will be sent on one of three missions (both PvE and PvP based) to...
  7. RebelCommando

    ADL Area Denial Liquid

    Intent: To create a weapon that denies the Empire use of it's walkers. Manufacturer: Various Model: Various Affiliation: Rebel Alliance Modularity: No Production: Limited Material: Ambori, Gloop weapons. Description: Created by accident, the Rebellion discovered that by mixing in Ambori with...
  8. Wan Min Brightsky

    Join the Rebel Alliance!

    To All Concerned Citizens: Do you want to stand up and make a difference? Do you want to fight injustice and help topple repressive empires? Have you dreamed of a galaxy not dominated by large corporations, corrupt bureaucrats and their politician lapdogs? If so, the Rebel Alliance is looking...
  9. Kamon Vondiranach

    Approved Starship  The Prometheus Latch

    Image Source: Affiliation: Caaithiel Deschart Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation Model: Amathia-class Corvette Modularity: No Production: Unique Material: Titanium reinforced Drasteel, Transparisteel, Ciridium Classification: Transport Corvette...
  10. Kamon Vondiranach

    Approved Starship  Amathia-class Corvette

    Image Source: Affiliation: Republic/Rebellion Manufacturer: Eshan Industrial Corporation Model: Amathia-class Corvette Modularity: No Production: Mass Material: Titanium reinforced Drasteel, Transparisteel, Ciridium...
  11. Ashin Varanin

    The Cat's Away (Coruscant undercity raid - OPEN)

    Word on the street is, the One Sith and the Republic have each other's attention at Kashyyyk and in the Deep Core, gearing up for invasion or already at loggerheads. Word on the street is, there's fighting underway, and the big names are out of town. Word on the street is, join the mob of...
  12. Geneviève Lasedri

    A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens OOC thread]

    This is the official OOC discussion thread for the fight on Makeb, featuring the home team - Red Ravens - and the away team - Rebel Alliance. There will be three primary objectives, though everyone is welcome to go on their own little rampage if they...
  13. Geneviève Lasedri

    A Whisper and a Clamor [Rebels vs. Ravens on Makeb]

    Please Read the Official Skirmish OOC Thread Location: Westwater, en route to the resort Objective: Get this party started Allies: TBD Enemies: TBD The final YT-2400 freighter touched down on the dusty pad on the outskirts of Westwater, Makeb, its occupants including one of the galaxy's most...
  14. Geneviève Lasedri

    The Rebel Alliance: Hammer and Sickle Edition

    JOIN NOW, COMRADE SELECTIVISM READ THIS FIRST: OK, so now that I've got your attention... No, the Rebel Alliance is not a Communist faction. However, that does not mean that certain sects (especially in the leadership) are not pushing a socialist agenda. Yeah, yeah, joke all you want...
  15. Jorus Merrill

    Deep Black Sea II: By the Pitiless Stars (sign up or ask)

    "...and the things you've done. By the pitiless stars, the things you've done." ~ Dooku, while mindfrakking Asajj Ventress Crew Roster The Ship L.S.S. Baobab, MC-42 Ruisto-class 344 metres long, crew of 650 Slightly undergunned, heavily shielded, very fast Advanced sensors, navigation...
  16. Geneviève Lasedri

    Looking for a home? Hiring smugglers and engineers

    The Rebel Alliance is looking for some help in the fight against Imperialism, slavery, and the Sithies. We are--of course--always looking for pilots, fleet crews, spies, and marines to join in the fight. However, there is a current need for smugglers and engineers in our fight for freedom...
  17. Jorus Merrill

    The Underground - Rebellion With 100% More Smugglers

    Join The Underground Who We Fight The ancient Rebel Alliance was just that -- an alliance of like-minded groups, often with decentralized leadership. Today, instead of a single Galactic Empire, oppression and exploitation have many faces: the One Sith, the Lords of the Fringe, the Abrion...
  18. 2

    A Alderaan Rebellion (Alderaan Freedom Fighters, One Sith)

    What is up guys, this is a call out to those willing to help begin a Rebellion, and those willing to oppose the Rebellion, so basically I am calling out all you One SIth that destroyed Alderaan's glory, and to those who wish to help get back the planet. The main idea is that the Rebellion will...
  19. V

    Is that a Fruit?{Smuggling Weapons to Sith Controlled Asahi}

    Asahi. It sounded like some squishy berry from some far off world. The Glaucus smuggler said the word out loud, trying to pronounce the planet correctly. Leaning back in the pilot's seat with his hands resting behind his crown of a head he swiveled back and forth whistling a tune. He could...
  20. Corvetta Salvo

    Shippin' My Pants [Rebel Alliance/Imperial Remnant]

    It had been a while since Corvetta had flown a real 'nailbiter'. Smuggling these days was a little hit-and-miss, to say the least. But it seemed like the Lost Cause crew had been launched into the deep end when the spunky pilot had accepted the job without actually asking her friends if they...
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